The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Gregory Pincus papers, 1920-2006
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Research Material, 1933-1967 (continued)
BOX 147-160 Research Data, 1933-1967
Notebooks and papers containing research data, records of experiments, and illustrations relating to scientific studies by Pincus and his staff. Much of this material was labeled by Pincus.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 147 List of publications
Manuscript tables for new paper on 19-nor cpds.
Rabbit egg culture and hormone effects, 1933
Experiment book, 1933
Diabetes, hormones, sterilization, 1934-1937
Estrogen color reactions, 1935-1936
BOX 148 Rabbit and human eggs, 1935-1936
Miscellaneous notes, 1935-1944
Egg transplantation methods and rabbits recovered, circa 1936
Biology, vitamin C, 1936
Ovum culture data, 1936
Egg culture and transplantation, 1936
Rabbit egg experiments, 1936
Rat and rabbit uteri, circa 1937
BOX 149 Progesterone uteri, circa 1937
Egg data, 1938
Monkey urines, 1939
Pituitary gonadotrophin assay, 1939
Egg cultures, 1939-1940
Colorimetric determination of androsterone and dehydroandrosterone, 1939-1940
Data on control and schizophrenic subjects under cold stress, 1940s
Pituitary purification, 1940
Uterine enzymes, 1940
Human endometrium respirations, 1940
BOX 150 Urinary color reactions in cancer cases, 1940
Incubation of tissues with added hormones, 1940-1941
Color reactions in cancer and noncancer urines, 1940-1941
Steroid exretion in cases of cancer and in control subjects, 1940-1941
Egg cultures, 1940-1941
Deep freezing of semen and sperm, 1940-1942
Fatigue data, 1941
BOX 151 Hormone assays, pituitary; experiments 1941-1942
Egg culture experiments, 1941-1943
Pilot fatigue studies, 1941-1943
Bioassays, 1941-1943
Purification of gonadotrophic hormones, 1942
Adrenal cold stress, 1943
Urinary steroids, 1943
Urinary steroid analysis, 1943-1944
Stress studies, 1944
Adrenal perfusion, 1944
Cholesterol, 1944
BOX 152 Industrial fatigue data, 1944
Androgen and estrogen assays, 1944-1945
Follett, Hadidian, Pirie, notebooks I-VI, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Hadidian and Pirie, notebook, 1945
Bioassay, 1945-1946
Cow-egg data, 1945-1948
M. Cook notebook, circa 1945
Hyaluronic acid, 1946
Hyaluronidased data, circa 1946
Hadidian, Rose, Oginsky, notebook, 1946
BOX 153 Notebooks, with Hadidian, 1946
Vaginal smears, 1946
U.S. submarine base data, 1946
Antiestrogens from plant sources, circa 1946
A. E. Follett, notebooks, 1946-1947
Bioassay notebooks, 1946-1947
BOX 154 Follett, Hadidian, notebook, 1947
Ovarian transplantation, 1947
Bioassay notebooks, 1947-1949
Russian translations, 1947
Aging studies, 1947-1949
Adrenal response to hormones, 1947-1949
Antihyaluronidase experiments, 1948
BOX 155 Sodium retention assay, 1948-1949
Miscellaneous notes, 1948-1949
Lactone data, 1948-1949
L. Stewart, notebooks, 1948-1950
R. D. Stewart, notebooks, 1948-1950
On mink, Hammond, Jr., 1948-1949
BOX 156 Steroids and the pituitary assays, 1949
Macy conference notes, 1949-1950
Notebooks of experiments, 1950
Slides, 1950
Corticosteroids and electrolyte excretion,1949, undated
Progesterone, 1951
Experiments, 1951-1953
BOX 157 Progesterone project data, 1953-1957
Fertility, rabbit experiments, 1953-1955
Studies on the stress of flying in air force personnel, 1955-1956
Miscellaneous notes, 1958-1959
(2 folders)
Aging studies, 1959
West Point Planned Parenthood Federation of America conference, rabbits, 1959
Puerto Rico, Haiti, data, 1961-1964
Cholesterol determinations 1962
Gerontology data, 1962
Animal data, 1962
Assay reports and results, 1964
BOX 158 Miscellaneous notes, 1965
Research and lecture notes, 1967
Lantern slides, 1967
(3 folders)
Miscellaneous data, undated
BOX 159 Pregnenolone and industrial fatigue
Steroid lactones and estrogens dialysed against protein
Stress related changes in psychotic and normal subjects
Steroid medication in arthritic patients
Stress studies in schizophrenic patents and normals controls
Lymphocytes and ascorbic acids in animals and in man
Urinary pigment c fraction in cancer
Blood steroids
Diketone work
Miscellaneous notes
(5 folders)
Chang's data on anti-fertility tests in rats
BOX OV 160 Miscellaneous research date
BOX 161-169 Scientific Staff Reports, 1944-1962
Reports and memoranda of research projects by members of Pincus's staff.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 161 1944-1946
Research reports
Steroid Experiments
Elmadjian, Fred, 1946-1954
Research reports
Roberts, Sidney, and Szego, Clara M.
Research reports
Carlo, J. 1948-1954
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