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REEL I:1-I:2 History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 1
Organized by original document number.
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 12,542
REEL 1:1 DOC I. Hernando Cortés v. Guzman and Lic. Matienzo and Delgadillo to recover benefits and tributes, 1531, Feb. 14-1532, May 31
See also microfilm shelf no. 12,542, Reel 2:1
[HC-M 2; original in Conservation Division]
REEL 1:1 DOC I. Huexotzingo Codex
[HC-M 2; original in Conservation Division; facsimile, Container 22 (oversize)]
Digital content available
The Huexotzingo Codex was filmed anew following conservation treatment; see microfilm shelf no. 19,788, one reel.
REEL 1:1 DOC II. Hernando Cortés v. Lics. Matienzo and Delgadillo–tributes of pueblo of Toluca, 1531, Apr. 4-1532, May 28
[HC-M 3; Container 23]
REEL 1:1 DOC III. Juan Castellon v. Lics. Altamirano and Garcia de Llerena about salary, 1536, Oct. 24-1537, Mar. 21
[HC-M 4; Container 23]
REEL 1:1 DOC IV. Alonso Morzillo v. Hernando Cortés to restrict Indians of Etla from cultivating land, 1537, May 4-1538, Feb. 26
[HC-M 5; Container 23]
REEL 1:1 DOC V. Hernando Cortés v. Alonso Diaz de Gibraelon – regarding lost surety document, 1543, Jan. 30-Nov. 6
[HC-M 6; Container 24]
REEL 1:1 DOC VI. Lic. Cristobal de Benevente v. Hernado Cortés – for having exacted excessive tributes from Indians, 1544, July 21-1552, July 30
[HC-M 7; Container 24]
REEL 1:1 DOC VI. Pages 1-64
REEL 1:2 DOC VI. Pages 65-end
REEL 1:2 DOC VII. Antonio de la Cadena and Isabel de Ojeda v. Hernado Cortés– regarding right to cut firewood for sugar mill, 1547, Feb. 7-1550, May 5
[HC-M 8; Container 24]
REEL 2:1-2:6 History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 2
Organized by original document number.
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 12,542
REEL 2:1 DOC I. Indian paintings only
See also microfilm shelf no. 12,542, Reel 1:1
[HC-M 2; original in Conservation Division; facsimile, Container 22 (oversize)]
REEL 2:1 DOC VIII. Martin Cortés v. Altamirano regarding payment of fine levied against Herando Cortés, 1552, 9 Feb.-9 Aug.
[HC-M 9; Container 25]
REEL 2:1 DOC VIII.a. Memoranda and extract of an unidentified account book, undated
[HC-M 51; Container 25]
REEL 2:1 DOC IX. Don Luis Cortés and Dona Guiomar de Escobar v. Dona Isabel de Lujan regarding encomienda of Cuzamala, 1556, Oct. 9-1557, Dec. 7
[HC-M 10; Container 29]
REEL 2:1 DOC X. Court records of bond guaranteeing the management of the sequestered property of Martin Cortés, 1569, Mar. 8-May 12
[HC-M 30; Container 25]
REEL 2:1 DOC XI. Martin Cortés petitions the Audiencia to be allowed to present evidence in refutation of accusations made against him in Spain, 1565, Sept. 27-Nov. 8
[HC-M 14; Container 25]
REEL 2:1 DOC XII. Martin Cortés v. Ines de Leon to recover Juana, a negro slave and her two children, 1585, July 9-1587, July 21
[HC-M 39; Container 25]
REEL 2:1 DOC XIII. Fragment – criminal proceedings against Alonso Davila Alvarado and his brother Gil Gonzalez Davila, 1566, July 16-23
[HC-M 15; Container 28]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV. Fragments of original court records against Don Martin Cortés– accused of conspiracy, 1566, Sept. 16-1567, Mar. 20
[HC-M 17; Container 27]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV.a. Fragment of a lawsuit concerning expenses incurred in guarding Martin Cortés during his imprisonment for conspiracy, 1574, Feb.-Aug.
[HC-M 34; Container 27]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV.b. Petition made by Gonzalo Salazar, guard in the Marques’ prison, for his salary, 1570, July 18-19
[HC-M 31; Container 27]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV.c. Fragment [1 page] concerning sequestering Martin Cortés’ possessions during his imprisonment from conspiracy, [1568], Jan. 156
[HC-M 29; Container 27]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV.d. Fragment (1 torn page) Request for transcripts of accusations made by Francisco Sande against several individuals accused of conspiracy 1574, July 5
[HC-M 35; Container 27]
REEL 2:2 DOC XIV.e. Petition on behalf of Martin Cortés for copy of testimonies relating to Davila-Cortés conspiracy, 1574, July 9-10
[HC-M 36; Container 27]
REEL 2:3 DOC XV. Fragments of criminal action against Don Martin Cortés, 1566, July 16-1568, Nov. 16
[HC-M 16; Container 28]
REEL 2:3 DOC XVI. Fragments of criminal proceedings against Diego Arias de Sotelo and Baltasar de Sotelo, regarding conspiracy, 1566, Nov. 18-1567, July 30
[HC-M 18; Container 28]
REEL 2:4 DOC XVII. Criminal proceedings against Cristobal de Oñate, regarding conspiracy (No. XVII.a. sewed in with it), 1567, May 5-1568, Jan. 8
[HC-M 19; Container 26]
REEL 2:4 DOC XVII.a. Fragment of criminal proceedings against Baltasar and Pedro de Quesada, Baltasarde de Aguilar, and Bernardino Maldonado, (sewed in with No. XVII) 1567, Nov. 26-Dec. 30
[HC-M 22; Container 26]
REEL 2:4 DOC XVIII. Fragments of criminal proceedings against Baltasar and Pedro de Quesada regarding conspiracy, 1567, Nov. 7-1570, Apr. 6
[HC-M 20; Container 26]
REEL 2:4 DOC XIX. Action against Rodrigo de Carvajal, priest, for his aid to Bernardo Maldonado – who was accused of conspiracy, 1567, Nov. 12-1568, Jan. 10
[HC-M 21; Container 26]
REEL 2:4 DOC XX. Fragments of criminal action against Pero Gomez de Caceres, accused of conspiracy, 1566, July 26-1568, Mar. 4
[HC-M 26; Container 26]
REEL 2:5 DOC XXI. Criminal action against Juan de Valdivieso, accused of conspiracy, 1567, Nov. 4-1568, Mar. 20
[HC-M 23; Container 31]
REEL 2:5 DOC XXII. Criminal action against Antonio Ruiz de Castañeda, accused of conspiracy, 1567, Dec. 6-1568, May 26
[HC-M 24; Container 31]
REEL 2:5 DOC XXIII. Proceedings between Viceroy Gaston de Peralta, Margues de Falces and fiscal Francisco de Saude concerning the Marques request for a Probanza de Servicios, 1567, Dec. 6-1568, Feb. 14
[HC-M 25; Container 31]
REEL 2:5 DOC XXIV. Criminal action against Garcia de Albornoz, accused of conspiracy, 1568, Jan. 12-1576, Mar. 30
[HC-M 28; Container 31]
REEL 2:5 DOC XXV. Records of trial by the Inquisition of Francisco Hernandez, accused of making a statement concerning fornication, 1578, Sept. 2-Oct. 17
[HC-M 38; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXVI. Records of trial by the Inquisitions of Negro slave Sebastian, accused of blasphemy, 1594, Aug. 16-1596, Dec. 10
[HC-M 43; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXVII. Fragment of trial by the Inquisitions of Diego Alonso Cepero accused of blasphemies, 1608, Oct. 11-1609, Mar. 23
[HC-M 48; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXVIII. Trial by the Inquisition of Diego Diaz, accused of bigamy, 1608, Aug. 19-1610, Feb. 26
[HC-M 47; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXIX. Proceedings concerning complaint by an Indian woman that a priest made amorous advances to her, 1608, Feb. 29-1612, Nov. 8
[HC-M 46; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXX. Fragment of the trial by the Inquisition of Lorenzo Lopez Iniguez, accused of blasphemy, 1609, May 16-27
[HC-M 49; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXI. Records on investigation by the Inquisition of Dr. Esteban de Portillo, particularly the purity of his blood, 1571, Sept. 9-1577, Apr. 5
[HC-M 32; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXII. Fragment of the proceedings by the Inquisition regarding the granting of the title of a familiar of the Holy Office to Pedro de Herrera, 1572, Aug. 20-1580, Mar. 23
[HC-M 33; Container 30]
BOX 2:6 DOC XXXIII. Decree issued in Vera Cruz concerning carrying of packages of books and images from ships, 1586, Oct. 27-28
[HC-M 40; Container 30]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXIV. Inspection of ships by Commissary Inquisitor Francisco Lopez Rebelledo (See No. XL), 1586, Nov.-1587, Jan.
[HC-M 41; Container 30]
REEL 2:6XXXV. Ledger of contributions made for responsories to Cathedral and other churches of Barcelona – by estate of Elisabet Beneta Solsina and other estates–In Catalan, 1559-1568
[HC-M 12; Container 32]
BOX 2:6 DOC XXXVI. Records of proceedings concerning request of the Indians of Quitlabaca to Viceroy Martin Enriquez for permission to use a part of their tributes for construction of a church, 1578, Feb. 19-25
[HC-M 37; Container 32]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXVII. Petition by Indians of Guaxapa for aid from the royal treasure for expenditures in the Church, 1592, Sept. 9-Oct. 6
[HC-M 42; Container 32]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXVIII Marriage applications and licenses issued by Don D. Juan de Salamanca, Treasure of the Cathedral of Mexico – 6 licenses, 1604, Jan. 14-July 19
[HC-M 44; Container 32]
REEL 2:6 DOC XXXIX. Fragment of the residencia taken by the new Viceroy Don Juan de Mendoza, concerning the Viceroy Gaspar de Zuniga y Acevedo, 1604, Jan. 29
[HC-M 45; Container 32]
REEL 3:1 History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 3
Organized by original document number.
Microfilm shelf no. 15,276
REEL 3:1 DOC XL. Report on insurrection of the Indians of Tlapa, 1609, July 14-27
[HC-M 50; Container 32]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLI. Coat of Arms to Hernando Cortés, 1525, Mar. 7
[HC-M 1; Containers 12 and 13]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLII. Confirmation to D. Martin Cortés of the privilegio of 23,000 vassals and 22 pueblos in New Spain, 1560, Dec. 16
[HC-M 13; Container 11]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLIII. Fragment of action against Pero Hernandez Pachero, accused of conspiracy, 1567, Dec. 20
[HC-M 27; Container 32]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLIV. Alvaro Hernandez v. Alcalde Baltasar Garcia – house rent, 1557, Jan. 26-27
[HC-M 11; Container 32]
not filmed History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 4
Organized by original document number.
DOC 10 Various positive enlargement prints from microfilm of document Nos. I-XLIV
DOC 21 Positive photostatic copy of Hernado Cortés v. Guzman and Lic. Matienzo and Delgadillo to recover benefits and tributes, 1531, Feb. 14-1532, May 31
For additional material see microfilm shelf no. 12,542, Reels 1:2 and 2:1
DOC 33 Positive and negative photostatic copies of the papers of Don Baltasar de Sotelo from proceedings in the trial of the Sotelo brothers in the Avila-Cortés conspiracy, Mexico, 1565-1568, dated 1857, Feb.8-1561, Jan. 30
BOX 1-20not filmed History of the Spanish in Peru
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