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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
Calhoun, John C., correspondence collected and published by Jameson, 1899-1916 (continued)
(2 folders)
Call, Arthur B., 1914-1922
Callahan, J. M., 1911, 1920
Callcott, W. H., 1920
Campbell, Douglas, 1891-1917
Campbell, Irvin H., 1917-1919
BOX 67 Campbell, Henry C., 1895-1896
Canada, public archives, 1907-1918 See also Container 78, A. G. Doughty; Container 100, James F. Kenney; Container 117, David W. Parker, Container 128, Adam Shortt and William Smith
Carey, Martha, 1885
"Car" miscellaneous
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. See also Container 136, Robert S. Woodward
(4 folders)
BOX 68 1916-1920
Applications, 1910-1927
BOX 69 1916-1921
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1912-1922
(2 folders)
Carnegie Foundation, 1909-1923
(2 folders)
Caron, Pierre, 1906-1907
Carr, Cecil-Carroll
Carson, Hampton L., 1905
Carter, Clarence E., including letter to Leo Francis Stock, 1906-1929, 1943
Carver, Jonathan, Papers, 1910
Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1898-1927
Catterall, Helen T., 1918-1926 See also Container 100, Judicial cases concerning American slavery
BOX 70 Catterall, Ralph C. H.,, and publication about legal aspects of American slavery by the Carnegie Institution, 1901-1913 See also Container 100, Judicial cases concerning American slavery
Cauchie, Alfred, University of Louvain, Belgium, 1906-1909
Caumont La Force, Marquis de, 1907
Census Office, United States, 1906, 1915-1916
Century Dictionary, 1882-1887
Century Magazine, 1917
Chace family, Rhode Island, 1889-1926?
Chadwick, F. E., includes correspondence with Mrs. Wilmot Townsend Cox, 1914
"Chamberlain" miscellaneous (includes Daniel H. Chamberlain, J. P. Chamberlain, Mellon Chamberlain, and Robert Chamberlain)
Champion, Edward, 1921
Chandler, Charles L., 1918-1920
Chandler, Julian A. C., 1921-1924
Channing, Edward, 1897-1924
Chapin, Howard M., 1917-1923
Chapin, Charles V., 1902
Chapin, F. Stuart, 1920
Chapin, Heman W., 1911
Chapman, Charles E., 1913-1927
Charleston, S.C.
Library, 1913
Mercury newspaper, 1905-1906
Chase, Mrs. Walter M., 1935-1936
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., 1915
Cheyney, Edward P., 1895-1927
Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Ill., 1901-1928
Chicago, University of, Chicago, Ill.
General, 1901-1905
BOX 71 Graduate students, 1902-1905
Chickering family, Kendall Green, Washington, D.C., 1880
Chile, Biblioteca Nacional (Santiago), 1917
Chiles, Rosa P., 1911-1926
Chinard, Gilbert, 1923-1926
Chisholm, Hugh, 1922
Chitwood, Oliver P., 1911
Christie, Francis A., 1882-1937
(4 folders)
BOX 72 Christie, Miller, 1897-1899
Church history, 1904-1927
Cincinnati, Society of, 1916
Clark, A. Howard, 1901-1915
Clark, Arthur Howard, Co., 1910-1928
Clark, Charles W., 1913-1924
Clark, George N., 1921-1922
Clark, George Rogers, memorial, 1927-1928
Clark, H. C., 1914-1915
Clark, Victor S., 1908-1926
"Cla" miscellaneous
Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., includes correspondence with George Parker Winship, 1922-1927 See also Container 46, Randolph G. Adams; and Container 136, George Parker Winship
Cleveland, Frederick A., 1921
Cleveland, Catherine C., 1915-1916
Coad, J. Francis, includes correspondence with Edward F. de Lancey, 1895-1896
Coan, Charles F., 1917-1921
"Co" miscellaneous
Coffin, Victor, 1907-1908
Coit, Stanton, 1879-1922
Cole, Arthur C., 1925
Colby, Charles W., 1902-1927
Colcord, Samuel, 1920-1923
Coleman, Christopher, 1925
Colenbrander, H. T., 1908-1916
Collins, Paul, 1927-1928
Colonial Dames of America See also Container 58, J. C. Ballagh; Container 108, Charles H. Lincoln; Container 120, Privateering and Piracy; and Container 128, Annie Leakin Sioussat
BOX 73 Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1910-1917
Colorado, State Historical Society of, 1920-1921
Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C., 1907
Columbus, Christopher, documents, correspondence with Ide St. Bris, Frederic S. Lee, and Alice Bache Gould, 1895
Committee International des Sciences Historiques, 1927-1928
Committee International des Sciences Historiques, Commission for List of Diplomats
Commager, Henry Steele, includes correspondence with C. F. Huth, Jr., 1924
Commerce, Department of, 1909
Committee on Public Information
Confederate States of America, correspondence regarding
Conger, J. S., 1906
Connecticut, 1897, 1900
Conner, J. E., 1917
Connor, R. D. W., 1910-1928 See also Container 116, North Carolina Historical Commission
Connor, Washington E. and Jeannette Thurber, 1916-1927
Continental Congress, Letters of See also Containers 64-65, Edmund Cody Burnett; Container 93, Stan V. Henkels; and Container 108, Letters of members of the Continental Congress
BOX 74 Conway, G. R.G., 1924
Cook's Voyage, to South Seas, correspondence regarding, 1920-1926
Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1899-1927
Coolidge Committee of Amherst, 1920
Coolidge, Calvin, and Sons of American Revolution prize essay, 1895
Corwin, Edward S., 1905-1919
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1928
Coulter, E. M., 1930
Couper, W. J., 1909
Courtenay, William A., 1896-1897
Cowgill, J. Ewing, 1925
Cox, Isaac J., 1895-1933
Craigie, William A., 1925
Crofut, Florence S. M., 1923
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