| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 23-24 |
Speeches and Statements, 1924-1942
Handwritten, typewritten, multicopy, and printed copies of speeches or drafts of speeches. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 23 |
1924-1940, Mar. |
BOX 24 |
1940, June-1942, undated |
BOX 25-60 |
Legislative File, circa 1921-1943
Letters sent and received, memoranda, and printed copies of bills and resolutions. |
Arranged by subject. Little arrangement of folders under these headings, but each folder deals with a specific legislative proposal. Included are two groups of index cards relating to legislative proposals of the 76th, 77th, and 78th Congresses. The first group is arranged alphabetically, by name or subject. The second group is arranged by Congresses, and within each Congress, serially by bills. Loose-leaf notebooks and record books serve as indexes to bills and resolutions introduced by McNary in various Congresses. |
BOX 25 |
Agriculture |
Agricultural Statements |
Agricultural Data, 1935-1938 |
S-2409 Authorize more complete endowment of agricultural experiment stations (Purnell Bill), 1924 |
Amendment to H.R. 7729, Hawes-Cooper Bill, 1928 |
S.J. Res. 159 Control and Eradication European Fowl Pest (Agriculture Appropriation), 1924 |
S. 3473 Expanding Foreign Field Service, etc., 1926 |
S. 2043 Expanding Foreign Field Service, 1929-1930 |
Crop Insurance Bill, 1922-1937 |
BOX 26 |
S. Res. 92 Crop Insurance |
S. 2149 Crop Insurance |
S. Res. 413 Crop Insurance, Time Extension |
S. 3987 (Peak's Bill) Soil Resources |
S. 2787 Pope-McGill Farm Bill |
S. 1579 To extend time during which orders and marketing agreements under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, may be applicable to hops |
S. 1662 Amendment (in the nature of a substitute) to extend the time during which orders and marketing agreements under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, may be applicable to hops |
S. 4536 To amend Agricultural Marketing Act. |
BOX 27 |
S. 4602 Farm Bill |
S.1 Farm Relief Bill |
Farm Relief (S. 4536) |
S. 2999 Establish Federal Farm Board control and disposition of surplus commodities |
S. 3538 Farm Bill |
S. Res. 137 Relating to a supplemental report by the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in connection with its investigation of the Federal Farm Board |
S. 4206 New McNary-Haugen Bill, Formerly S. 4158, S. 3109 |
S. 4808 Farm Relief Bill |
S. 1911 Farmers' Export Corporation Bill |
Farm Board Reports-Miscellaneous |
BOX 28 |
S. 3091 Wheat Folder |
S. 2012 Wheat Bill |
S. 3091 New Wheat Bill (2012) |
History of McNary-Haugen Legislation, 69th-75th Congresses |
(2 folders) |
BOX 29 |
S. 3555 70th Congress |
McNary-Haugen Clippings, Data |
(2 folders) |
McNary-Haugen Miscellaneous |
McNary-Haugen Bills, Reports, Laws |
(1 folder) |
BOX 30 |
(1 folder) |
Farm Board Investigation, Correspondence |
BOX 31 |
McNary-Haugen Farm Bill, 1924-1932 |
BOX 32 |
Hearings on Various Agricultural Relief Bills including McNary-Haugen (Marked "Only Copies") (Printed Matter) |
BOX 33 |
Bonneville Dam |
Bonneville Dam
Columbia River Development, 1931-1933 |
Bonneville Dam, 1933-1934 |
Bonneville Fishways, 1935 |
Bonneville, 1935 |
BOX 34 |
Bonneville Dam, 1935-1936 |
H.R. 6732 Columbia River at Bonneville, 1935 |
S. 3330 Bonneville Power Bill, 1936 |
Bonneville, 1936 |
BOX 35 |
Bonneville Dam Rates |
BOX 36 |
Bonneville Dam |
BOX 37 |
Bonneville Dam |
S. 2092 Bonneville Dam Bill, 1937 |
Bonneville Dam, 1937-1938 |
S. 2375 To amend the Bonneville Project Act, 1939 |
Bonneville Data, 1940 |
Bonneville Amendment (1942) S. 2430 |
Columbia Valley Authority |
Columbia Valley, 1941 |
Columbia Valley, Roosevelt, also Harold L. Ickes (1941) |
BOX 38 |
Fisheries |
S. 732 Propagation of Salmon in the Columbia River |
S. Res. 85 Salmon Treaty |
S.J. Res. 15 Whaling Industry Extension |
S. 240 (Fisheries) |
BOX 39 |
Forestry |
Forestry Legislation |
S. 3556 McNary-McSweeney (Reintroduced S. 1183) |
S. 4507 Forestry Bill |
S.J. Res. 116 Puerto Rico Reforestation Lands |
S. 718 Protection of watersheds of navigable |
BOX 40 |
S. 766 Extend provisions of forest exchange to Cascade National Forest Oregon |
S. 767 Authorizing appropriation for construction and maintenance of protection of national forests |
S. 1182 Reforestation Bill |
S. 1982 Add certain lands to Mt. Hood National Forest |
S. 1983 Fremont National Forest, revision of boundaries |
S. 462 Willamette National Forest, authorize extension of |
S. 1513 Siskiyou National Forest |
S. 1680 Deschutes National Forest |
S. 1762 Add certain lands to Rogue River National Forest |
S. 2185 Exclusive jurisdiction over Crater Lake National Park (from Jean Steel) |
S. 3312 Ochoco National Forest. Add certain lands |
S. 3013 Ashland Watershed, Add lands to Rogue River National Forest |
S. 1433 To add certain lands to the Siuslaw National Forest |
Snake River Canyon. Wallowa National Forest |
S. 2499 Umatilla, Wallowa, and Whitman National Forests |
S. 299 Withdrawal of national forest lands for protection of watersheds |
S. 1837 Relating to the importation of shingles |
R.R. 8099 Lumbar marking not to include sawed lumber, poles and bundles of shingles |
S. 3658 Authorizing Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to owners of timber and timber lands for the purpose of providing for more orderly marketing of timber holdings. |
BOX 41 |
Indian Affairs |
S. 4509 Klamath Indian Extension |
S. 3382 Expenses Klamath Indian Delegate to Washington |
S. 3749 Erection at Burns, Oregon, School for Piute Indian Children |
S. 3272 Snake or Piute Indians, Court of Claims (Burns Indians) |
S. 1191 Umatilla Reservation Indians |
S. 5575 Coos Bay, Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians |
S. 820 Conferring jurisdiction Court of Claims, bands of tribes of Indians residing in Oregon |
S. 1513 Timber sales on Indian Lands |
S. 2097 Conferring jurisdiction Court of Claims, Indian tribes |
S. 2761, Conferring jurisdiction Court of Claims certain bands, tribes, Indians, State of Oregon |
S. 1432 Authorizing the Snake or Piute Indians of the former Malheur Indian Reservation of Oregon to sue in the Court of Claims |
S. 1715 Authorizing the restoration to tribal ownership lands upon the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon |
S. 926 Umatilla Indians |
S. 1968 To provide for the distribution of judgement fund of the Klamath and Modoc Tribes and Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians |
S. 2153 |
S. 4352 Coos Bay (Kowes) Umpqua (Kalawatset), Siuslaw tribes |
S. 2635 Indian timber sales of allotments |
S. 2895 Warm Spring Tribe of Indians |
S. 4517 Klamath Reservation, expenses Grand Council |
S. 253 To authorize the leasing of certain Indian lands subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior |
BOX 42 |
Public Lands |
O. and C. Lands |
S. 722 Authorize selection of certain publicly owned lands by the State of Oregon |
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