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Society of the Cincinnati records, 1714-1938

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L'Enfant Correspondence and Documents, 1783-1793 (continued)
Item: 169 June 12, L'Enfant to Knox.
Item: 170 June 20, L'Enfant to Knox.
Item: 171 July 2, Knox to Robert L. Hooper.
Item: 172 July 5, Knox to Jeremiah Olney.
Item: 173 July 9, L'Enfant to Knox.
Item: 174 Nov. 17, Heth, William, to Knox, remitting sums due from Virginia Society.
Item: 175 Dec. 8, Merriwether, T., to Knox, enclosing resolution of the Virginia Society.
Item: 176 Dec. 16, L'Enfant to Knox.
Item: 177 Dec. 29, Knox to Merriwether.
Item: 178 __, Trumbull, Jonathan, Receipt to L'Enfant for 9 Eagles, with signatures of Eben. Huntington, Jon.hart, et al.
Item: 179 1789
May 17, Knox to Henry Jackson.
Item: 180 June 1, L'Enfant to Knox. Receipt.
Item: 181 July 26, Eustis, William, to Knox, regarding Eagles remaining in possession of General Society.
Item: 182 Aug. 3, Knox to Eustis.
Item: 183 Dec. 17, Moore, Thomas L., to Knox.
Item: 184 Dec. 24, Knox to Moore.
Item: 185 Dec. 16, Knox to William Heth.
Item: 186 1790
Jan. 17, Jackson, Henry, to Knox.
Item: 187 __, L' Enfant to Knox. Receipt.
Item: 188 Jan. 28, Knox to Jackson.
Item: 189 Jan. 30, Knox to Thomas Moore.
Item: 190 Apr. 29, L'Enfant to Knox, enclosing Memorial to General Society.
Item: 191 __, Statement of Eagle sold to Major Gilman for $20.00.
Item: 192 __, Statement of sums paid L'Enfant.
Item: 193 Sept. 11, L'Enfant to Knox.
Item: 194 1791
1791, H. Knox. Circular letter to State Societies delinquent in payments due L'Enfant.
Item: 195 Sept. 13, Knox to L'Enfant.
Item: 196 __, Statement of account, 1787-1790, receipted by L'Enfant.
Item: 197 1792
July 4, Resolution of Georgia Society, signed James B. Sharpe.
Item: 198 Oct. 1, Wiley, Richard, to Knox, remitting sum due from Georgia Society.
Item: 199 1793
May 6, Account of the Secretary General, signed H. Knox.
Item: 200 __, To the President of the North Carolina Society re amount due L'Enfant.
REEL 3 State Societies Correspondence and Documents, 1783-1848
Item nos. 201-385
Microfilm shelf no. 11,877 (negative shelf no. 8,859)
Item: 201
New Hampshire Society
Mar. 12, Sullivan, John, to Washington
Item: 202 __, List of members certified by Eben. Sullivan, Sec'y.
Item: 203 1785
Feb. 3, New Hampshire Society to General Meeting, Eben. Sullivan Sec'y., opposing plan to amend Institution
Item: 204 Apr. 16, New Hampshire Society to General Meeting, Jere. Fogg, sec'y.
Massachusetts Society
Item: 205 1784, Mar. 2, Lincoln, Benjamin, to Washington.
Item: 206 1786, June 27, Knox to Maj. North
Item: 207 1787
Feb. 18, Lincoln, Benjamin, to Peter Van Schaack.
Item: 208 Feb. 18, Lincoln, Benjamin, to Col. Wade.
Item: 209 Apr. 11, Credentials of Massachusetts delegates to General Meeting, Thomas Edwards, Sec'y.
Item: 210 Apr. 11, Instructions to delegates regarding amendment of Institution, Thomas Edwards, Sec'y.
Item: 211 1788, Apr. 27, Eustis to Knox.
Item: 212 1789
July 4, Credentials, Henry Knox and others to General Meeting.
Item: 213 Oct. 27, Clipping, Address to Gen. Washington on arrival in Boston and his reply.
Item: 214 1790
June 4, Washington to Mrs. Warren.
Item: 215 July 5, Credential of Massachusetts delegates.
Item: 216 1791, Apr. 18, Instructions to delegates, signed by John Winslow.
Item: 217 1793, July 20, Knox to Samuel Hodgdon.
Item: 218 1794, Mar. 26, Knox to Governor of North Carolina.
Item: 219 1800, Apr. 25, Certification of delegates, signed B. Lincoln, Pres., Thomas Edwards, Sec'y.
Item: 220 Jan. 15, Resolution on action at General Meeting regarding State Society funds.
Item: 221 1811, Aug. 21, Heath, W., to Governor Gerry.
Item: 222 1820, May 25, Sargent, Winthrop, to James Brown.
Item: 223 1825, Oct. 3, Callander, John, to William Jackson.
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