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Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991

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Addition I, 1967-1981 (continued)
BOX 16 Wright, Louis B., “Cattle, Conquistadors, and Cowboys,” 8 Nov. 1980
BOX 17 Addition II, 1981-1986
Essays and one memorial read at meetings of the society.
Arranged by author.
BOX 17 Papers read at society meetings
BOX 17 Andrews, John F., “Bard Time,” 16 Nov. 1985
BOX 17 Boothe, Armistead L., “High Lights of a Low Lifer,” 16 Apr. 1983
BOX 17 Cooley, James, “Anny,” 14 Nov. 1981
BOX 17 Dillon, Wilton S., “Her African Highness,” 15 Jan. 1983
BOX 17 Eger, Alben W., “Envy Invited,” 10 May 1986
BOX 17 Haskins, Caryl P., “ An Argument with Mr. Darwin: Or to Run a Reef,” 13 Nov. 1982
BOX 17 Keck, Andrew S., “Eyes That See,” 16 Jan. 1982
BOX 17 Nef, John U., “Memorial/Felix M. Morley (1894-1982),” 1982
BOX 17 Oehser, Paul H., “Essaying the Essay,” 15 May 1982
BOX 17 Perry, Carroll
BOX 17 “Puritans and Salt Marshes,” 13 Feb. 1982
BOX 17 “Magnalia,” 15 Mar. 1986
BOX 17 Seale, William, “Stonecutters,” 14 May 1983
BOX 17 Taft, William Howard, III, “Words and History,” 11 Dec. 1982
BOX 17 Taft, William Howard, IV, “Strike Flat the Thick Rotundity o’ th’ World,” 12 Apr. 1986
BOX 17 Watson, George E., “The United States Exploring Expedition 1838-1842 The Vertebrate Collections; Lost Opportunities,” 12 Oct. 1985
BOX 17 Wedel, Cynthia C., “Looking Eastward,” 10 Oct. 1981
BOX 17 Williams, Donald H., “Splashes of Color,” 16 Oct. 1982
BOX 17 Wright, Christopher, “Preparing Choices,” 15 Feb. 1986
BOX 18-19 Addition III, 1984-1991
Essays read at meetings of the society.
Arranged by author.
BOX 18 Papers read at society meetings
BOX 18 Armory, Robert, Jr., “Five Gallant Kinswomen Who Left Inedible Marks on a Great Age,” 14 Nov. 1987
BOX 18 Benson, Elizabeth P., "The Noise of Starch," 13 May 1989
BOX 18 Brooks, Jane K., "Meet the Poet Laureate," 15 May 1988
BOX 18 Brown, David, "What are We Coming to in America?," 14 Mar. 1987
BOX 18 Brown, Ellen Patterson, "Eating Well is the Best Revenge," 11 May 1991
BOX 18 Brown, Jonathan, "He Discovereth Deep Things in Darkness," 18 Oct. 1986
BOX 18 Carter, Marcia McGhee, "An Inquiry into the Nature of Certain Unnatural Passions," 14 Feb. 1987
BOX 18 Childs, Timothy W., "A Legitimate Question," 16 Jan. 1988
BOX 18 Conquest, Edwin P., Jr.
BOX 18 "The Perfect Fool," 11 Nov. 1989
BOX 18 “The Widow's Might,” 1985
BOX 18 Cooley, James, "Peacemaker," 13 Apr. 1985
BOX 18 Cox, Henry Bartholomew
BOX 18 "Thomas Edison: The Clearest Cut American," 10 Mar. 1990
BOX 18 “Who Holds the Arrow?,” 13 Oct. 1984
BOX 18 Crocker, William H., "Was Maria Lying," 11 Apr. 1987
BOX 18 Dillon, Wilton S., "Triptych for Lillian," 16 Apr. 1988
BOX 18 Eger, Alban, "Plus Outre," 16 Feb. 1991
BOX 18 Fales, Rose H., "The Three Taboos," 12 May 1990
BOX 18 Faulkner, Avery C., "Under the Spreading Chestnut Trees," 12 Mar. 1988
BOX 18 Frank, Judith Waldrop
BOX 18 "Reflections on a Curved Surface," 15 Nov. 1986
BOX 18 “Three in the Fourth,” 12 Jan. 1991
BOX 18 Goode, James M., "After the War: The Social and Architectural Development of the Washington, D.C. Apartment House, 1919-1988," 8 Oct. 1988
BOX 18 Haskins, Caryl P., "The Very Finest Damask - or, the Length and Shadow of a Man," 16 May 1987
BOX 18 Highfill, Philip H., "Perdita," 15 Apr. 1989
BOX 18 Holt, Samuel C.O., "E Pluribus Unam," Oct. 1987
BOX 18 Howland, Richard, "Arvanitika," 17 Nov. 1990
BOX 19 Kelley, Robert K., "Flower and Song," 10 Dec. 1988
BOX 19 Linton, Calvin D., "Resonance Lost," 12 Nov. 1988
BOX 19 Makepeace, LeRoy, "In Love with the Universe, the Art of Miro," undated
BOX 19 Mellen, Connie Loudon
BOX 19 "South," 10 Nov. 1984
BOX 19 “Spam,” 9 Dec. 1989
BOX 19 Norton, Garrison, "Indomitable, but Never Militant," 17 Jan. 1987
BOX 19 Ordway, Frederick I., III, "Where is Everybody?," 11 Feb. 1989
BOX 19 Perry, Carroll, Jr., "Not in Bartlett," 16 Mar. 1991
BOX 19 Randolph, Priscilla S., "In the Year 3797," 13 Feb. 1988
BOX 19 Seale, William, "Black and White," 14 Jan. 1989
BOX 19 Taft, William Howard, III
BOX 19 "Internal Discussion," 13 Oct. 1990
BOX 19 “Poor Motherless Eve,” 6 Dec. 1986
BOX 19 Watson, George E., "A Light Silver Thread: Audubon the Naturalist," 13 Jan. 1990
BOX 19 Wentzel, Volkmar K., "Swazi-Zulu Wedding: A Royal Wedding," 10 Mar. 1989
BOX 19 Williams, Donald H., "Bones in the Sun," 12 Dec. 1987
BOX 19 Winton, Calhoun, "Songs and Sonnets," 15 Dec. 1990

Contents List