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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Family Papers, 1822-1937 (continued)
Jan.-Sept. 1892
BOX 13 Oct. 1892-Jan. 1893
BOX 14 Feb. 1893-1898
BOX 15 1910-1933, undated
Sara Elwell Jameson from "Aunt Rachel," 1929-1932
Postcards from family
Miscellaneous family correspondence
John Jameson (father) to brother, Edwin
Mariette T. Jameson, letters from Barbados, 1867 (typed copies)
BOX 16 Letters of condolence on death of J. Franklin Jameson, 1937
Letters of Mary C. Smith, Mar.-May 1822
Jameson, John (father), correspondence and clippings regarding
BOX 17 Will of Sara E. Elwell, 1892
Moffett V. Elwell, 1893-1895
Printed invitations
Souvenir programs, etc.
Anglo-American historical conference material (boxed)
BOX 18-22 General Correspondence, 1879-1898
Correspondence between Jameson and friends.
Arranged chronologically but with some material unarranged.
BOX 18 1879-1885
BOX 19 1886-1888
BOX 20 1889-1898
BOX 21 Unsorted general correspondence
BOX 22 Unsorted general correspondence mainly from classmates, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.
BOX 23-44 Personal Miscellany
Lectures notes, manuscripts, certificates and other material
Largely unarranged
BOX 23 Lecture notes
Lecture notes: Greek and Roman history; French history; primitive sociology
BOX 24 Lecture notes
BOX 25 Manuscripts of various lectures given on the American Revolution
Lectures on American blood
Manuscripts while at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
BOX 26 Notes on colonial and early state history, and constitutional history
Virginia researches
BOX 27 Miscellaneous notes, letters from members of the Continental Congress
Original narratives, bibliography
BOX 28 Manuscripts by Jameson
BOX 29 References to speaking and writing
Doctoral dissertations
BOX 30 University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., miscellany
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division reports
BOX 31 Miscellany of congressional bills
Miscellaneous account books
BOX 32 Manuscript of History of Historical Writing in America (holograph)
BOX 33 Folder of data on John C. Calhoun
Typescript, "Contributions of Irish, Particularly those of Ulster origin" (American Council of Learned Societies), by Howard F. Barker
Typescript, Report of Committee on Linguistic and National Stocks in the Population of the United States (ACLS)
BOX 34 American Historical Association programs (printed)
BOX 35 Collection of photographs of historians, including a scrapbook of some made by Jameson
BOX 36 Printed material in which articles by Jameson appear
BOX 37 Duplicate copies of published articles by Jameson
BOX 38 Writings by or about classmates of Jameson
BOX 39 College notebooks, class record, account book
(10 vols.)
BOX 40 Historical manuscripts, 1802-1810, undated See also Oversize
Diplomas and awards See also Oversize
Printed material
BOX 41 Articles
Atlantic Monthly
Modern European historiography, Sept. 1890
Virginia and New England, Nov. 1890
Two Virginians, Sept. 1890
Dutch influence in America, Nov. 1892
An Early Briton, Oct. 1890
An English sea rover, Apr. 1891
Greek history and the Constitution, June 1893
American Historical Papers, William Usselinx, 1887
Political Science Quarterly, Standing Committee System, June 1894
Massachusetts Historical Society, John Clark of the Mayflower, Nov. 1920
BOX 42 New England Magazine
Did the fathers vote?, Jan. 1890
Historical writing in America, 4 Jan. 1891
American Historical Review
Meetings of the AHA, 1907-1915, 1917, 1920-1921
The AHA, 1884-1909, Oct. 1909
International Congress of History, July 1913
Meeting of the AHA ,1924
Arrival of the Pilgrims, Nov. 1920
American historian's raw materials, June 1923
Class of 1879, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., 1924, 1934
BOX 43 Biographical file
Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., academic record
Boylston School material
Exams at Worcester High School, Worcester, Mass.
Family material
Genealogical data
Sketches, biographical
Woburn, Mass., correspondence
Photographs, Jameson and Neal Mitchell
Christmas cards, etc.
Items from library
BOX 44 Memorabilia of family, locks of hair, programs, wedding invitations, etc.
Lecture notes, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.
BOX 45-164 Office Files, 1756-1954
Largely the files from Jameson's tenure as the director of the Department of Historical Research of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Arranged alphabetically with miscellaneous material placed at the end.
BOX 45 Abbatt, William, editor, Magazine of History, 1906-1918
Abbott, Edith, 1906, 1924
Abbott, Samuel, 1911
Abbott, Wilbur C., 1896-1926
Abel, Annie Heloise, 1904-1912
Abernethy, Thomas P., 1928
Academie Royale de Belgique, regarding documents for Commission de la Biographie Nationale, etc., 1906
Acta Sanctorum, 1919-1926 See also Container 61, Bollandists
Adam, Margaret, regarding records at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1914
Adams, Alice Dana, 1906
Adams, Arthur, 1926
Adams, Charles Francis, 1891-1915
Adams, Charles Kendall, 1882
Adams, Elizabeth Ogden, 1920-1921
Adams, Ephraim D., University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas; Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; and Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 1901-1927
Adams, George B., 1895-1922 See also Container 48, American Historical Association
BOX 46 Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
Correspondence, 1885-1913
(4 folders)
Stock, Leo Francis, 1944-1950
Transcripts, French state papers and diplomatic correspondence dated 1802-1804, with annotations and corrections by Abel Doysie of Paris, France
Adams, Henry C., with correspondence of Roland Baughman, Joseph Dorfman, and Elizabeth Donnan, 1882-1908, 1954
Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1880-1899
Adams, James Truslow, 1918-1924
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