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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
O'Daniel, V. F., 1916
O'Hagan, Thomas, 1916
Ogg, Frederick A., 1926-1928
BOX 117 Ohio Valley Historical Association, 1909
Olds, F. A., 1906
Oman, C. W. C., 1915
Oncken, Hermann, 1905, 1910
Oppenheim, Samuel, 1926
Oregon Historical Society, 1905-1924
Original Narratives of Early American History (edited by Jameson), 1902-1918
Osgood, Herbert L., includes correspondence with Dixon Ryan Fox, 1895-1918 See also Container 116, New York State Library
Ostrogorski, M., 1896-1899
Oswald, Richard O., 1921
"Ox-Ow" miscellaneous (includes Outlook)
Packard, Laurence, 1923, 1926
Page, Thomas Nelson, 1891
Paine, Nathaniel, 1896-1902
Pais, Ettore, 1904-1912
Palen, Lewis S., 1924
Pallen, Conde B., 1921
Paltsits, Victor, 1899-1928 See also Container 116, New York Public Library
Pan American Union, correspondence with L. S. Rowe, 1923-1927
Pares, Bernard, 1924
"Park-Parker" miscellaneous
Parker, David W., 1908-1929 See also Container 67, Canada, public archives; and Container 88, Canadian archives
(3 folders)
BOX 118 Parkman Centennial Committee, correspondence with Samuel J. Burpee, secretary, 1923
Debates, 1910, 1927
Proceedings and debates, includes correspondence of Leo Francis Stock with the Clements Library, 1907-1926, 1942
Paltow, L. J.(?), 1924
Parsons, William Barclay, 1912
Pastells, Pablo, 1914
Patterson, Mrs. E. W., 1921
Paterson, Emily King, undated
Paullin, Charles O., 1904-1926 See also Container 57, Atlas of Historical Geography of the United States
(2 folders)
Paxson, Frederic L., 1906-1926 See also Container 88, Great Britain
(2 folders)
BOX 119 Payson, Mrs. Charles S., 1928
Peets, Elbert, 1926
Peggy Stewart (Brig), case of, includes correspondence with Richard D. Fisher, 1905-1906
Peirce, C. S., 1896-1901
Penson, Lillian M., 1925
Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, 1906
Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1914-1927
Pennsylvania State Library, 1906, 1927
Perez, Luis M., 1905-1919 See also Container 88, Cuban Archives; Container 90, West Indies, and Container 93, Roscoe Hill
Percy, Lord Eustace, 1918
Perkins, Dexter, 1911-1929
Perkins, James B., 1895-1897
Perrin, B., 1895-1896
Perry, Ralph Barton, 1898
Perrin, John W., 1897-1905
"Pets-Pez" miscellaneous
Pettibone, John, 1901
Pfister, Albert von, 1905
Plehn, Carl C., 1901, 1890
Phelps, V. V., 1901-1905
Philbrick, Francis S., 1908-1934 See also Container 93, Roscoe Hill
(2 folders)
Phillips, Ulrich B., 1904-1925
Phillips, Edwin, 1926
"Pi" miscellaneous
Pierce, Cornelia M., 1910-1934
Pierce, Edward L., 1896
Pidgin, Charles F., 1908
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y., 1924
Piggott, Sir Francis, 1923-1924
Pinchot, Gifford, 1905, 1924
Pirenna, Henri, 1909-1928
BOX 120 Pittman, Thomas M., 1905
Platner, Samuel Ball, 1906
Pleadwell, F. L., 1925
Plimpton, George A., 1884, 1888
(2 folders)
Pogatschev, Heinrich, 1907
Pohl, Frederick J., 1923
Poindexter, Miles, 1912-1915
Pollard, A. F., 1907-1909
Poland, William Carey, 1917
Poole, Reginald Lane, 1896, 1908
Pope, Jesse, 1925
Porritt, Edward, 1898-1919
Port, F. J., 1922
Porter, Sarah Harvey, 1908
Portugal, 1922
Post Office Department, 1905-1918
Potter, A. K., 1908
Powell, B. E., 1904, 1907
Powell, F. York, 1897
Pratt, Julius W., 1926
Pratt, William, diary of, 1910
Prescott, Mary L., undated
President of the United States, 1910-1926
Prestage, Edgar, 1925, 1928
Princeton University Press, 1926
Privateering and piracy See also Container 72, Colonial Dames
Privy Council Office See also Container 60, Hiram Bingham, and Container 83, Almeric FitzRoy
Prothero, George W., 1898-1920
Providence, R. I.
Prussian Historical Institute, 1906
BOX 121 Prussing, Eugene E., 1918
Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa., 1916, 1922
Public Record Office, London, England, 1890-1923 See also Container 91, Hubert Hall
Puig, Louise M., 1926
Pulitzer Prize, 1926
Purcell, Richard J., 1927
Putnam, Bertha H., 1906-1916
Putnam, Eben, 1923-1928
Putnam, George Haven, 1926-1927
Putnam, George P., Sons, 1895-1901
Putnam, Herbert, 1902-1928
Putnam, Ruth, 1906-1927
Quaife, M. M., 1907-1917
(2 folders)
BOX 122 (4 folders)
BOX 123 (4 folders)
Queries, other than genealogy
BOX 124 Rait, Robert S., 1927
Ramage, Harriet, 1935-1936
Ramage, Helen, 1916
Ramage, Burr, 1904
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