| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 31-34 |
Miscellany, 1875-1925
Notes, invitations, certificates and awards, and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject. |
BOX 31 |
Affidavit of Bartlett's birth |
BOX 31 |
Altar of liberty |
BOX 31 |
Bartlett, Truman Howe |
BOX 31 |
Camouflage |
BOX 31 |
Chicago World's Fair, Chicago, Ill., 1893
BOX 31 |
Committee of One Hundred |
BOX 31 |
Correspondents other than Bartlett |
BOX 31 |
Costa, Joachim |
BOX 31 |
"Dix Contes" |
(2 folders) |
BOX 32 |
Genealogy |
(2 folders) |
BOX 32 |
Invitations |
(4 folders) |
BOX 33 |
Notebooks |
BOX 33 |
Notes, cards, and other items |
(2 folders) |
BOX 33 |
Passport |
BOX 33 |
Patinas |
BOX 33 |
Reconstruction of France and Belgium
BOX 33 |
Sculptors |
BOX 33 |
List of American sculptors |
BOX 33 |
List of articles |
BOX 34 |
Studios |
BOX 34 |
Paris, France |
BOX 34 |
Washington, D.C. |
BOX 34 |
War memorial |
BOX 34 |
Waters, Sadie |
BOX 34 |
Writings by others |
BOX 34-42 |
Printed Matter, 1886-1959
Newspaper clippings and articles. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX 34 |
American Society Legion of Honor Magazine-"Bartlett," American Magazine of Art (4 folders1 |
BOX 35 |
Brown, Henry Kirke-Shardy, Henry Merwin |
(35 folders) |
BOX 36 |
Smith, E. Baldwin-World War I |
(10 folders) |
BOX 36 |
Miscellany |
(3 folders) |
BOX 37 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 38 |
(7 folders) |
BOX 39 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 40 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 41 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 42 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 43-54 |
Truman Howe Bartlett Papers, 1881-1922
Correspondence, lecture notes and articles, scrapbooks, and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. |
BOX 43 |
Correspondence |
BOX 43 |
"A-B" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Bowditch, Alfred and Mary |
(2 folders) |
BOX 43 |
"C-F" miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield |
BOX 43 |
Frémiet, Emmanuel |
BOX 43 |
"G-M" miscellaneous |
(5 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Millet, Jean Francois |
BOX 43 |
"O-R" miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Rodin, Auguste |
BOX 43 |
"S-W" miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
BOX 43 |
Warner, Olin Lavi |
BOX 43 |
Washington, Booker T. |
BOX 43 |
Unidentified |
BOX 44 |
Lectures and notes |
BOX 44 |
Art versus subject |
BOX 44 |
Aubé, Jean Paul |
(2 folders) |
BOX 44 |
Brooks, Philip |
BOX 44 |
Chickering and Colonial Halls |
BOX 44 |
Common artist |
BOX 44 |
Equestrian statues |
BOX 44 |
Frémiet, Emmanuel |
(5 folders) |
BOX 45 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 45 |
"The Ghost Dancer" |
BOX 45 |
Greek art |
BOX 45 |
Horses |
BOX 45 |
Hotchkiss, T. H. |
BOX 45 |
Houdon, Jean |
BOX 45 |
Imagination |
BOX 45 |
"Lafayette" |
BOX 45 |
Legros |
BOX 45 |
Life, living models, men and animals, and
effect of memory |
BOX 45 |
Lincoln, Abraham |
(2 folders) |
BOX 45 |
Lowell, James Russell |
BOX 46 |
"Michelangelo" |
BOX 46 |
Modeling, execution, light and touch in
sculpturing |
BOX 46 |
"Observations to the students" |
BOX 46 |
"Originality in Art" |
BOX 46 |
"Personality of the Artist" |
BOX 46 |
Rimmer, William |
BOX 46 |
Rodin, Auguste |
(5 folders) |
BOX 47 |
Saint-Gaudens, August, autobiography |
(3 folders) |
BOX 47 |
Sculpture of Truman Howe Bartlett |
(2 folders) |
BOX 47 |
Simplicity, symmetry, harmony, rhythm,
beauty, and motive of art |
BOX 47 |
Style, originality |
BOX 47 |
Subject, conception |
BOX 47 |
"Suggestiveness of a Statue" |
BOX 47 |
Vedder, Elihu |
BOX 47 |
Ward, John Quincy Adams |
(2 folders) |
BOX 47 |
Warner, Olin Lavi |
BOX 47 |
Whitman, Walt |
BOX 48 |
Miscellaneous notes |
(9 folders) |
BOX 48 |
Scrapbook |
(1 folder) |
BOX 49 |
(1 folder) |
BOX 49 |
Family Bibles |
(2 vols.) |
BOX 50 |
Printed matter (alphabetical by subject, topic,
or title) |
BOX 50 |
"About Monuments"-Matthews, Brander |
(31 folders) |
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