| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence, 1906-1972
(continued) |
"H" miscellaneous (continued) |
BOX 18 |
(1 folder) |
Hamilton, Clayton |
Hard, William |
Harrison, Floyd R.,
Harrison, Wallace |
Haskins, Caryl P. |
Haynes, George |
BOX 19 |
Heinz, Henry J., II |
Henle, G. |
Hersey, John |
Hess, Sara |
Hickey, Margaret |
Hoban, J. W., 1932,
Holloway, Mildred D. |
Hook, Sidney |
Howlett, Duncan |
Huxley, Julian |
"I" miscellaneous |
BOX 20 |
"J" miscellaneous |
Janeway, Charles |
Jeffers, Robinson |
Johnson, Alvin |
Jonas, Klaus W. |
Jordan, Pascual |
"K" miscellaneous |
Kaysen, Carl |
Keating, Kenneth B. |
Keeney, Barnaby |
Kennan, George |
Kenworthy, Marion E. |
BOX 21 |
Keppel, Francis |
Killian, James R., Jr. |
Knopf, Alfred A. |
Koch, Adrienne (Kegan) |
Kohler, Mary C. |
Kubie, Lawrence S. |
"L" miscellaneous |
BOX 22 |
(1 folder) |
Leeper, Mary |
LeGallias, Hugh |
Lindsey, Malvina |
Lipchik, Margaret |
Lippmann, Walter |
Loeb, Louis |
Lowell, Robert |
"M" miscellaneous |
(1 folder) |
BOX 23 |
(1 folder) |
McGovern, George |
McIntosh, Millicent |
MacIver, Robert M. |
McNamara, Robert S. |
Magnes, Beatrice |
Mann, James P. |
Mann, Katia, and family |
Mann, Thomas (photocopies) |
Marstrand, Baard |
Maumenee, A. Edward |
BOX 24 |
Menotti, Gian Carlo |
Meyer, Gabrielle |
Miller, Wayne |
Mitchell, James M. |
Morse, Wayne |
Murrow, Edward R. and Janet |
"N" miscellaneous |
Norton, John |
"O" miscellaneous |
O'Brian, John Lord |
Oppenheimer, Robert |
Ortonas, Egidio Giulia |
BOX 25 |
"P" miscellaneous |
Paradise, Charles F. |
Parks, Edwards A. and Agnes |
Patton, James G. |
Pearson, Drew |
Perlis, Leo |
Peterson, Esther |
Petit, Mme. Paul |
Phillips, Perside |
Prywes, Moshe |
BOX 26 |
"Q" miscellaneous |
"R" miscellaneous |
Ransom, Floyd D. |
Redl, Fritz |
Reuther, Walter P. |
Remer, Georgiana |
Rhoades, Katharine |
Rodin, Auguste |
Rogers, Virgil M. |
Roosevelt, Eleanor |
BOX 27 |
Ruthven, Charles |
"S" miscellaneous |
Saarinen, Aline |
BOX 28 |
Sandburg, Carl |
Schuller, Craig (Mrs. Erwin) |
Scott, Hugh |
Serkin, Rudolf, Irene, and family |
Shapley, Harlow |
Sheeler, Charles |
Sheil, Bernard J. |
Siegel, Gerald W. |
Silverman, Joseph A. |
Simonson, Lee and Carolyn |
Smith, Hugh |
Smith, Louise Carter |
Smith, Margaret Chase |
Sommers, Davidson |
BOX 29 |
Steichen, Edward, Joanna, and Kate |
Stevens, Roger |
Stevenson, Adlai (1900-1965)
(photocopies) |
Stevenson, Adlai E., III (1930- ) |
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays and Iphigene |
Swatland, Donald C. and Muriel |
Swing, Raymond Gram and Betty |
"T" miscellaneous |
Taylor, Harold |
Taylor, Ruth |
BOX 30 |
Terhune, Alfred McKinley and
Annabelle |
Thayer, V. T. |
Thompson, Llewellyn E. |
Tolley, William P. |
Tree, Marietta |
Truman, Harry S. |
"U" miscellaneous |
"V" miscellaneous |
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