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J. Franklin Jameson papers, 1604-1994

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Office Files, 1756-1954 (continued)
Mexican archives, 1906-1913 See also Container 61, Herbert E. Bolton, and Container 128, Justin H. Smith
BOX 89 Manuscripts in European libraries, 1918 See also Container 112, David M. Matteson
Netherlands, 1918-1925 See also Container 95, W. I. Hull, and Container 133, A. J. F. van Laer
New Netherlands, 1912-1925
Protestant church archives, 1906-1909 See also Container 47, William H. Allison
Russian archives, 1911-1914 See also Container 86, Frank A. Golder
Scandinavian countries, 1922-1927
Seville, Archivo General de Indias, 1905-1910 See also Container 128, William R. Shepherd
Spanish transcripts in America, 1906-1916 See also Container 125, James A. Robertson
Switzerland, 1912-1915
Swiss and Austrian archives, 1912-1916
BOX 90 West Indies, 1915-1925 See also Container 59, Herbert C. Bell; Container 117, David W. Parker; and Container 119, Luis M. Perez
Washington, D.C., archives, 1903-1910 See also Containers 102-107, Waldo Gifford Leland, and Container 133, Claude H. Van Tyne
General file, 1905-1921
Guijarro, L. G., 1912
Guilday, Peter, 1915-1927 See also Container 48, American Catholic Historical Association
Gunther, C. F., 1908
Hackett, Charles W., 1916-1929, 1938 See also Container 58, Fannie R. Bandelier
(2 folders)
Hagood, Butler, 1905
Hakluyt Society, includes letter from Albert Gray, 1926
Hale, George E., 1914
Hale, Richard W., 1918
Hale, William G., 1905
BOX 91 Hall, Hubert, 1893-1925 See also Container 52, London Headquarters, and Container 121, Public Records Office, London, England
Hall, Livingston, 1928
"Hall" miscellaneous (includes Clayton C. Hall, G. Stanley Hall, John Lesslie Hall, and J.P. Hall), 1889, 1909-1913, 1920-1923
Hall of Fame, 1907-1920
Halsey, John J. and Thomas Lloyd, 1905, 1917
Hamby, A. McB., includes letter from Edmund Cody Burnett, 1920
"Hamilton" miscellaneous (includes Allan McLane Hamilton, George L. Hamilton, J. G. deRoulhac Hamilton, and P. J. Hamilton), 1907-1909, 1917-1924
"Hammond" miscellaneous (includes E. Spann Hammond, Otis G. Hammond, and M. B. Hammond), 1896-1897, 1901-1902
Harding, George, 1909-1914
Harding, Samuel B., 1899, 1918
Harlow, Ralph V., 1911
Harper, William R., 1900-1905
Harrassowitz, Otto, 1910
Harris, Ray Baker, 1904, 1934
Harrison, Fairfax, 1915-1925
Harrison, James A., 1905
Harrissee, Henry, 1898
Harry, J. E., 1919
Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1896-1933
(4 folders)
BOX 92 Hart, Charles Henry, 1911-1914
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1909-1929
Haskins, Charles H., 1888-1927 See also Container 48, American Historical Association
(3 folders)
Hasse's index of economics and related materials, 1906-1910
Hatch, Louis C., 1911
Hauser, Henri, 1898, 1904
Hawaii, 1922-1923
Hay, John, 1898, 1901, undated
Hayden, Mary, 1922-1924
Hayden, Ralston, 1912
Hayes, Carlton J. H., includes letter from Paul V. Collins, 1911-1927
Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, Ohio, includes correspondence with Harlow Lindley, 1928
Haynes, George H., 1897-1920, 1926, 1936-1937
(2 folders)
Hays, Bertram Z., 1925
Hazard, Caroline, 1925-1926
Hazard, Rowland G., includes letters by Thomas P. Hazard, 1888-1905, 1948
BOX 93 Hazeltine, Harold D., including letters by Joseph H. Beale, 1902, 1908-1924
Hazen, Charles D., 1914-1917
Head, Idress, 1912
Heath, D. C., & Co., 1910
Heigel, Karl T. von, 1906-1913
Hemmeter, John C., 1928
Hempl, George, 1904
Henderson, Archibald, 1909-1926
Henderson, Horace E., 1921
Henderson, John S., 1905
Hendrickson, George L., 1909-1923
Henkels, Stan V., 1895-1921 See also Container 58, John Spencer Bassett; Container 73, Continental Congress; and Container 96, Andrew Jackson
Henry, William Wirt, 1896, 1908
Henry, W. E., 1905
Herrick, Cheesman A., 1926
Hershey, Amos S., 1918, undated
Hickman, Emily, 1913
Hicks, Frederick C., 1904-1919
Highby, C. P., 1926-1929
Higginson, T. W., 1886-1902
Hill, David Jayne, 1909-1925
Hill, Howard C., 1924-1926
Hill, Roscoe R., 1904-1928 See also Container 88, Cuban archives; Container 119, Francis S. Philbrick and Luis M. Perez; and Container 128, William R. Shepherd
(3 folders)
Hinsale, Mary L. and Ellen C., 1902-1905
Hispanic American Historical Review, 1916-1925
BOX 94 Hispanic Society of America, includes correspondence with Archer M. Huntington and Edward L. Stevenson, 1907-1911
Historical Manuscripts Commission, British, printed material
Historical societies, state and local, 1895-1928
History Teacher's Magazine, 1911-1916 See also Container 110, Albert R. McKinley
Hitchcock, Frederick H., and W. E., 1882-1884, 1910
Hixson, J. H., 1920
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1884-1903
Hoar, Roger Sherman, 1919
Hobbs, William H., 1916
Hockett, Homer C., 1918-1921
Hodder, F. H., 1904-1927
Hoes, Rose Gouverneur, 1921
Hoffmann, Reinhold, 1925
Holden, Edward S., 1910
Holand, Hialmar R., 1909
Holland, William J., 1911
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1895-1900
Holt, Henry, & Co. 1903
Holt, W. Stull, 1936
Hooker, John, 1896
Hooper, F. H., 1909
Hoover, Herbert, 1921, 1926
Hoover War Library, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 1920-1921
Hosmer, Charles E., and G. K, 1896, 1921
Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1895-1897
Hough, Charles M., 1917
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1906-1928
Howard, George E., 1900-1906
Howay, F. W., 1923-1924
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe, 1927-1928
Howell, J. Lardner, 1896
Howland, A. C., 1904, 1920-1921
Holloway, Samuel H., 1914
Hubbell, L. W., 1879-1892
Huckaby, G. C., 1911
Hudson River chains, Revolutionary period, 1914
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1928
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