| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Addition I, 1967-1981
(continued) |
BOX 16 |
Wright, Louis B., “Cattle, Conquistadors, and
Cowboys,” 8 Nov. 1980
BOX 17 |
Addition II, 1981-1986
Essays and one memorial read at meetings of the society. |
Arranged by author. |
BOX 17 |
Papers read at society meetings |
BOX 17 |
Andrews, John F., “Bard Time,” 16 Nov. 1985
BOX 17 |
Boothe, Armistead L., “High Lights of a Low
Lifer,” 16 Apr. 1983
BOX 17 |
Cooley, James, “Anny,” 14 Nov. 1981
BOX 17 |
Dillon, Wilton S., “Her African Highness,”
15 Jan. 1983
BOX 17 |
Eger, Alben W., “Envy Invited,” 10 May 1986
BOX 17 |
Haskins, Caryl P., “ An Argument with Mr.
Darwin: Or to Run a Reef,” 13 Nov. 1982
BOX 17 |
Keck, Andrew S., “Eyes That See,” 16 Jan. 1982
BOX 17 |
Nef, John U., “Memorial/Felix M.
Morley (1894-1982),” 1982
BOX 17 |
Oehser, Paul H., “Essaying the Essay,”
15 May 1982
BOX 17 |
Perry, Carroll |
BOX 17 |
“Puritans and Salt Marshes,” 13 Feb. 1982
BOX 17 |
“Magnalia,” 15 Mar. 1986
BOX 17 |
Seale, William, “Stonecutters,” 14 May 1983
BOX 17 |
Taft, William Howard, III, “Words and
History,” 11 Dec. 1982
BOX 17 |
Taft, William Howard, IV, “Strike Flat the
Thick Rotundity o’ th’ World,” 12 Apr.
BOX 17 |
Watson, George E., “The United States
Exploring Expedition 1838-1842 The Vertebrate Collections; Lost
Opportunities,” 12 Oct. 1985
BOX 17 |
Wedel, Cynthia C., “Looking Eastward,”
10 Oct. 1981
BOX 17 |
Williams, Donald H., “Splashes of Color,”
16 Oct. 1982
BOX 17 |
Wright, Christopher, “Preparing Choices,”
15 Feb. 1986
BOX 18-19 |
Addition III, 1984-1991
Essays read at meetings of the society. |
Arranged by author. |
BOX 18 |
Papers read at society meetings |
BOX 18 |
Armory, Robert, Jr., “Five Gallant Kinswomen Who Left Inedible Marks on a Great Age,” 14 Nov. 1987
BOX 18 |
Benson, Elizabeth P., "The Noise of Starch," 13 May 1989
BOX 18 |
Brooks, Jane K., "Meet the Poet Laureate," 15 May 1988
BOX 18 |
Brown, David, "What are We Coming to in America?," 14 Mar. 1987
BOX 18 |
Brown, Ellen Patterson, "Eating Well is the Best Revenge," 11 May 1991
BOX 18 |
Brown, Jonathan, "He Discovereth Deep Things in Darkness," 18 Oct. 1986
BOX 18 |
Carter, Marcia McGhee, "An Inquiry into the Nature of Certain Unnatural Passions," 14 Feb. 1987
BOX 18 |
Childs, Timothy W., "A Legitimate Question," 16 Jan. 1988
BOX 18 |
Conquest, Edwin P., Jr. |
BOX 18 |
"The Perfect Fool," 11 Nov. 1989
BOX 18 |
“The Widow's Might,” 1985
BOX 18 |
Cooley, James, "Peacemaker," 13 Apr. 1985
BOX 18 |
Cox, Henry Bartholomew |
BOX 18 |
"Thomas Edison: The Clearest Cut American," 10 Mar. 1990
BOX 18 |
“Who Holds the Arrow?,” 13 Oct. 1984
BOX 18 |
Crocker, William H., "Was Maria Lying," 11 Apr. 1987
BOX 18 |
Dillon, Wilton S., "Triptych for Lillian," 16 Apr. 1988
BOX 18 |
Eger, Alban, "Plus Outre," 16 Feb. 1991
BOX 18 |
Fales, Rose H., "The Three Taboos," 12 May 1990
BOX 18 |
Faulkner, Avery C., "Under the Spreading Chestnut Trees," 12 Mar. 1988
BOX 18 |
Frank, Judith Waldrop |
BOX 18 |
"Reflections on a Curved Surface," 15 Nov. 1986
BOX 18 |
“Three in the Fourth,” 12 Jan. 1991
BOX 18 |
Goode, James M., "After the War: The Social and Architectural Development of the Washington, D.C. Apartment House, 1919-1988," 8 Oct. 1988
BOX 18 |
Haskins, Caryl P., "The Very Finest Damask - or, the Length and Shadow of a Man," 16 May 1987
BOX 18 |
Highfill, Philip H., "Perdita," 15 Apr. 1989
BOX 18 |
Holt, Samuel C.O., "E Pluribus Unam," Oct. 1987
BOX 18 |
Howland, Richard, "Arvanitika," 17 Nov. 1990
BOX 19 |
Kelley, Robert K., "Flower and Song," 10 Dec. 1988
BOX 19 |
Linton, Calvin D., "Resonance Lost," 12 Nov. 1988
BOX 19 |
Makepeace, LeRoy, "In Love with the Universe, the Art of Miro," undated
BOX 19 |
Mellen, Connie Loudon |
BOX 19 |
"South," 10 Nov. 1984
BOX 19 |
“Spam,” 9 Dec. 1989
BOX 19 |
Norton, Garrison, "Indomitable, but Never Militant," 17 Jan. 1987
BOX 19 |
Ordway, Frederick I., III, "Where is Everybody?," 11 Feb. 1989
BOX 19 |
Perry, Carroll, Jr., "Not in Bartlett," 16 Mar. 1991
BOX 19 |
Randolph, Priscilla S., "In the Year 3797," 13 Feb. 1988
BOX 19 |
Seale, William, "Black and White," 14 Jan. 1989
BOX 19 |
Taft, William Howard, III |
BOX 19 |
"Internal Discussion," 13 Oct. 1990
BOX 19 |
“Poor Motherless Eve,” 6 Dec. 1986
BOX 19 |
Watson, George E., "A Light Silver Thread: Audubon the Naturalist," 13 Jan. 1990
BOX 19 |
Wentzel, Volkmar K., "Swazi-Zulu Wedding: A Royal Wedding," 10 Mar. 1989
BOX 19 |
Williams, Donald H., "Bones in the Sun," 12 Dec. 1987
BOX 19 |
Winton, Calhoun, "Songs and Sonnets," 15 Dec. 1990