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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
Kidder, A. V., including correspondence with Leo Francis Stock, 1929-1948
Kimball, Edith, 1910-1912
Kimball, Gertrude S. and Edith, 1903-1911
"King" miscellaneous (includes Florence King, and Grace King), 1898-1899, 1922, 1934
Kingman, Abner, 1918
Kingsbury, Susan M., 1906-1913
Kingsford, William, 1896-1897
Kirchway, George, 1895, 1907
Kittridge, George L., 1912, 1917
Kline, Allen M., 1920
Klingberg, Frank J., 1916-1926
Knaplund, Paul, 1926
Knight, G. W., 1903
Knight, Mrs. J. W., 1925
BOX 101 Knights of Columbus, 1923
Knopf, Alfred, 1926
Knowlton, Daniel C., 1925
Knox, Frances, 1901, 1902
Knox College, Galena, Ill., 1926
Koht, Halvdan, 1909, 1912
Konkle, Burton A., 1910-1936
Koontz, L. K., 1935
Koopman, H. L., 1904-1925
Korff, Baron S. A., 1919?
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz
Koser, Reinhold, 1906-1907
Krehbiel, Edward B., 1903-1925
Krey, A. C., 1927
Kriehn, George, 1899-1904
"La" miscellaneous, includes Hammond Lamont, Robert Lansing, Claude S. Larzelere, and J. J. Lalor
Labadists, includes correspondence with Bartlett B. James, 1912
Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1927
Lamprecht, Karl, 1906-1907
Land Office, general, 1913
Landis, Charles B., 1908
Lane, W. C., 1910
Langdon, W. C., 1927
Langlois, Charles V., 1904-1915
Lanier, Charles D., 1904
Lappo-Danilevskil, Alexander, 1914, 1918
Larson, Laurence M., 1915, 1919
Latane, John H., 1908-1928
Latourette, Kenneth S., 1917-1928
La Tremoille, 1904
Laughlin, J. Lawrence, 1899-1900
Laura Spellman Rockefeller Memorial, 1926
Laut, Agnes C., 1905-1906
Lauvriere, Emile de, includes correspondence with Nettie H. Beauregard, 1927
Law, American
Lawford, J. W., includes correspondence with Arthur O. Lovejoy, 1883-1905, 1917
BOX 102 Lea, Arthur, 1910
Lea, Henry C., 1895-1904
League of American Pen Women, 1924
Learned, Henry B., 1906-1910
Learned, Marion D., 1910-1927
(2 folders)
Lecky, W. E. H., 1898, undated
Leconfield, Lord, 1896
Lee, Sidney, 1904-1922
Legler, Henry F., 1909-1913
Leland, Waldo Gifford See also Container 48, American Historical Association; Container 88, French archives; Container 90, Washington, D.C. archives; Container 110, Andrew C. McLaughlin; and Container 115, National Board for Historical Service
General, 1905-1935
(2 folders)
BOX 103 Correspondence with Andrew C. McLaughlin and Jameson
(6 folders)
BOX 104 1909-1914
(6 folders)
BOX 105 1915-1923
(9 folders)
BOX 106 1924-1928
(3 folders)
Correspondence with Abel Doysie and Mme Autissler, 1908-1915 See also Container 79, Abel Doysie
Alphabetical file
BOX 107 1909-1915
(3 folders)
Correspondence with Bernard Fay, 1920
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1926-1930
(4 folders)
Undated and incomplete correspondence
BOX 108 Leon, Ponce de, 1923
Leonard, George Hare, 1921-1922
LeRoy, Mrs. James A., 1913
Lesh, John A., 1912
Letters of members of the Continental Congress, 1910-1935
Levermore, Charles H., 1883-1924
Libbie, C. F., & Co., 1911
Libby, O. G., 1896-1916
Library of Congress
General, 1897-1935
Manuscripts Division, includes correspondence of Andrew C. McLaughlin and Leo Francis Stock, 1904-1928, 1942 See also Container 84, Worthington C. Ford
Lincoln, Abraham, death of
Lincoln, Charles H., 1896-1924 See also Container 72, Colonial Dames of America
(2 folders)
Lincoln, G. Russell, 1912
BOX 109 Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1898-1902
Lincoln, Waldo, 1910
Lindley, Harlow, 1905-1923
Lingelbach, William F., 1905-1926
Lloyd, Malcolm, 1923
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1905-1912
Lodge, Sir Richard, 1928
Loeb, Isidor, 1905
Lomas, Ethel M., undated
London, University of, London, England, 1919-1926
London Times, 1925
Lonn, Ella, 1922, 1927
Lord, Arthur, 1920-1921
Lord, Eleanor, 1928
Lord, Robert, 1917
Lothrop, Thornton K., 1896
Louisiana history, 1906-1923
Lounsbury, J. R., 1896
Louvain, University of, Louvain, Belgium, 1919
Low, T. H., 1919
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 1896-1904
Lowry, Edward G., 1909-1917
Lubimenko, L., 1926
"Lu-Ly" miscellaneous
Lyman, George D., 1925
Lyon, D. G., 1912
McAdoo Clubs, 1924
McCain, Henry P. , 1912 See also Container 134, War Department
McCaleb, Walter F., 1899-1915
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