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Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer papers, 1853-2010

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Additions, 1888-2010 (continued)
Addition I, 1961-1970 (continued)
Philadelphia appeal, 1969
Policy statement, 1964
Public monies for non-public schools
Reception, 1964-1970
(7 folders)
Résumés of persons applying for director, 1968
Seven Springs meeting, 1970
Speech, 1970
Printed matter, miscellaneous
BOX 176 Printed matter, miscellaneous
BOX 176 Addition II, 1963
Meeting remarks.
BOX 176 Remarks by Meyer at meeting at Seven Springs Farm, Mount Kisco, N.Y., 1963
BOX 177-180 Addition III, 1888-2010
Diaries, general and family correspondence, school papers, albums, clippings, awards, diplomas, speeches, writings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or type of material.
BOX 177 Archival collection, 1971
BOX 177 Art history and art collection
BOX 177 Claudel, Paul, 1960, 1971-1980
BOX 177 Freer, Charles Lang, 1917, 1955, 1970-1977, 1989-1998
BOX 177 Miscellany, 1922, 1971-1980
BOX OV 2 Awards, diplomas, and honorary degrees, 1899-1965 See Container OV 2, same heading
BOX 177 Awards, diplomas, and honorary degrees, 1946-1965
BOX 177 Barnard College, 1906-1912
(2 folders)
BOX 178 Barnard College, 1906-1912
BOX 178 Cole, Evangeline ("Nancy"), Paris diary transcripts, 1908-1909, 1986
BOX 178 Condolence letters and contributions to Agnes Meyer Memorial Fund, 1970
BOX 178 Diary (transcripts), 1908-1909
(3 folders)
BOX 178 Diaries
BOX 178 1910
BOX 179 1926
BOX 179 Diary excerpts (1917-1933), circa 1990-circa 2010
BOX 179 Family correspondence
BOX 179 Ernst, Gretja Lucia ("Lucy") Schmidt, 1907-1926
BOX 179 Ernst family, general, 1888, circa 1900, 1908, circa 1926
BOX 179 Homolka, Florence Meyer 1925-1932, 1940s, 2010s
BOX 179 Lorentz, Elizabeth Meyer
BOX 179 1923-1938
(6 folders)
BOX 180 1941-1971, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 180 Meyer, Harriet Newmark, 1910-1911
BOX 180 Miscellaneous, 1910, 1926-1960
BOX 180 Southerm, Sarah, 1954-1966
BOX 180 General correspondence, 1900, 1934-1937, 1954-1955, 1961
BOX 180 Meyer honeymoon trip, 1910
BOX 180 Miscellany, 1923-1927, 1937-1940, 1950s
BOX 180 News clippings, 1934, 1943-1948, 1954-1971, 2000
BOX 180 Speeches, circa 1959-1961
BOX 180 Tributes and biographical information, 1957, 1965, circa 1990-circa 2010
BOX 180 Writings
BOX OV 8 Chinese Painting as Reflected in the Thought and Art of Li Lungmien, 1923 See Container OV 8, same heading
BOX 180 Miscellaneous, 1915, 1927, 1936, 1943, 1951-1953, 1969-1971 See also Container OV 2, 291 (magazine)
BOX OV 1-OV 8 Oversize, 1870-1965
Printed matter, certificates, awards, diplomas, objects, and other items.
Arranged according to the series and subseries from which they were removed and thereunder alphabetically by subject or type of material.
Speeches and Writings
Special File
BOX OV 1 Out of these Roots, reviews
Family Papers
Family Miscellany
BOX OV 2 Ernst family, baptismal certificates
BOX OV 3 Awards and honors
BOX OV 4 Bibles and prayer books
BOX OV 5 Bibles and prayer books
BOX OV 6 Collected printed matter, miscellany
BOX OV 7 Objects, miscellaneous
Addition III
BOX OV 2 Awards, diplomas, and honorary degrees
BOX OV 2 291 (magazine)
BOX OV 8 Chinese Painting as Reflected in the Thought and Art of Li Lungmien

Contents List