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Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991

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Speeches and Writings File, 1881-1976 (continued)
BOX 8 Goff, Frederick R.
BOX 8 “Bibliosleuthing,” Mar. 1970
BOX 8 “T.I.,” 12 Apr. 1975
BOX 8 Green, Mrs. Donald R., “Urbanity and Illusion,” 12 Feb. 1972
BOX 8 Green, Joseph C., “Here Comes One with a Paper,” 15 Nov. 1975
BOX 8 Grosvenor, Gilbert H., “Some Experiences in the Hawaiian Islands,” 10 Apr. 1926
BOX 8 Grosvenor, Melville Bell
BOX 8 “Hawaiian Islands Revisited,” 12 Jan. 1963
BOX 8 “Life with Grandfather,” 10 Feb. 1968
BOX 8 “Life with Grandfather II,” 8 Dec. 1973
BOX 8 Haskins, Caryl P.
BOX 8 “Magic Casements,” undated
BOX 8 “Of Amateurs and Companies,” 15 Feb. 1975
BOX 8 “Staircase Through Earth’s Loveliness,” May 1969
BOX 8 Hauck, Arthur A., “Down to Earth,” 6 Apr. 1963
BOX 8 Hill, David Jayne, “History as a Science,” 3 Apr. 1920
BOX 8 Hoffman, Charles W., “Historical Sketch of the Literary Society,” 10 Dec. 1881
BOX 8 Howland
BOX 8 “Collecting American Furniture of the Past,” Mar. 1969
BOX 8 “The Future of Our Past,” Dec. 1963
BOX 8 Hume, Paul, “Paderawski, Wilson, and the Thirteenth Point,” 16 Jan. 1971
BOX 8 Hummel, Arthur W.
BOX 8 “The Art of Social Relations in China,” 13 Dec. 1959
BOX 8 “The Far East Revisited,” 14 Feb. 1953
BOX 8 “The Glimpses of Indian Wisdom,” 26 Oct. 1963
BOX 8 “The Old Silk Road,” Oct. 1968
BOX 8 Huntington, Frances Carpenter
BOX 8 “Books and Children,” 1959
BOX 8 “The Heiress of Washington City,” 18 Apr. 1970
BOX 8 “Ladies of the Literary,” 9 Jan. 1964
BOX 8 Johnson, Nelson Trusler
BOX 8 “Chinese Authoritarianism,” 7 Nov. 1954
BOX 8 “Whence Cometh My Help,” 30 Jan. 1954
BOX 8 Keck, Andrew S.
BOX 8 “Laus Deo,” 16 Mar. 1974
BOX 9 “A Toast to the Union,” Feb. 1969
BOX 9 Landon, Margaret
BOX 9 “An Asian MacBeth,” 4 Nov. 1967
BOX 9 “Terror by Night,” 24 May 1951
BOX 9 “When Consuls Were Kings,” 18 Nov. 1961
BOX 9 “The Wild Plant,” May 1973
BOX 9 Leland, Waldo Gifford
BOX 9 “The Creation of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library,” Jan. 1955
BOX 9 “Observations on Intellectual Exchanges between North and South America,” 7 Dec. 1940
BOX 9 Linton, Calvin D.
BOX 9 “The Faltering Muses,” 24 Oct. 1964
BOX 9 “The Other Harmony,” May 1970
BOX 9 “A Pipkin of Littles,” 10 Apr. 1976
BOX 9 McBlair, Julia Ten Eyck, “The Beginning of the Literary Society,” 12 Jan. 1924
BOX 9 MacFarland, H. B. F., untitled and undated
BOX 9 McManaway, James G.
BOX 9 “Shakespeare in the United States ,” 10 Apr. 1965
BOX 9 “The Trials of Othello,” 11 Mar. 1972
BOX 9 Martin, Charles, “The Headmaster’s Study,” 11 Jan. 1964
BOX 9 Mearns, David C.
BOX 9 “Ainsworth the Unforgettable,” 13 May 1967
BOX 9 “The Fenway Incident,” 19 Mar. 1957
BOX 9 “A Neglected Bookman: Calvin Coolidge,” 21 Apr. 1951
BOX 9 “The President and the Princess,” 5 May 1962
BOX 9 Merillat, H. C. L., “But Is It a Bird?,” Apr. 1973
BOX 9 Moore, Frederick, “The Emperor of Japan,” undated
BOX 9 Morley, Felix M,, “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby,” Apr. 1969
BOX 9 Moulton, Harold G., “Still Farming,” 30 Jan. 1960
BOX 9 Nef, John
BOX 9 “Art in the Decline of Cosmopolitan Civilization,” 10 Dec. 1966
BOX 9 “Assault on the Underworld,” 15 Apr. 1972
BOX 9 Nicolay, Helen
BOX 9 Untitled, 26 Mar. 1927
BOX 9 Untitled, 21 Apr. 1951
BOX 10 Norton, Garrison
BOX 10 “An Ancestor of Yours Hanged an Ancestor of Mine,” Mar. 1973
BOX 10 “And I Will Be Heard,” 13 Jan. 1962
BOX 10 “General Washington’s Hidden Asset,” 14 Oct. 1967
BOX 10 Nourse, Edwin G.
BOX 10 “The Fair Deal and the Spotted Actuality,” 15 Apr. 1950
BOX 10 “Witch’s Brood,” 23 May 1964
BOX 10 O’Brian, John Lord, “The Challenge of Adversity,” 18 Feb. 1967
BOX 10 Oehser, Paul H.
BOX 10 “The Lion and the Lamb,” 13 May 1962
BOX 10 “New England Prophet of Silence,” 11 May 1963
BOX 10 “Tobogganing on Parnassus,” 15 Oct. 1966
BOX 10 Overholser, Winfred
BOX 10 “Across the River and Among the Trees,” 8 Jan. 1955
BOX 10 “Some Psychiatric Sidelights on History,” 2 Apr. 1960
BOX 10 Perry, Carroll, “From Canada, by Land,” 13 Nov. 1971
BOX 10 Peter, Armistead
BOX 10 “Footprints in the Snow,” 9 Nov. 1974
BOX 10 “A Hostage to the Past, a Challenge to the Future,” 18 Oct. 1969
BOX 10 Pope, John A.
BOX 10 “A Collector’s Dreams,” Nov. 1969
BOX 10 “A Miracle of Rare Device,” 21 Nov. 1964
BOX 10 “My Nine Provinces,” 14 Feb. 1976
BOX 10 Purves, Edmund R., “Their Haven Under the Hill,” 8 Apr. 1961
BOX 10 Sayre, Mrs. Francis B., “Philippine Reminiscences,” 4 May 1968
BOX 10 Seale, William, “Temples of Democracy,” 10 Jan. 1976
BOX 10 Slocum, John J.
BOX 10 “Karl Beadeker’s United States,” 15 Jan. 1972
BOX 10 “The Seven Wonders of the World-Some New Considerations,” 14 Jan. 1967
BOX 10 Smith, Denys H.
BOX 10 “Campaign Literature,” 1 Dec. 1956
BOX 10 “Well, Why Not?,” 16 Dec. 1961
BOX 10 Spaulding, Thomas M.
BOX 10 “Clay Versus Randolph,” 28 Oct. 1961
BOX 10 “Harlot’s Virginia,” 9 Nov. 1957
BOX 10 “Some Great Book Collectors,” 21 May 1966
BOX 11 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, “Tolstoi’s Mistakes About Shakespeare,” undated
BOX 11 Stafford, Wendell Phillips, “Shakespeare the Man,” 7 Apr. 1917
BOX 11 Thomsen, Richard P.
BOX 11 “Divine Humor,” 20 Apr. 1974
BOX 11 “Innocents Abroad,” 16 Nov. 1968
BOX 11 Toy, Crawford H., “The Song of Songs,” undated
BOX 11 Trowbridge, A. Buel
BOX 11 “Bachirstan, the Country of Tomorrow,” 9 Apr. 1966
BOX 11 “Believe It or Not,” 13 Mar. 1971
BOX 11 “A Man’s Man, and All That,” 13 Mar. 1976
BOX 11 Wedel, Cynthia C., “Women, and Sometimes Men,” 14 Dec. 1971
BOX 11 Wilber, William Allen, “The Romance of the Southeastern Coast of Connecticut,” 27 Feb. 1926
BOX 11 Woodward, “But for the Grace of God,” 11 May 1961
BOX 11 Wright, Louis B.
BOX 11 “The Anti-Shakespeare Industry and the Growth of Cults,” 3 Jan. 1959
BOX 11 “Libros Virosque Cano,” 8 May 1976
BOX 11 “Life in a Relatively Innocent Era,” 16 Oct. 1971
BOX 11 “Shakespeare Celebrated,” 9 May 1964
BOX 11 Poems
BOX 11 Writings
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