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Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873 (continued)
VIII C: Hispanic Collection, 1527-1811 (continued)
BOX VIII C:10 REEL 24 (4) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. See also Container VIII C:16-17, Oviedo y Valdés
1 vol. (13 pp.)
Notes on and partial copying of writings including "Este es un tratado, etc." (7 pp.); "Una disputa, etc." (3 pp.) and "Tratado coprobatorio, etc." (1 p.) bound with "Sumario de la Natural y General Historia de las Indias," by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (3 pp.)
(5) Cortes, José.
1 vol. (174 pp.)
"Memorias sobre las provincias del Norte de Nueva España," 1799 (88 pp.); bound with "Diario y derrotero," by Silvestre V lez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Domínguez, 1776-1777 (83 pp.); and invoice, 1799.
BOX VIII C:11-13 REEL 25-26 (6) Duran, Diego, d. 1588?
3 vols.
"Historia Antigua de la Nueva España," written in 1585 and transcribed in the 19th century.
BOX VIII C:14 REEL 26 (7) Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, 1753-1811.
1 vol. (283 pp.)
Trial, 1811, of Hidalgo y Costilla, curate at San Felipe, for inciting a revolution, with introduction in English.
BOX VIII C:15 REEL 27 (8) Muñoz, Juan Bautista, 1745-1799.
1 vol. (186 pp.)
"Historia del Nuevo Mundo" [1794?], with typed copy.
BOX VIII C:16-17 REEL 27-28 (9) Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de, 1478-1557. See also Container VIII C:10, Casas, Bartolomé
3 vols. and index (55 pp.)
Second and third parts of "Historia natural y general de las Indias," transcribed in the 18th century, with an index and description in English.
BOX VIII C:18 REEL 28 (10) Pérez de Ribas, Andrés, 1576-1655.
1 vol. (160 pp.)
"Crónica y historia religiosa de la Provincia de la Compa ia de Jesus de México en Nueva España," transcribed by L. F. Tasistro in 1849.
BOX VIII C:18 REEL 28 (11) "Relacion de las ceremonies y ritos y poblacion y gobernacion de los Indios de la Provincia de Mechoacán." Illustrated by Antonio de Mendoza and transcribed from the codice of El Escorial in the 19th century.
BOX VIII C:19 REEL 29 (12) Thiéry de Menonville, Nicholas Joseph, 1739-1780.
"Voyage polytéchnique dans lint rieure du Mexique et les Côtes de la mer du Inde" (515 pp.), transcribed in the 18th century with "Traité sur la culture du Nopal" and other material, with index, maps, and plates.
BOX VIII C:20-21 REEL 29-30 (13) Veytia, Mariano, 1718-1779.
2 vols.
"Historia del origen de las gentes que poblaron la America Septentrional," transcribed in the 18th century.
BOX VIII C:22 REEL 30 (14) "Miscelánea Nueva Espana: Fragmentos de historia de Nueva España copiados de un malisimo egemplar que pos D. Diego Panes,"
1 vol. (462 pp.)
Transcribed in the 18th century by Diego Muñoz Camargo.
BOX VIII:D1-D195 VIII D: Other Collections, 1632-1873
Collections of personal papers including correspondence, journals, financial papers, military records, and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX VIII D:1 REEL 31 (1) Account book, 1759-1762.
1 vol. (180 pp.)
Record of expenditures compiled by order of the House of Commons in 1780, for "extraordinary services" for the three years that Gen. Jeffrey Amherst commanded the British Army in North America during the French and Indian wars.
BOX VIII D:2 REEL 31 (2) Account book, 31 Mar.-28 Oct. 1788.
1 vol. (56 pp.)
Fees received by a legal clerk in Pennsylvania
BOX VIII D:2 REEL 31 (3) Account book, 1800-1801.
1 vol. (7 pp.)
Billbook kept at Washington, D.C., and newspaper clipping, "[ch]oral Elegy."
BOX VIII D:3 REEL 31 (4) Alexander, William.
1 vol. (circa 200 pp.)
Daybook (1777-1779) kept by Capt. Alexander as commanding officer at Carlisle, Pa., of the accounts of the 7th Pennsylvania Regiment.
(5) Andrews, Joseph Gardner.
1 vol. (circa 200 pp.)
Diary (Jan.-31 Dec. 1795) kept by Andrews as Army surgeon at Fort Defiance, Ohio. Includes comments on daily events, meteorological observations monthly state of the garrison reports, and a letter of presentation (30 Aug. 1848) from Samuel Breck of Charleston, S.C., to Dr. Lewis Roper.
(6) Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, 1709-1710.
1 vol. (24 pp.)
Collection relating to the military expedition to Annapolis Royal. Includes contemporary copies of royal instructions to Col. Francis Nicholson, his commission as commander in charge of Her Majesties Forces, a letter of Governor James Dudley to the Council and Representative in New Hampshire, and minutes of various Councils of War.
BOX VIII D:4 REEL 73 (7) Anne Arundel County, Md.
1 vol. (129 pp.)
Record book kept by William H. Brown, notary public, 1799-1802, with copies of notary statements and documents notarized. Notary book used as scrapbook (1756-1863), with more than 100 prints of Revolutionary War figures, numerous examples of Confederate States of America currency (1861-1863) from Virginia, Alabama, and Georgia, clippings, an indenture (1756), a facsimile of the signatures of signers of the Declaration of Independence, payrolls (1778) of Captains James Gray, John Gregory, and Booker's companies of the 11th Virginia Regiment and Capt. David Earle's company of the 3rd Virginia Regiment. *Item on indefinite loan to the Maryland State Archives. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 15,667.
BOX VIII D:5 REEL 31 (8) Atkinson, Theodore, 1697-1779.
1 vol. (100 pp.)
Journal (1724-1754) kept by Atkinson of a journey he made to Canada as a commissioner from New Hampshire (Jan.-May 1724) and of a journey he made as a commissioner on the treaty with the Six Nations of Indians (1754).
BOX VIII D:6 REEL 73 (9) Baltimore County (Md.) Committee of Safety.
1 vol. (112 pp.)
Journal (30 Nov. 1774-1 Oct. 1776) of the proceedings. Includes lists of members, notes on ships entering and leaving Baltimore (Mar. 1775-1776), copies of several letters sent, accounts of members with the committee, and a clipping. Item on indefinite loan to the Maryland State Archives. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 15,667.
BOX VIII D:7 REEL 31 (10) Baum, Frederick.
1 vol. (44 pp.)
Orderly book (29 May-28 June 1777) kept by Baum as lieutenant colonel of Hessian troops in America. Includes orders of Lt. Gen. Burgoyne at Montreal and Crown Point.
(11) Bell, John, 1796-1872.
1 vol. (92 pp.)
Journal (1815) kept by Bell, a Philadelphia physician, on his visits to mineral springs in Tennessee and Virginia. Includes autobiographical writings and poetry.
BOX VIII D:8 REEL 74 (12) Blaine, Ephraim, 1741-1804.
3,500 items in 19 units.
Papers (1765-1805) relating chiefly to Blaine's service as commissary of supplies, deputy commissary-general, and commissary-general of purchases, Continental Army at Carlisle, Pa. Correspondents include John Armstrong, Clement Biddle, William Buchanan, George Campbell, John Chaloner, Benjamin Chew, John Dickinson, Azariah Dunham, Andrew Levy, William Maclay, and Lewis Morris. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 13,778.
BOX VIII D:8 REEL 74 12.1, correspondence, 4 July 1766-15 May 1778
BOX VIII D:9 REEL 74 12.2, correspondence, 20 May 1778-20 Dec. 1779
BOX VIII D:10 REEL 75 12.3, correspondence, 21 Dec. 1779-24 Mar. 1782
BOX VIII D:11 REEL 75 12.4, correspondence, 6 Apr. 1782-25 Nov. 1794
BOX VIII D:12 REEL 75 12.5, correspondence, 26 Nov. 1794-22 Oct. 1805
BOX VIII D:13 REEL 75 12.6, letterbook, 20 Aug. 1777-30 May 1778
BOX VIII D:14 REEL 75 12.7, letterbook, 29 Jan. 1780-30 Oct. 1783
BOX VIII D:15 REEL 76 12.8-9, accounts, 1777-1781 and 1794-1796
12.10, memoranda, 1782-1784
12.11, cashbook, 1778-1779
12.12, cashbook, 1778-1780
BOX VIII D:16 REEL 76 12.13, accounts
Part 1, 1765-1776
BOX VIII D:17 REEL 76 Part 2, 1775-1777
BOX VIII D:18 REEL 77 12.14, accounts
Part 1, 1778-1779
BOX VIII D:19 REEL 77 Part 2, 1779-1780
BOX VIII D:20 REEL 77 12.15, accounts
Part 1, 1781-1792
BOX VIII D:21 REEL 77 Part 2, 1793-1796
BOX VIII D:22 REEL 78 12.16, accounts
Part 1, 1775-1795
BOX VIII D:23 REEL 78 Part 2, 1794-1797
BOX VIII D:24 REEL 31 (13) Brantz, Lewis, 1768-1838.
1 vol. (182 pp.)
Journal (10 Mar. 1793-14 July 1794) kept by Brantz as master of the brigantine Equality on a voyage from Baltimore around the Cape of Good Hope to India and return to Baltimore.
(14) British embarkation.
1 vol. (20 pp.)
Records (1783) of the Board of Commissioners for Superintending Embarkations. Includes orders (15 Apr. and 22 May 1783) and minutes (30 May-Aug. 1783) of the Board meeting in New York City which heard individual cases and rendered opinions. The minutes are signed by Samuel Jones, secretary.
(15) Bull, John, 1803-1863.
1 vol. (164 pp.)
Survey book (1850) kept by Bull as 1st assistant surveyor of the United States Mexican Boundary Commission. Includes survey notes and sketches of the area between Cibolo Creek and Castroville, Tex.
(16) Burk, John.
1 vol. (30 pp.)
Diary (July-5 Oct. 1755) kept by Capt. Burk (in Col. Timothy Ruggles's Massachusetts Regiment) on an expedition against Crown Point. Includes record of marches and other military events. [Published on pp. 24-26 in vol. 1 ofHistory of the Town of Bernardston, Franklin County, Massachusetts (Greenfield, Mass., Press of E. A. Hall, 1902-1962. 2 vols.), by Lucy Jane (Cutler) Kellogg]
BOX VIII D:25 REEL 32 (17) Caldwell, John E.
1 vol. (85 pp.)
Letterbook (1 July 1795-8 Feb. 1796) of mercantile letters sent regarding trade with the West Indies. Includes accounts, consignments, and directions to captains of trading vessels. Correspondents include merchants in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston, New York, Port-au-Prince, and Jérémie, Haiti. Principal correspondents are Fourcauld and Company, James and Edward Penman and Co., Robin Florence and Co., Savon and Co., James R. Smith, and Smith and Wyckoff.
BOX VIII D:25 REEL 32 (18) Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.
1 vol. (59 pp.)
Journal (6 June 1836-11 May 1839) of the proceedings of the stockholders. Certified copy over the seal of the company dated 5 Mar. 1840, and signed by John P. Ingle, clerk.
BOX VIII D:26 REEL 32 (19) Clarke, John.
1 vol. (32 pp.)
Diary (1749) interleaved in An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Christ, 1749. (Boston, J. Draper [16 pp.]), by Nathaniel Ames.
(20) Clesson, Matthew.
1 item (14 pp.)
Journal (25 Mar.-25 Apr. 1756) kept by Clesson as a military scout under Col. Israel Williams on an expedition from Deerfield, Mass., to Lake Champlain. Includes accounts (3-10 June 1764) for expenses incurred in Concord at General Court.
(21) Cleve, Heinrich Urban, d. 1808.
1 vol. (114 pp.)
Contemporary copies of two serial letters written by Cleve, aide-de-camp of Maj. Gen. Friedrich Riedesel, to his family and friends in Germany. One (Mar.-Apr. 1777) from St. Anne, Canada, and the other (Nov. 1777-June 1778) while in prison at Cambridge, Mass. [Published on pp. 40-75 and pp. 94-141 of Letters From America, 1776-1779 (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1924, 281 pp.), by Ray Waldron Pettengill]
BOX VIII D:27 REEL 32 (22) Clift, Lemuel.
1 vol. (100 pp.)
Orderly book (10 May-20 Sept. 1782) kept by Clift, as a captain in the 1st Connecticut Continental Regiment. Includes division, brigade, and regimental orders from headquarters at Highlands and Newburgh, N.Y.
(23) Coker, Daniel.
1 vol. (41 pp.)
Journal (21 Apr.-21 Sept. 1821) kept by Coker as a Methodist minister and agent for the American Colonization Society in Liberia.
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