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BOX 135-146 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1926-1967
Correspondence, manuscript and typescript drafts, notes, and other data concerning writings, speeches, and lectures by Pincus.
Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically therein by title.
BOX 135 1926-1931, Genetics and social values
circa 1930, "17 Retasteroids of Plasma, Sweat and Uurine," with Hecter, O.
1930, "Tissue Cultures at High Temperatures"
1936, "Eggs of Mammals"
ca 1936, Sterility in Rabbits Produced by Injections of Oestrone and Related Compositions," with Kirsch, R.
circa 1937, "An Unfertilized Human Tubal Ovum," with Saunders, B.
1937, "Total Urinary Estrogen," with Smith. G., and Smith, O. W., Developmental Physiology of Mammalian Eggs
1940, "The Comparative Behavior of Mammalian Eggs in vivo and in vitro, VII," with Shapiro, H.
1942-circa 1945, stress and related topics
circa 1944-1945," Stress," with Freeman, W.
1949, "Adrenal Cortex Function in Stress"
BOX 136 1951, Gerontology Congress and Journal of Gerontology slides
1952, National Cancer Congress, slides
(2 folders)
1953, Hormones vol. 3
1954, "The Pysiology of Ovarian and Testis Hormones," for Hormones
1955," Hormones and the Aging Process," G. D. Searle & Co. Conference
Aibs History of Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology
"Hormonal Requirement of Implantation in the Rabbit," with Hafez
"Bioassay of Progesterone"
"Effects of Certain 19-Nor Steroids on the Menstrual Cycle, with Garcia, Celso-Ramon, and Rock, John
"The Effects of Certain 19-Nor Steroids upon Reproductive Processes," with Garcia, Celso-Ramon, and, John
"Effects of Estrogens and Steroids on Sex Differentiation in the Fowl"
"Fertility Control with Oral Medication," with Garcia, Celso-Ramon, Paniagua, Rice-Wray, Edris, Rock, John, nd Rodriguez
BOX 137 "Longterm Administration of Vilane to Human Subjects," G. D. Searle & Co. Conference
"Recent Developments in the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Adrenocortical Hormones"
"Hormones and Aging"
Rice-Wray report
"Aldosterome Excretion in Anxiety States"
"Anti-Progestational Activity of Estrogens in the Rabbit Endometrium," with Miyake
"Fertility Control with Oral Medication," Oliver Bird Lecture
"Hormonal Control of Ovulation and Early Development"
"Hormanal Influences on the Carbonic anhydrase Concentration in the Accessory Reproductive Tracts of the Rat," with Miyake, includes lantern slides
"Progestational Activity of Certain 19-Nor Steroids and Progesterone Derivatives," with Miyake
"Recent Developments in the Study of Adrenal Cortical Steroid
Biogenesis," Vienna Congress
"Studies on Fertility Control with Oral Steroid Medication," with Paniagua
"The Urinary Excretion"
"Biology of Fertility Control," Washington Post
"Clinical Effects of New Progestational Compounds"
BOX 138 "Effects of Certain 19-nor Steroids on Reproductive Processes and Fertility," with Chang, Garcia, Celso-Ramon, and John; Hoagland Symposium
"Field Trials with Norethynodrel as an Oral Contraceptive;" International Planned Parenthood Federation
International Conference, sixth conference
"In Vitro Cultivation of Mammalian Eggs," with Purshottam
"Ovulation in Mice," with Mason and Purshottam
"Progestational Agents and the Control of Fertility Vitamins and Hormones"
"Steroid Hormones and Aging in Man," American Association for the Advancement of Science symposium on aging studies with an oral contraceptive, with Borno, Garcia, Celso-Ramon, Laraque, Nicolas, Paniagua, Pendleton, and Rock, John
BOX 139 1960
"Control of Fertility"
"Further Studies on Progestin Bioassay Using the Eendometrial Lantern Slides"
"Metabolism and Mode of Action of Andrenocortical Hormones," Glasgow Conference
"Micro-Determination of Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Animal Tissue," with Ogawa
"Parabiosis," by Miyake
"Prepration and Properties of the Cofactor of an ACTH-Inactivating Enzyme System from Human Blood," with Hopkins, Terner
"Progesteronegenesis in Ovarian Tissues," with Tamoki, B.
"Role of Steroids in the Control of Mammalian Ovulation," Harvard Conference On Ovulation Steroid Hormones and Aging in Man
(2 folders)
BOX 140 1961
"Steroids and Tumors" Canadian Cancer Conference
(2 folders)
"Suppression of Ovulation with Reference to Oral Contraceptives," Copenhagen Congress
"Annual Review of Physiology"
"Ant-Progestins," with Merrill, Ann P.
"Effects of Estrogen and Progestin on the Uterine Carbonic Anhydrase of Immature Rats"
"Estrogen Effects on the Carbonic Anhydrase Content of Mouse Uteri," with Ogawa, Y.
"Human Beings and the Human Race"
Miscellaneous manuscripts
"Ovulation Inhibition and Fertility Control"
"Sex Modifications Occurring in Fertile Hens Eggs." with Erickson, A.
"Anti-Ovulatory Effects of Reserpine When Administered to Immature Rats," with Hopkins, Thomas F.
"Carbonic Anhydrase in Steroid-Responsive Tissues," with Bialy, G.
"The Control of Human Reproduction"
"The Control of Ovulation and of Ovum Development"
BOX 141 "Disappearance of Fluorescent La-Belled Gonadotrophin from the Blood of the Rabbit," with Kulangara, A. C.
"Effect of Steroidal Anti-Progestins on the Implantations of Fertilized Eggs of Rats and Mice," with Banik, U. K.
"Hormonal Inhibition of Ovulation," with Garcia, Celson-Ramon
"Ladies Home Journal," 1962-1963
Review of"Mammalian Egg," Quarterly Review of Biology
Miscellaneous manuscripts
"A New, Highly Potent Oral Ovulation Inhibition"
"Progesterone Assay in the Rabbit by the Local Intrauterine
Response," with Kuragochi, Yutaka
"Anti-Progestine and Implantation. " with Banik, U. K., International Planned Parenthood Federatoipm, seventh conference
"Carbonice anhydrase"
'Clinical Control of Fertility;" "Advances in Chemistry"
"Contraception Using Oral Progestin-Estrogin Medication," with Garcia, Celso-Ramon, and Satterchwaite, A. P.
"Effects of Estrous Cycle Variations and Exogenous Steroid"
"Hormones on the Production and Secretion Corticostinone by the Rat Adrenal," with Hioai"
"Effects of Reseopine on Gonadolropin Induced Ovulation in Immature Rats," with Hopkins, T. F.
"Frontiers in Methods of Fertility Control," American Association for the Advancement of Science symposium
"Homograft Implants of Young Testes, Ovaries and Ovotestes in the Intact Female Chick," with Erickson, A. E.
"Hormonal Steroids and Ceruical Pathology," with Garcia, Celso-Ramon
"Insensitivity of Fowl Testes to Cadmium," with Erickson, A. E.
"In Vitro Exposure of Rabbit Ova to Estrogens," with Ketchel, M. M.
Ladies Home Journal
BOX 142 "Metabolic Changes Induced in Elderly Patients with a Cholesterol Lowering Resin, Cholestyramine," with Gherondache, C. N.
"Ovulation Inhibition by Progestin-Estrogen Combination," with Garcia, Celso-Ramon
"Pharmacology of Reproduction & Sterility" with Fridhandler, L.
Review of Steroid Drugs, by G.P.J. of American Chemical Society
"Biologically Active Substances Affecting Gonadotrophin Induced Ovulation in Immature Rats," with France, E. S.
"Clinical Considerations with Oral Hormone Control of Human
Fertility," with Garcia, Celson-Ramon
"Drugs Used in Control of Reproduction," with Bialy, G.
'Effect of Pregnant Mare's Serum"
"Gonadotrophin, Estradiol, & Progesterone on Superovulation in the Immature Rat," with Wyss, H.
"Effect of Cychic Administration of Certain Progestin-Estrogen Combinations on the 24-Hour Radio Iodine Thyroid Uptake," with Frias, Z., Iricarry, S., Janes, R. T. L., and Paniagua, M.
"Effect of Time Interval Following a Single Injection of Estradiol"
"Benzoate on Carbonic Anhydrase Activity and Protein Content of Immature Mouse Uteri"
"Estrogens and the Transport of Ova in the Rat," with Banik, U. K.
"Further Studies on Implantation Inhibitors," with Banik, U. K., and Jacques, J.
"In Virto Effect of Estrone and Brady Kinin on a Nuclear Abnormality in a Hamster Ascites Tumor," with Stevens, D. F.
"Long-Term Use of Progestin-Estrogen Combinations," with
Garcia, Celso-Ramon
"Mechanism of Oral Contraception;" Symposium on Agents Affecting Fertility
"Metabolic Fate of Orally Administered H3-Norethynodrel and H3 Norethindrone in Humans," with Arai, D. S., and Golab, Layne
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