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Peter Force papers and collection, 1492-1977

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Oversize, 1662-1861 (continued)
BOX OV 12 (166) Society of the Cincinnati. 2 units (Container VIII D:160)
Roll of autographs (1783) of Virginia officers subscribing to the Society's constitution. (Original and photostat)
BOX OV 13 (171) U.S. Constitution
1787, 2 items (Container VIII D:163)
IX: Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1492-1873
19 Oct. 1501-17 Aug. 1699 (Container IX:1)
James II of England to Edmund Andros, 1686, June 3
3 Mar. 1733-1740 (Container IX:4)
Belcher, Jonathan commission for Abraham Harding, 1734, May 22
5 Mar. 1741-7 Dec. 1752 (Container IX:5)
Wentworth, Benning
(2 folders)
Commission, 1743, June 7
Declaration of War, 1745, Aug. 30
Glen, James, proclamation, 1744, Aug. 13
BOX OV 14 IX: Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1501-1866
2 Feb. 1753-1755 (Container IX:6)
(3 folders)
Shirley, William, commission, 1754, Aug. 14
Phips, Spencer, commission, 1755, Sept. 15
Morris, Robert Hunter, proclamation, 1755, Dec. 24
30 Jan. 1758-1759 (Container IX:8)
Wentworth, Benning, proclamation, 1758, Nov. 1
1 Mar. 1764-1769 (Container IX:10)
Virginia, nonimportation meeting minutes, 1769, May 17
1 Jan.-May 1776 (Container IX:15)
Continental Congress, commissions
Burnap, Nathan, 1776, Jan. 1
Spafford, Isaac, 1776, Jan. 1
Irvine, William, 1776, Jan. 10
Memorial of Isaac Perkins, 1776, Apr. 22
July 1820-1 Dec. 1829 (Container IX:37)
U.S. Treasury Department reports to Congress, 1826-1828
(3 folders)
A-N (Container IX:40)
(2 folders)
Armand-Tuffin, Charles, military instruction manual
Dinwiddle, Robert, commission
O-W (Container IX:41)
United States, Philadelphia, Pa.
Articles of Agreement for privateer, blank, circa 1776

Contents List