| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Family Papers, 1853-1970
(continued) |
Family Correspondence, 1863-1970
(continued) |
Graham, Steve and Bill |
Haas, Elise Stern (Meyer family) |
Homolka, Florence Meyer |
BOX 154 |
Homolka, Florence Meyer |
BOX 155 |
Homolka, Florence Meyer |
Homolka, Vincent and Larry |
Lorentz, Elizabeth Meyer |
BOX 156 |
Lorentz, Elizabeth Meyer |
Meyer, Eugene, Jr. |
BOX 157 |
Meyer, Eugene, Jr. |
Meyer, Eugene, III ("Bill") |
Meyer family, children, general |
BOX 158 |
Meyer family, grandchildren,
general |
Stern, Rosalie Meyer |
Weymouth, Elizabeth Graham |
Unidentified |
1863-1900 |
Undated |
BOX 159-160 |
Family Miscellany, 1853-1970
An album, clippings, memoirs and an oral history of Eugene Meyer, photographs,
and other miscellaneous family items. |
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material. |
Ernst family |
BOX OV 2 |
Baptismal certificates
See Container OV 2, same heading
BOX 159 |
Miscellany |
Ernst, Lucy Schmidt |
Meyer, Eugene, Jr. |
Miscellany |
Oral history |
BOX 160 |
Oral history |
Meyer family, general |
Photographs, general |
Schmidt, Jurgen |
BOX 161-168 |
Miscellany, 1887-1970
School papers, albums, clippings, awards, diplomas, and other miscellaneous
material. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX OV 3 |
Awards and honors |
BOX 161 |
Barnard College |
Coursework and notes |
Printed matter |
BOX 162 |
Printed matter |
Report cards |
BOX OV 4 |
Bibles and prayer books |
BOX OV 5 |
Bibles and prayer books |
Birth certificate |
Bride's book and marriage
certificate |
Catalogues of personal collections |
Clippings |
BOX 163 |
Clippings |
Collected printed matter |
BOX OV 6 |
Miscellany |
BOX 164 |
Miscellany |
BOX 165 |
Miscellany |
Postcards |
BOX 166 |
Postcards |
Grammar and high school |
Autograph book |
Report cards and notes |
BOX 167 |
Guest book, 80th birthday party |
Notebooks |
Notes |
BOX OV 7 |
Objects, miscellaneous |
Passport |
Photographic negatives |
BOX 168 |
Photographs |
Poetry sent and received |
Receipts, miscellaneous jewelry |
BOX 169-180 |
Additions, 1888-2010
BOX 169-176 |
Addition I, 1961-1970
General correspondence of Meyer and files of the National Committee for Support
of Public Schools, including correspondence, minutes of meetings, and printed
matter. |
The general correspondence is organized alphabetically by name of person. The
committee files are organized by topic or type of material. |
BOX 169 |
General correspondence, circa
"A" miscellaneous |
"B" miscellaneous |
Benton, Charles and William |
Bowen, Charles |
"C" miscellaneous |
Calkins, Hugh |
Commons, Dorman L. |
Cuninggim, Anne Whitty (Mrs.
Merrimon) |
"D" miscellaneous |
"E" miscellaneous |
"F" miscellaneous |
"G" miscellaneous |
BOX 170 |
Garfield, Iris |
Gardner, John |
Gordon, Jack |
"H" miscellaneous |
"I-J" miscellaneous |
"K" miscellaneous |
Keppel, Francis |
Kohler, Mary Conway |
"L" miscellaneous |
"M-Q" miscellaneous |
"R" miscellaneous |
Rappaport, Donald |
Redl, Fritz |
Ryan, Charlotte |
BOX 171 |
"S" miscellaneous |
Sanford, Terry |
Sroufe, Gerald E. |
"T" miscellaneous |
Taylor, Harold |
Tillotson, Carolyn L. |
"U-V" miscellaneous |
"W" miscellaneous |
Wilson, Joseph |
Wong, William |
BOX 172 |
National Committee for Support of the Public
Schools |
Address by Meyer,
Appeal letter,
Brochure, 1970
Bylaws, 1968
Conference, 1964-1970
(7 folders) |
Conference of legislators,
BOX 173 |
D.C. Public Schools, 1961-1969
(2 folders) |
Executive Committee Meetings |
(9 folders) |
BOX 174 |
Fundraising letters, 1964-1969
(7 folders) |
General literature,
Logan Community School,
Membership lists,
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