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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
BOX 73 Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1910-1917
Colorado, State Historical Society of, 1920-1921
Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C., 1907
Columbus, Christopher, documents, correspondence with Ide St. Bris, Frederic S. Lee, and Alice Bache Gould, 1895
Committee International des Sciences Historiques, 1927-1928
Committee International des Sciences Historiques, Commission for List of Diplomats
Commager, Henry Steele, includes correspondence with C. F. Huth, Jr., 1924
Commerce, Department of, 1909
Committee on Public Information
Confederate States of America, correspondence regarding
Conger, J. S., 1906
Connecticut, 1897, 1900
Conner, J. E., 1917
Connor, R. D. W., 1910-1928 See also Container 116, North Carolina Historical Commission
Connor, Washington E. and Jeannette Thurber, 1916-1927
Continental Congress, Letters of See also Containers 64-65, Edmund Cody Burnett; Container 93, Stan V. Henkels; and Container 108, Letters of members of the Continental Congress
BOX 74 Conway, G. R.G., 1924
Cook's Voyage, to South Seas, correspondence regarding, 1920-1926
Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1899-1927
Coolidge Committee of Amherst, 1920
Coolidge, Calvin, and Sons of American Revolution prize essay, 1895
Corwin, Edward S., 1905-1919
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1928
Coulter, E. M., 1930
Couper, W. J., 1909
Courtenay, William A., 1896-1897
Cowgill, J. Ewing, 1925
Cox, Isaac J., 1895-1933
Craigie, William A., 1925
Crofut, Florence S. M., 1923
Cross, A. L., 1909-1921
Crown, Frank A., 1915
Cuba, correspondence with Governor Charles Edward Magoon, 1908
Cundall, Frank, Institute of Jamaica, 1896, 1906
Cunningham, Charles H., 1917-1924
Cunningham, William, Trinity College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1895, 1901
Currier, Charles F. A., 1896
Curti, Merle E., 1925-1928
"Curtis" miscellaneous (includes Edward E. Curtis, Eugene N. Curtis, George William Curtis), 1885, 1923-1927
Cushing, Harry A., 1895-1898
Daenell, Ernst, 1909-1914
Dana, Charles Bates, 1899-1927
Dandridge, N. P., 1897
Dante, 600th anniversary of his death, 1921
Dart, Henry P., 1920-1928
Daughters of the American Revolution, 1910-1928
Davenport, Charles, 1911-1929
Davenport, Frances G. See also Container 52, London Headquarters; Container 80, European treaties; and Container 88, Great Britain
BOX 75 1903-1928
Work on treaties
Davies, E. Jeffries, 1924
David, C. W.
Davis, Andrew McF.
Davis, Gladys W.
Dawson, Edgar, includes letter of J. J. Jusserand to Jameson, June 30, 1925
Dealey, James Q., 1927-1928
Debates and Proceedings, Parliamentary
Correspondence, 1912-1915
Report by M. W. Jernegan on bibliography of English, Irish, and Scotch parliamentary debates
Notes on reviews of Leo Francis Stock's published volumes with correspondence on the subject, 1912-1914, 1942-1952
Declaration of Independence, 1926-1928
Delabarre, Edmund D., 1919-1920
"Del-Den" miscellaneous
BOX 76 Dennis, Alfred L. P., 1896-1925
Department of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington, D.C., 1902-1906, 1915, 1927-1929
DeRenne, Wymberley Jones, 1914
"Des" miscellaneous
Deutsch, Americanische Historische Geselleschaft von Illinois, 1905
Dewey, Davis R., 1885-1924
Dewey, John, 1904
Dexter, Franklin B., 1896-1919
Deyo, Israel T., 1879-1889
Dickerman, George S., 1914
Dickerson, O. M., 1905
Dictionary of American Biography
(3 folders)
BOX 77 Miscellany
Dictionary of United States History, 1893-1910
"Di" miscellaneous, 1910-1912
Diplomatic correspondence, United States, publication of, 1904-1905
Diplomatic List, 1927-1928
Dobbs, Charles, 1922-1924
Doctoral dissertation lists, 1904-1926
Documentary Historical Publications, 1907-1931 See also Container 113, Charles Moore
Dodd, Mead & Co., 1907-1931
Dodd, William E., 1903-1936
BOX 78 Dodge, Theodore A., 1895-1899
"Dog-Dol" miscellaneous
Dollero, A., 1921
Donnan, Elizabeth, 1908-1930 See also Container 128, Slave trade
(2 folders)
Doughty, A. G., 1910-1926 See also Container 67, Canada, archives; and Container 88, Canadian archives
BOX 79 "Dou" miscellaneous
"Dow" miscellaneous (includes Earle W. Dow, George F. Dow, and Edward Downman) 1910-1923
Dowd, Jerome, 1905-1927
Doyle, Mrs. Henry G., 1935
Doyle, John A., 1891-1901
Doysie, Abel See also Container 88, French archives; and Container 113, Mississippi Valley Calendar
Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1909-1912 See also Container 106, same heading
Miscellany, 1910-1927
BOX 80 "Dra" miscellaneous
DuBois, W. E. B., 1907-1910
"Dub-Duf" miscellaneous
Duggan, Stephen P., 1920-1926
Duke University, Durham, N.C., 1926-1928
"Dun" miscellaneous
Dunn, Jacob P., 1922
Dunn, Joseph, 1923
Dunn, William E., 1915-1921
Dunning, Mathilae M, 1923
Dunning, William Archibald See also Container 48, American Historical Association, 1901-1919
Durrett, Reuben T., 1901-1909
Dutcher, George M., 1905-1928
Dutcher's manual of historical literature, 1920-1927
"Du-Dy" miscellaneous, 1909
"Ea-Ec" miscellaneous (includes Wilberforce Eames)
Eddy, George Simpson, 1928
Education, Bureau of, Department of the Interior, 1920
Edwards, Martha L., 1919
Effinger, John R., 1902-1905
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