The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Lloyd V. Berkner papers, 1938-1967
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BOX 88-93 VI: Committee on International Geophysics, 1956-1965
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes and membership material, notes, reports, printed matter, and other material relating to Berkner's role on the committee.
No arrangement. Described by name of organization, administrative entity, type of material or topic.
BOX 88 Tenth Pacific Science Congress
BOX 89 Programs
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Twelfth General Assembly Representation
International Conference on Equatorial Geophysics
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Symposium on Earth's Storms, 1961
International Cloud Physics Conference, 1961
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Symposium on Aeronomy, 1960
Hong Kong Jubilee Congress, 1961
General correspondence, 1961
General Assembly, 1963
BOX 90 General correspondence
Proposed reorganization
Thirteenth General Assembly, 1963
Geomagnetic Planetary indices, 1956-1961
BOX 91 General Assembly agenda/papers/circulars, 1960
Republics of South America, 1960
BOX 92 General Assembly Council and Executive Committee meetings, 1960
General Assembly, general, 1960
General Assembly delegation
Thirteenth General Assembly American Geophysical Union meeting, Cosmos Club
General Assembly, 1963
BOX 93 Geomagnetic Planetary indices
General correspondence, 1960
Comite International de Geophysique
International Geophysical Year World Data Center, 1960
Antarctic Treaty
Meetings, 1959-1960
International Geophysical Year Annals of the IGY, 1960
International Geophysical Year U.S. National Committee, 1960
BOX 94-99 VII: American Geophysical Union, 1959-1962
Correspondence, memoranda, meeting and membership material, notes, reports, printed matter, and other material relating to Berkner's role in the organization.
No arrangement. Described by name of organization, administrative entity, type of material or topic.
BOX 94 International Union of Radio Science
National Industrial Conference Board
General correspondence, 1962
Membership, 1962
Executive secretary trip reports, 1962
General correspondence, 1961
BOX 95 Executive Committee and Council, 1962
Committee on International Participation, 1962
Publications, 1962
Pacific Regional Committee
Thirteenth General Assembly
Forty-third annual meeting, 1962
William Bowie Medal, 1962
Nominations for Fellow awards, 1962
Institute of the Aerospace Science
Interscience monographs and texts in physics and astronomy
Hawaii Geophysical Institute
Council on Atomic Age Studies
Committee on International Participation
BOX 96 Executive Committee meeting, 1961
Report to National Academy of Sciences, 1961
Council meeting, 1961
Planning Committee on Planetary Science
Executive Committee, 1961
Executive Committee meeting, 1960
BOX 97 Journal of Geophysical Research
Abstracting Committee
American Geological Institute
Meetings, 1959-1961
Russian Translation Board
Triennial report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
BOX 98 Journal of Geophysical Research, general, 1960-1961
Meeting, spring, 1961
Meeting, Board of Officers, 1960
Tectonophysics Section meeting, spring, 1961
Council, 1961
Salaries, Ad Hoc Committee
BOX 99 Advisory Committee, Reorganization Department of Commerce
Meeting, West Coast national
World Meteorological Organization
Statutes and bylaws
World Magnetic Survey
General correspondence, 1960-1962
BOX 100-106 VIII: Union Radio Scientific International, 1959-1967
Correspondence, memoranda, meeting and membership material, notes, reports, printed matter, and other material relating to Berkner's role in the organization.
No arrangement. Described by name of organization, administrative entity, type of material or topic.
BOX 100 1967
Coordinating Committee meeting, 1965
U.S. National Commission fall meeting, 1964
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers meeting, 1964
Committee on Future Structure
U.S. National Commission Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Magnetism, 1964
General, 1964
Executive Committee meeting, 1964
BOX 101 Extraordinary Assembly, 1963
Policy Study Committee
Agenda for spring meeting, 1963
Commission Five Nominees for Membership, 1963
General correspondence, 1963
USA Commission for Magnetospheric Radio Membership
International Geophysical Year, IGG Symposium, University of California, Los Angeles
BOX 102 Principles of consolidation
Fourteen-Man Committee
(2 folders)
Executive Committee meeting, 1962
U.S. National meeting, 1962
General correspondence, 1962
Commission IV
U.S. National meeting, 1961
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Thirteenth General Assembly, 1963
BOX 103 Statues and bylaws
Commission VI and Ad Hoc Committee on Space-Radio-Relay
Commission V
U.S. National Committee, general correspondence, 1961
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