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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
South Australia, Public Library, 1914
South Carolina Historical Society, 1909-1922 See also Container 126, Arthur S. Salley
Southern Idaho Historical Society, 1923
Sparks, Edwin E., 1898-1920
"Sp" miscellaneous (includes Oliver L, Spaulding, Charles W. Spencer, E. E. Sperry, and Kaethe Spiegel), 1908-1911, 1920, 1928
"St" miscellaneous (includes H. B. Stabler, W. G. Stanard, Theodore Stanton, Edward Stanwood, Francis B. Steck, and J. St. Loe Strachey [facsmile]), 1895-1901, 1915, 1923, 1926
State Department, 1896-1928 See also Container 95, Gaillard Hunt
Stearns, F. W., 1920
Steiner, Bernard C. , 1895-1926 See also Container 111, Maryland Historical Society
Stephens, H. Morse, 1895-1919
Stephenson, N. W., 1916-1926
Sterrett, J. R. S., 1896
Stevens, B. F. & Brown,, London, England, 1899, 1900
Stevens, Henry, Son, & Stiles, London, England, 1899, 1900
Stevens, Wayne E., 1921
Stevens index, 1905-1907
Stevenson, Archibald Ewing, 1924
Stevenson, E. L., 1905-1928
Stevenson, Lillian, 1921-1923
Stevenson, R. T., 1904-1907
Stewart, Frank H., 1919
Stimson, Henry L., 1927
BOX 130 Stobo, Robert, 1913-1914
Stock, Leo Francis, 1910-1926 See also Container 56, Archives, National, and Container 115, National Board for Historical Service
(3 folders)
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1922-1928
Stokes, I. N. Phelps, 1911
Stolberg-Wernigerode, Otto zu, 1928
Stone, Alfred H., 1907-1918
Stone, Eugenia E., 1927
Strong, Estelle, 1928
Stuart, Campbell, 1925
Sullivan, James, 1897-1927
Sullivan, Mark, 1927
Sulte, Benjamin, 1897
Sumner, John Osborne, and W. G., 1895-1898, undated
Surrey, Mrs. N. M. Miller, 1917-1926 See also Container 113, Mississippi Valley Calendar
Surgeon general, 1918
Swain, J. E., 1924-1925
Swan, Robert T., 1896-1906
BOX 131 Sweden (Swedish Colonial Society), 1914
Sweet, W. W., 1918-1923
Switzerland, archivists, 1913-1921
Swope, Herbert B., 1925
Takagi, Yasaka, 1921-1927
Tanger, Jacob, 1924
Tansill, Charles C., 1926-1927
Taussig, Frank W., 1888-1906
Taylor" miscellaneous (includes H. C. Taylor, M. V. Taylor, and Raymond G. Taylor), 1901, 1917-1921
Teggart, Frederick J., 1897-1925
Temperley, Harold W. V., 1912-1928
Tennessee Historical Society, 1911, 1920
Terrestial Magnetism, Department of, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1920-1926
Territorial Papers of the United States, publication of, including correspondence with Leo Francis Stock, 1925-1928, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Terry, Benjamin S., 1901-1905
Texas Library and History Commission, 1913
Thatcher, John Boyd, 1903
Thatcher, Oliver J., 1900-1904
Thayer, J. B., 1895
Thayer, W. R., 1895, 1918
Thomas, David Y., 1906-1927
Thorpe, Francis N., 1897, 1910, 1928
Thompson, F. L., 1927
Thompson, James Westfall, 1903-1926
Thompson, Laura (fragment), undated
Thompson, Robert M., 1912
Thomson, J. W., 1905
Thorndike, Lynn, 1919-1921
Thurber, Samuel, 1913
Thurn, Everard, 1927
BOX 132 Thruston, R. C. Ballard, 1915
Thurston, Henry W., and H. E., 1903-1904
Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1897-1912 See also Container 136, Wisconsin, State Historical Society of
Thrift, Miss, 1921
Thurber, Samuel, 1880-1898
Tilghman, Oswald, 1915
Tille, Armin, 1906
Tilton, Asa C., 1912-1920
Tilton, W. F., 1895-1898
Torres, Lanzas, Pedro, 1912
Tout, Thomas F., 1928
"To" miscellaneous
Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky., 1920
Treasury Department, 1907-1915
Treat, Payson J., 1903-1926
Trenholm, Norman M., 1905, 1909
Trent, William P., 1888-1915
Trevelyan, George M., 1920-1924
Trevelyan, George O., 1899-1912
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 1922
Trip, Laman, 1919
Tropical medicine in the United States, 1914
Tryon, R. M., 1926
Turner, Edward Raymond, 1911, 1926
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 1903-1927
Turner, Morris K., 1923
Tuska, Benjamin, 1924, 1925
Tuttle, James E., 1882-1912
Tuyll, Baron F. W. de, 1912
Tyler, Alice, 1928
Tyler, Lyon G., 1895-1914
Tyler, Moses Coit, 1895-1900
BOX 133 Uchida, Guizo, 1918
Underwood, Julia E., 1905
Union Academique Internationale, 1920
United States Daily, 1926
United States Flag Association, 1924
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1920
Universal Knowledge Foundation, 1926
University Center in Washington, 1917-1922
Updyke, F. A., 1906-1916
Usher, Roland G., 1911
Usselinx, Willem, 1882-1910
Valenzuela, P. A., 1903
Van Embden, A. Meerkamp, 1921-1927
Van der Essen, L., 1914-1915
Van Dyke, Paul, 1916
Van Laer, Arnold J. F., 1910-1919 See also Container 89, Netherlands, and Container 116, New York State Library
Van Loon, Hendrick Willem, includes illustrated letterheads by Van Loon, 1916-1926
Van Tyne, Claude H., 1904-1926 See also Container 90, Washington, D.C. archives
Van Vollenhoven, C., 1919-1930
Van Werveke, A., 1912-1913
Van Winter, Peter J., 1921
Vatican archives, includes correspondence with Pope Pius XI, 1906-1922 See also Container 88, Italian archives
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