| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 7-33 |
General Correspondence, 1906-1972
Letters received and copies of letters sent. |
Arranged alphabetically. |
BOX 7 |
"A" miscellaneous |
Alexander, Henry C. |
Ashmore, Harry |
Attwood, William |
Avon, Lord |
"B" miscellaneous |
BOX 8 |
"B" miscellaneous |
BOX 9 |
Baker, William O. |
Balchen, Bernt |
Barclay, Famke |
Barth, Alan |
Baumgartner, Leona |
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope and Nan |
Bechtel, Louise |
Beebe, Frederick S. |
Behrman, S. N. |
Bingham, Millicent |
Black, Denise |
Blair, William McC. |
Block, Herbert |
Bolling, Richard |
Boyd, Julian P. |
Bradley, Omar |
Brewster, Kingman |
Brown, J. Carter |
Brown, Thomas McP. |
BOX 10 |
Bruggmann, Charles |
Bundy, McGeorge |
Bunn, Edward B. |
"C" miscellaneous |
(1 folder) |
BOX 11 |
(1 folder) |
Calderone, Mary S. |
Campbell, Elizabeth |
Campbell, Joseph |
Canfield, Cass |
Carson, Rachel |
Chang, Hsin-hai |
Childs, Marquis |
BOX 12 |
Claudel, Paul (photocopies) |
Cleveland, Harlan |
Cohen, Wilbur J. |
Commager, Henry Steele |
Conant, James Bryant |
Corr, Maureen |
Crossman, Richard |
"D" miscellaneous |
(1 folder) |
BOX 13 |
(1 folder) |
Dahl, Robert A. |
Davidson, Carter |
Davies, A. Powell |
Davis, Elmer |
Day, Alfred |
DeCarlo, Charles |
Despiau, C. |
Dewey, John |
Dewey, John and Roberta |
Dickie, Jean Kellogg |
Dilliard, Irving |
Doxiadis, C. A. |
Doyle, Marion Wade |
Dunn, Loula |
Durr, Virginia |
(1 folder) |
BOX 14 |
Durr, Virginia |
(1 folder) |
Eisenhower, Milton |
Eisenmann, Jacqueline |
Eissler, K. R. |
Elath, E. |
Evans, Carol |
Evans, John M. |
"F" miscellaneous |
Farley, James A. |
Field, Ruth |
Finch, Robert H. |
Finletter, Thomas K. |
Fish, K. Wallace |
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield |
BOX 15 |
Folliard, Edward T. |
Folsom, Marion B. |
Foster, Vera |
Freer, Charles Lang |
BOX 16 |
1919-1921, and
miscellaneous |
Friedrich, Otto |
Fritchey, Clayton |
Fulbright, J. William |
"G" miscellaneous |
BOX 17 |
Galbraith, John Kenneth |
Gallup, George |
Gammell, Valentine |
Gardner, John W. |
Garrison, Lloyd |
Gildersleeve, Virginia |
Gladwyn, Lord and Lady |
Goldberg, Arthur J. |
"H" miscellaneous |
(1 folder) |
BOX 18 |
(1 folder) |
Hamilton, Clayton |
Hard, William |
Harrison, Floyd R.,
Harrison, Wallace |
Haskins, Caryl P. |
Haynes, George |
BOX 19 |
Heinz, Henry J., II |
Henle, G. |
Hersey, John |
Hess, Sara |
Hickey, Margaret |
Hoban, J. W., 1932,
Holloway, Mildred D. |
Hook, Sidney |
Howlett, Duncan |
Huxley, Julian |
"I" miscellaneous |
BOX 20 |
"J" miscellaneous |
Janeway, Charles |
Jeffers, Robinson |
Johnson, Alvin |
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