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American Historical Association records, 1884-1986

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Part C: Divisions, 1969-1986 (continued)
BOX 1000 Texas Historical Committee
BOX 1000 1981-1982
BOX 1000 Africa study and travel program
(2 folders)
BOX 1001 Africa study and travel program
(5 folders)
BOX 1001 Annual reports and meetings
BOX 1002 Annual reports and meetings
BOX 1002 Conference on the teaching of public history proposal
BOX 1002 Council for Basic Education
BOX 1002 Directory of Teaching Innovations in History
(2 folders)
BOX 1002 Encyclopedia of Cleveland History
BOX 1002 General files
(2 folders)
BOX 1003 German history textbooks
BOX 1003 German Marshall Fund of the United States
BOX 1003 International associations for promoting history
BOX 1003 Internships, general
BOX 1003 Internships, Saint Francis College, Loretto, Pa.
BOX 1003 Introductory history course conference
BOX 1003 Introductory history course questionnaire
BOX 1003 National History Day conferences
BOX 1003 National Women's History Week bill
BOX 1004 Old age in history and literature
BOX 1004 Pamphlet series
BOX 1004 Popular history magazine proposal
(2 folders)
BOX 1004 Project Equality, the College Board
BOX 1004 Regional teaching conferences
(3 folders)
BOX 1005 Review of curricula and consultants
BOX 1005 Summer Institute in Women's History, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
(2 folders)
BOX 1005 State associations for promoting history
BOX 1005 Study/travel program for world historians, final report
BOX 1005 Teaching conferences, general
BOX 1005 Teaching division column in association newsletter
BOX 1005 "Teaching Women's History" pamphlet
BOX 1005 1983-1984
BOX 1005 American Council of Learned Societies Commission on the Humanities report revision
BOX 1005 American University School of International Service, Washington, D.C.
BOX 1006 Annual reports and meetings
(2 folders)
BOX 1006 Australian Historical Association
BOX 1006 Blue ribbon commission on history in the schools
BOX 1006 Chicago public school system curriculum
BOX 1006 Clio Project, University of California, Berkeley and California State Department of Education
(2 folders)
BOX 1006 Computer-aided instruction in history
BOX 1007 Conferences, general
(2 folders)
BOX 1007 Council for Basic Education
BOX 1007 Developing student standards for American history
BOX 1007 El Camino Community College, Torrance, Calif., revision of general education requirements
BOX 1007 Film and history in the classroom
BOX 1007 Florida International University, Miami, Fla., teacher competency program
BOX 1007 General files
(3 folders)
BOX 1008 German history textbooks
BOX 1008 Guidelines for the certification of teachers of history
BOX 1008 "Guide to Interpretations of Western Civilization" proposal
BOX 1008 History Association of Victoria, Australia
BOX 1008 "History In the Schools," National Council for the Social Studies
BOX 1008 History Teaching Alliance project proposal
BOX 1008 Internships, general
BOX 1008 Latin American study and travel program
(2 folders)
BOX 1008 Liberal learning and careers
BOX 1009 Louisiana study of college history requirements
BOX 1009 Miscellany
BOX 1009 National Commission on Excellence in Teacher Education
BOX 1009 National History Day conferences
BOX 1009 Newsletter for secondary school American history teachers proposal
BOX 1009 New York state school curriculum
(2 folders)
BOX 1009 Northern Virginia Association of Historians
BOX 1009 Pamphlet series
(3 folders)
BOX 1010 Regional teaching conferences
(3 folders)
BOX 1010 Review of curricula and consultants
BOX 1010 Society for History Education
BOX 1010 "Strengthening the Humanities Through Foreign Language and Literature Studies," proposal
BOX 1010 Teaching division column in association newsletter
BOX 1010 Tennessee state teacher preparation requirements
BOX 1010 World History Association
(2 folders)
BOX 1010 Writing courses for students
BOX 1011 1985-1986
BOX 1011 Academic Alliances: School/College Faculty Collaboratives
BOX 1011 Annual reports and meetings
BOX 1011 Articles, miscellaneous
BOX 1011 Conference on graduate education in history
BOX 1011 Conference on "What Americans Should Know: the Survey Course in Non-American History," Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich.
BOX 1011 Council for Basic Education
BOX 1011 Defense of history kit
BOX 1011 General files
(2 folders)
BOX 1012 General files
BOX 1012 "The Historian and the Moving-Image Media" project (3 folders)
BOX 1012 History Teaching Alliance project
(2 folders)
BOX 1012 History textbooks
BOX 1013 Institute to Revise the Social Science Graduation Requirements at El Camino College, Torrance, Calif.
(2 folders)
BOX 1013 Joint Committee on the Status of History in the Schools
BOX 1013 Latin American study and travel program
BOX 1013 Master Teacher: Western Civilization, television series, WGBH Educational Foundation
BOX 1013 Miscellany
BOX 1014 Miscellany
BOX 1014 National Commission on Social Studies
BOX 1014 National History Day conferences
(2 folders)
BOX 1014 National History Teaching Center
BOX 1014 Pamphlet series
BOX 1014 Regional teaching conferences
BOX 1014 Review of curricula and consultants
BOX 1014 Society for History Education
BOX 1015 "Strengthening High School World Studies Courses" conference, Sanibel Island, Fla.
BOX 1015 "Studia Humanitatis Humanitati Adhibita" project, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 1015 Teacher certification
BOX 1015 Teaching conferences, general
BOX 1015 "Teaching History Today"
BOX 1015 University and school collaborations
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