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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
European treaties bearing on the history of the United States See also Containers 74-75, Frances G. Davenport
Evans, Lawrence B., 1905-1926
Everts, W. W., 1920
Fairbanks, Isaiah, genealogy
BOX 81 Farnam, Henry W., 1914-1928
Farr, Shirley, 1920-1928
Farr Fellowship, 1924-1936
Farragut ship Hartford, 1914
Farrand, Max, 1895-1908 See also Container 95, Huntington Library
BOX 82 Faunce, William H. P., 1900-1925
Faust, Albert B., 1901-1927 See also Container 89, Swiss and Austrian archives
Fay, Bernard, 1919-1927
Fay, Sidney B., 1898-1928
Federal Convention of 1787, circa 1900-1910
Fellows, George E., 1901, 1924
Ferguson, W. S., 1912
Fesler, Mayo, 1902-1918
Fess, Samuel D., 1907-1908
Fess, Simeon D., 1922-1925
Fetherstonhaugh, Jane, 1927
Fetter, Frank A., 1904, 1921, 1927
Filene, Edward A., 1927
Finley, John, 1914-1925
Firth, Charles Harding , 1896-1923
BOX 83 Fish, Carl Russell, 1907-1910 See also Container 52, London Headquarters; and Container 88, Italian archives
Fish, Stuyvesant, 1915
"Fisher" miscellaneous (includes George P. Fisher and Richard D. Fisher), 1896-1897, 1907-1908
Fisher, Ruth Anna, 1923-1925
Fiske, John, 1895, 1898
Fitzmaurice, Lord, 1921-1924
Fitzpatrick, John C., 1910-1925
FitzRoy, Almeric, 1910 See also Container 120, Privy Council
Fleming, Walter L., 1905-1927
Flexner, Abraham, 1888, 1925
Flick, Alexander C., 1924, 1928
Fling, Fred M., 1904-1914
Flippin, Percy S., 1922
Florida, East, 1912
Florida, West, 1907
Florida State Historical Society, 1922-1928
Folwell, William W., 1925
"For" miscellaneous (includes Harriette M. Forbes, Grant Foreman, Foreign Policy Association, and Forum Magazine), 1910, 1923-1928
Ford, Guy Stanton, 1914-1926
BOX 84 Ford, Paul Leicester, 1890-1900
Ford, Worthington C., 1891-1935 See also Container 108, Library of Congress; and Container 111, Massachusetts Historical Society
(2 folders)
Fordyce, John R., 1927
Foreign government serial publications, 1926
Foreign transcripts, 1904-1926
Forrest, George W., 1914
Forster, Henry A., 1923-1927
Forsyth High School, Forsyth, Ga., 1925
Fortescue, John W., 1922
Fosdick, Raymond B., 1926
Foster, Herbert D., 1914-1928
BOX 85 Foster, William E., 1904-1928
"Foster" miscellaneous (includes F. H. Foster, John W. Foster, Roger Foster, and William Davis Foster), 1897-1899, 1909-1918
Foulke, William Dudley, 1919-1923
Fox, Dixon Ryan, 1921-1928
Fox, J. Sharpless, 1905-1907
Fox, Stella R., 1903
Franz, Alexander, 1909
Fraser, Alexander, 1910, 1912
Fredericq, Paul, 1882-1916
Freeman, Edward Augustus, including letter to Edwin F. Gay, 1923
"Fre" miscellaneous
French War Orphans, 1917
Friedenwald, Herbert, 1899
Friedman, W. F., 1925
Fries, Adelaide L., 1910-1923 See also Container 116, North Carolina currency
Friis, Aage, 1927
Fryer, C. E., 1905
Fuess, Claude M., 1921-1925
Fukada, Tokuzo, 1927
Fuller, George N., 1913
Funck-Brentano, Franz, 1904-1905
Gabbrielli, Guilio, 1906
Galbraith, Esther, 1920-1924
Ganshof, F. L., 1922
Gardiner, H. N., 1881-1925
Gardiner, Samuel, 1894, 1899
Gardiner, W. H., 1917
Gardner, Henry B., 1888-1919
Gardner, Washington, 1904
Garner, James W.
Garner, Mrs. B. M.
Garnett, J. M.
Garrison, Curtis W., includes letters to Leo Francis Stock, 1934-1936, 1942
Garrison, George P., 1899-1907
Gaspee, Rhode Island, transcripts of colonial correspondence
Gay, Edwin F., 1905-1923
Gay, H. Nelson, 1906-1921
Genealogy, 1906-1927
BOX 86 Genet, George C., 1898-1899
Gentleman's Magazine, 1921
Geography and history, 1901-1908
George Washington Bicentennial Commission, 1929-1931
George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1909-1913
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1906-1911
Georgia Historical Society, 1897-1926
Gerould, James Thayer, 1927
Ghent, Treaty of
Gibbons, James, 1906-1920
Gibson, Hugh, 1917
Gilbert, G. A., 1897-1898
Gilbert, Walter M., 1910-1927
Gilder, Richard W., 1901
Gillett, Frederick H., 1912
Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1882-1902
Ginn & Co. 1901
Gipson, L. H., 1927
Gleason, Helen B., 1925
Glenn, James R., 1921
Godard, George S., 1915
Godkin, E. L., 1885
Goebel, Julius, 1910, 1922
Golder, Frank A., 1905-1925 See also Container 89, Russian archives
(2 folders)
Gooch, G. P., 1927
Goodell, Abner C., 1882-1896
Goodell, Leon J., 1919
Goodman, Nathan G., 1925
BOX 87 Goodnow, Frank J., 1883, 1885, 1905
Goodspeed" miscellaneous (includes Edward J. Goodspeed, George S. Goodspeed, and T. W. Goodspeed), 1901-1909
Goodwin, Leonidas Cardinal, 1916
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