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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
Bayard, Thomas F., 1915-1917
Bayard family papers, includes correspondence with Richard H. Bayard, D. M. Matteson and others regarding published edition, 1914-1915
Bayer, Henry G., 1923
Baylis, George W., 1898-1900
Baynes, Norman H., 1921
Beard, Charles A., 1913, 1926
Beard, William E., 1927
Beaumarchais, includes correspondence with George Hay Kain, 1927
Beazley, C. Raymond, 1908-1910
Becker, Carl, 1898, 1920-1927
Beer, George Louis, 1908-1913
Beer, William, 1901-1917
(3 folders)
Belding, David L., 1913
Belgian Embassy, E. de Cartier, 1924
Bell, Herbert C., 1916-1928 See also Container 90, West Indies
BOX 60 Bells in colonial New England, includes correspondence with Nathan H. Dole, 1923
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 1917-1934
Bemont, Charles, 1900
Benigni, Umberto
Benton, Elbert J., 1907-1913
Bestor, Arthur E., 1911
Betts, Charles W., 1910
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah
Correspondence, 1913-1927
(3 folders)
Printed material, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 1948
Bibliographical notes, 1906-1923
Bibliographical Society of America, 1917
Bigelow, John, and Bigelow family, includes letter of I. L. Hunt, 1914-1927
Bigelow, Melville M., 1895-1898
Bigelow, Poultney, 1927
Biggar, Henry P., 1900-1921 See also Container 52, London Headquarters
"Bil" miscellaneous
Bingham, Hiram, 1904-1926 See also Container 120, Privy Council
BOX 61 Bishop, William W., 1897-1926
"Bix" miscellaneous
Blair, Gist, and Woodbury Blair, 1902, 1921
"Blake" miscellaneous (includes Edward Blake, Irving Blake, and W.W. Blake), 1896, 1916, 1921
Blake, Nelson W., 1936
Blathwayt Papers, correspondence with Frank T. Sabin and Southeby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, England, 1913
Blegen, Theodore C., 1920
Bliss, F. J., 1895, and W. Bliss, 1897-1907
Bloch, Camille, 1918
Blok, Petrus J., 1908, 1916
Bloom, Lansing B., 1928
Bloomfield, Maurice, 1895, 1899
Blunt, Elizabeth L., 1918
Board of Education, District of Columbia, 1929
Boardman, Mabel T., 1921
Boas, Franz S., 1921-1924
Bobbs Merrill Co., 1923
Bodart, Gaston, 1920-1921
Bollandists (Société des Bollandistes), Brussels, Belgium, 1919-1928 See also Container 45, Acta Sanctorum
Bolling, George M., 1921-1926
Bolton, Charles Knowles, 1921
Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 1905-1922 See also Container 88, Mexican archives
Bond, Beverly W., Jr., 1905-1926
Bond, N. B., 1921
Bonham, M. L., Jr., 1910-1922
Borgeaud, Charles, 1901-1926
Botsford, G. W., 1896-1901
Boston Marine Museum, Boston, Mass., 1922
Botha, C. Graham, 1920-1928
Bothne, Gisle, 1922
Bourinot, John, letter from Henry Aylen, 1904
Bourne, Edward G., 1900-1907
Bourne, Henry E., 1904-1928
Boutell, Henry S., 1912
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
General, 1909-1920
Library, 1910
Bowen, Clarence W., 1907-1926 See also Container 48, American Historical Association
BOX 62 Bowerman, George F., 1923
Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 1905-1918
(2 folders)
Bowman, Hervey M., 1900-1927
Boyd, Allen R., 1917
Boyd, J. P., 1928
Boylan, William, 1906
Boyle, Gerald E., 1921-1925
Boynton, H. V. 1897, 1906
Brackett, Jeffrey R. 1888
Branford, Connecticut, retreat for historians, 1917, 1932
Brazilian embassy, 1909-1910
Breasted, James H., 1896, 1905
Breck, Edward, 1923-1927
Bretz, Julian P., 1906-1936
Bridgman, H. A., 1920
Brigham, Clarence S., 1903-1924 See also Container 47, American Antiquarian Society
Brigham, Herbert O., 1919, 1929
British Academy, 1920
British embassy, Washington, D.C., 1919-1924
British ministers to the United States, regarding Jameson's work with their correspondence
British Museum, London, England, 1903
Brooks, A. M., 1904, 1906
Brooks-Bryce Foundation, 1926
Brown, Clarence I., 1921
Brown, Everett S., 1922-1924
Brown, J. Irwin, 1920
Brown, P. Hume, 1899-1913
"Brown" miscellaneous (includes Alexander Brown, John Nicholas Brown, Marshall S. Brown, and William Garrott Brown)
BOX 63 Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Andrews, E. Benjamin
General, 1897-1927
Graduate students, 1893-1900
BOX 64 Bruce, Philip Alexander, 1895-1924
Brumbaugh, Gaius M., 1921
Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount (1838-1922)
Correspondence, including Elizabeth Marion Bryce, 1884-1923
(4 folders)
Publication of selected letters by the American Historical Review, 1944
Brymner, Douglas, 1895
Buchanan, John L., 1902
Buck, P. M., 1920
Buck, Solon J., includes correspondence of Leo Francis Stock, 1911-1927, 1941
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N.Y., 1905-1926
Bunker, Frank F., editor, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1934
Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, D.C., 1922
Bureau of International Research, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., 1926
Burgess, John W., 1883-1898
Burnett, Edmund Cody See also Container 73, Continental Congress Letters of Delegates
BOX 65 1908-1936
(8 folders)
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