The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harkness collection, 1525-1651
REEL 3:1 History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 3
Organized by original document number.
Microfilm shelf no. 15,276
REEL 3:1 DOC XL. Report on insurrection of the Indians of Tlapa, 1609, July 14-27
[HC-M 50; Container 32]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLI. Coat of Arms to Hernando Cortés, 1525, Mar. 7
[HC-M 1; Containers 12 and 13]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLII. Confirmation to D. Martin Cortés of the privilegio of 23,000 vassals and 22 pueblos in New Spain, 1560, Dec. 16
[HC-M 13; Container 11]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLIII. Fragment of action against Pero Hernandez Pachero, accused of conspiracy, 1567, Dec. 20
[HC-M 27; Container 32]
REEL 3:1 DOC XLIV. Alvaro Hernandez v. Alcalde Baltasar Garcia – house rent, 1557, Jan. 26-27
[HC-M 11; Container 32]
not filmed History of the Spanish in Mexico: Series 4
Organized by original document number.
DOC 10 Various positive enlargement prints from microfilm of document Nos. I-XLIV
DOC 21 Positive photostatic copy of Hernado Cortés v. Guzman and Lic. Matienzo and Delgadillo to recover benefits and tributes, 1531, Feb. 14-1532, May 31
For additional material see microfilm shelf no. 12,542, Reels 1:2 and 2:1
DOC 33 Positive and negative photostatic copies of the papers of Don Baltasar de Sotelo from proceedings in the trial of the Sotelo brothers in the Avila-Cortés conspiracy, Mexico, 1565-1568, dated 1857, Feb.8-1561, Jan. 30
BOX 1-20not filmed History of the Spanish in Peru
Organized by type of material: enlargement prints, originals, and Rosenbach Company items.
BOX 1 Enlargement prints of documents in containers 14-19
BOX 1 Nos. 1-299
BOX 2 Nos. 300-473
BOX 3 Nos. 474-645
BOX 4 Nos. 646-793
BOX 5 Nos. 794-900
BOX 6 Nos. 901-953
BOX 7 Nos. 954-1030
BOX 8 Nos. 1031-1200
BOX 9 Nos. 1201-1605
BOX 14 Originals
BOX 14 Notarial instruments
BOX 14 Nos. 1-390, 1531-1538
BOX 15 Nos. 391-625, 1539-1550
BOX 16 Nos. 626-797, 1543-1569
BOX 17 Nos. 798-953, 1552-1633
BOX 18 Royal cedulas and viceregal degrees, 1555-1651, 1740
BOX 19A Libro de Cabildo de Chachapoyas, 1538-1545 , nos. 1031-1208
BOX 19A Chachapoyas, elections, 1551-1555 , nos. 1591-1605
BOX 19B Libro de Cabildo de San Juan Frontero de Guamanga, 1539-1547, nos. 1209-1501
BOX 20 Rosenbach Company, New York, N.Y., notes, exhibit cards, and printed material

Contents List