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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
Slave trade, 1912-1930 See also Container 78, Elizabeth Donnan
(2 folders)
Sloane, William M., 1895-1914
Small, W. A., 1900-1903
Small, Willard, 1882
Smith, Goldwin, 1895-1912
Smith, Justin H., 1906-1927 See also Container 88, Mexican Archives
(2 folders)
Smith, W. Roy, 1905-1926
Smith, William, 1915-1919 See also Container 67, Canada, public archives
"Smith" miscellaneous
BOX 129 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1904-1911
Smoot, J. Edward, 1927
Smyth, Clifford, 1927
Snow, Louis F., 1904, 1912
Snyder, Carl, 1915
Social Science Research Council, 1923-1924
Societe des Americanistes, Paris, France, 1919
Society for Americana, 1906
Sons of the Revolution, 1914, 1922
South Australia, Public Library, 1914
South Carolina Historical Society, 1909-1922 See also Container 126, Arthur S. Salley
Southern Idaho Historical Society, 1923
Sparks, Edwin E., 1898-1920
"Sp" miscellaneous (includes Oliver L, Spaulding, Charles W. Spencer, E. E. Sperry, and Kaethe Spiegel), 1908-1911, 1920, 1928
"St" miscellaneous (includes H. B. Stabler, W. G. Stanard, Theodore Stanton, Edward Stanwood, Francis B. Steck, and J. St. Loe Strachey [facsmile]), 1895-1901, 1915, 1923, 1926
State Department, 1896-1928 See also Container 95, Gaillard Hunt
Stearns, F. W., 1920
Steiner, Bernard C. , 1895-1926 See also Container 111, Maryland Historical Society
Stephens, H. Morse, 1895-1919
Stephenson, N. W., 1916-1926
Sterrett, J. R. S., 1896
Stevens, B. F. & Brown,, London, England, 1899, 1900
Stevens, Henry, Son, & Stiles, London, England, 1899, 1900
Stevens, Wayne E., 1921
Stevens index, 1905-1907
Stevenson, Archibald Ewing, 1924
Stevenson, E. L., 1905-1928
Stevenson, Lillian, 1921-1923
Stevenson, R. T., 1904-1907
Stewart, Frank H., 1919
Stimson, Henry L., 1927
BOX 130 Stobo, Robert, 1913-1914
Stock, Leo Francis, 1910-1926 See also Container 56, Archives, National, and Container 115, National Board for Historical Service
(3 folders)
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1922-1928
Stokes, I. N. Phelps, 1911
Stolberg-Wernigerode, Otto zu, 1928
Stone, Alfred H., 1907-1918
Stone, Eugenia E., 1927
Strong, Estelle, 1928
Stuart, Campbell, 1925
Sullivan, James, 1897-1927
Sullivan, Mark, 1927
Sulte, Benjamin, 1897
Sumner, John Osborne, and W. G., 1895-1898, undated
Surrey, Mrs. N. M. Miller, 1917-1926 See also Container 113, Mississippi Valley Calendar
Surgeon general, 1918
Swain, J. E., 1924-1925
Swan, Robert T., 1896-1906
BOX 131 Sweden (Swedish Colonial Society), 1914
Sweet, W. W., 1918-1923
Switzerland, archivists, 1913-1921
Swope, Herbert B., 1925
Takagi, Yasaka, 1921-1927
Tanger, Jacob, 1924
Tansill, Charles C., 1926-1927
Taussig, Frank W., 1888-1906
Taylor" miscellaneous (includes H. C. Taylor, M. V. Taylor, and Raymond G. Taylor), 1901, 1917-1921
Teggart, Frederick J., 1897-1925
Temperley, Harold W. V., 1912-1928
Tennessee Historical Society, 1911, 1920
Terrestial Magnetism, Department of, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1920-1926
Territorial Papers of the United States, publication of, including correspondence with Leo Francis Stock, 1925-1928, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Terry, Benjamin S., 1901-1905
Texas Library and History Commission, 1913
Thatcher, John Boyd, 1903
Thatcher, Oliver J., 1900-1904
Thayer, J. B., 1895
Thayer, W. R., 1895, 1918
Thomas, David Y., 1906-1927
Thorpe, Francis N., 1897, 1910, 1928
Thompson, F. L., 1927
Thompson, James Westfall, 1903-1926
Thompson, Laura (fragment), undated
Thompson, Robert M., 1912
Thomson, J. W., 1905
Thorndike, Lynn, 1919-1921
Thurber, Samuel, 1913
Thurn, Everard, 1927
BOX 132 Thruston, R. C. Ballard, 1915
Thurston, Henry W., and H. E., 1903-1904
Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1897-1912 See also Container 136, Wisconsin, State Historical Society of
Thrift, Miss, 1921
Thurber, Samuel, 1880-1898
Tilghman, Oswald, 1915
Tille, Armin, 1906
Tilton, Asa C., 1912-1920
Tilton, W. F., 1895-1898
Torres, Lanzas, Pedro, 1912
Tout, Thomas F., 1928
"To" miscellaneous
Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky., 1920
Treasury Department, 1907-1915
Treat, Payson J., 1903-1926
Trenholm, Norman M., 1905, 1909
Trent, William P., 1888-1915
Trevelyan, George M., 1920-1924
Trevelyan, George O., 1899-1912
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 1922
Trip, Laman, 1919
Tropical medicine in the United States, 1914
Tryon, R. M., 1926
Turner, Edward Raymond, 1911, 1926
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 1903-1927
Turner, Morris K., 1923
Tuska, Benjamin, 1924, 1925
Tuttle, James E., 1882-1912
Tuyll, Baron F. W. de, 1912
Tyler, Alice, 1928
Tyler, Lyon G., 1895-1914
Tyler, Moses Coit, 1895-1900
BOX 133 Uchida, Guizo, 1918
Underwood, Julia E., 1905
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