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Frank Ross McCoy papers, 1847-1957

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Subject File, 1901-1954 (continued)
BOX 76 Lytton Commission (League of Nations Commission of Enquiry into the Sino-Japanese Dispute)
BOX 77 Lytton Commission
BOX 78 Lytton Commission
BOX 79 Mexican bandits, 1915
BOX 79 Military commission, trial of Nazi saboteurs, July-Aug. 1942
BOX 79 Moses, Andrew, statement before Navy Sub-Committee, May 1935
BOX 79 National Red Cross, report and correspondence, circa 1941-1942
BOX 79 Nicaragua Electoral Commission
BOX 80 Nicaragua Electoral Commission
BOX 81 Nicaragua Electoral Commission, duplicates of report
BOX 82 Philippine Islands
BOX 83 Philippine Islands
BOX 84 Puerto Rican longshoreman strike, 1938
BOX 84 Question of chief of National Guard Bureau
BOX 84 Rainbow Division, correspondence, 1935
BOX 84 Regnier, E. A., plan for reorganization of State Department Press Association, Jan. 1932
BOX 84 Roberts Commission investigating Pearl Harbor
BOX 84 Roosevelt Memorial Association
BOX 85 Memorial Association
BOX 86 Roosevelt Memorial Association
BOX 87 Scott, Mary Merrill (Mrs. Hugh Lenox Scott), correspondence regarding pension
BOX 87 Sherman, William Tecumseh, correspondence regarding picture
BOX 87 Shiverick Gate Memorial
BOX 87 Tannenberg, play with slides, May 1935
BOX 87 Works Progress Administration
BOX 87 World’s Fair, New York, N.Y., 1939
BOX 87 Wood, Leonard
BOX 87 Biography, 1929-1931, correspondence between McCoy and Hermann Hagedorn
BOX 88 Memorial 1933, 1947-1953
BOX 88 Wood family correspondence, Leisitia Osborne and Louise Adriana Wood (Mrs. Leonard Wood), 1939-1949
BOX 88 World War II dossiers for War Service, 1939-1945
BOX 88 YMCA, papers, II Corps Area, 1938
BOX 89-91 Speeches and Writings File, 1903-1949
Speeches and writings by McCoy and others.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 89 1903-1938
BOX 90 1938-1949
BOX 91 Undated
BOX 91 Speeches and writings of others
BOX 92-97 Scrapbooks, 1896-1941
Compilations of newspapers, clippings, photographs and other memorabilia.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 92 1893-1897, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
BOX 92 1898-1910
BOX 92 1906, Philippines, Datto Ali
BOX 93 1909, Fort Wingate
BOX 93 1928-1929, Nicaraguan mission
BOX 94 1930
BOX 94 1930-1934
BOX 95 1931, Apr. 2-May 2, Corps Area Maneuvers, Fort Benning, Ga.
BOX 95 1932
BOX 95 "Manchurian mission," trip to East Asia and visit to Japan
BOX 96 "Manchurian mission"
BOX 96 Apr. 9-June 5 (Lytton Commission)
BOX 96 Shanghai-Tientsin, China
BOX 97 1936-1938
BOX 97 1941, Civil Air mission to Latin America
BOX 98-99 Financial Papers, 1916-1949
Bank and investment statements, income tax matters, bills and receipts and other personal financial material.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 98 Set I
BOX 99 Set II
BOX 100-106 Miscellany, 1900-1950
Biographical material, maps, poems, invitations, programs, lists, news clippings, and typed lists of correspondence, mainly for the 1930s.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 100 Biographical material
BOX 100 Maps
BOX 100 Poems
BOX 101 News clippings
BOX 102 Lists
BOX 103 Invitations
BOX 103 Programs
BOX 104 Printed matter
BOX 105-106 Lists of correspondence
BOX 107-110 Addition, 1847-1957
Desk diaries, general correspondence, condolence letters, and miscellaneous material, including typescript journals, a biographical file, photographs, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 107 Desk diaries, 1945-1949
BOX 107 General correspondence
BOX 107 1913-1919
BOX 107 1920-1927
BOX 107 1930-1939
BOX 107 1940-1949
BOX 107 1951-1953
BOX 107 1954
BOX 108 1955
BOX 108 1957
BOX 108 Undated
BOX 108 Special correspondence, condolences, 1954
BOX 108 A-J
BOX 109 K-Y
BOX 109 Unidentified
BOX 109 Miscellany
BOX 109 Journal, Thomas Franklin McCoy: A Journal of Incidents and Travel to and from Mexico. 1847 Mar. 25-Sept. 21
BOX 109 Cavalry journal, Frank R. McCoy: The Taking of Havana by the British and Americans in 1762, 1903, Oct.
BOX 110 Biographical material
BOX 110 Photographs
BOX 110 Medals
BOX 110 General
BOX 110 Printed matter
BOX 110 Congressional Record, 1954, June 7 & 22
BOX 110 New York Herald Tribune/Eighth Annual Forum 1938
BOX 110 General
BOX 110 Clippings
(2 folders)

Contents List