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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
BOX III:1-14 | Series III: Printer's File, 1806-1846 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, circulars, reports, printer's copy, statistical material, and financial papers. | |||||||||||||
Arranged by type of material and chronologically within. | |||||||||||||
BOX III:1 | National Calendar, 1829-1840 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX III:2 | National Journal | ||||||||||||
Articles | |||||||||||||
1823-1829 | |||||||||||||
(9 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX III:3 | 1831-1832, undated | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
Financial papers | |||||||||||||
Account books | |||||||||||||
1824-1826 | |||||||||||||
BOX III:4 | 1824-1832 | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous, 1822-1830 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Index to subjects in newspapers, 1827-1828 | |||||||||||||
Letterbook, 17 Oct. 1826-5 May 1830 | |||||||||||||
BOX III:5 | Mail books, 1826-1828, undated | ||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
Notices, undated | |||||||||||||
Subscription lists, 1823-1827 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
United States trade statistics, 1823-1825 See Oversize | |||||||||||||
BOX III:6 | Printer's Copy | ||||||||||||
Adams, John Quincy | |||||||||||||
An Address delivered at the request of a Committee of the Citizens of Washington; on the occasion of reading The Declaration of Independence, on the fourth of July, 1821. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1821, 31 pp.) manuscript copy and corrected printed proofs | |||||||||||||
President's Message to Congress, 6 Dec. 1825. ([Washington: Davis & Force, 1825.]) manuscript draft signed, 34 pp. | |||||||||||||
President's Message to Congress, 4 Dec. 1827. ([Washington: Peter Force, 1827.]) manuscript draft, incomplete, 23 pp. | |||||||||||||
Speech at the commencement of work upon the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 4 July 1828. ([Washington: Peter Force, 1828.]) manuscript draft, 5 pp. | |||||||||||||
Baltimore Roman Catholic Church, manuscript church calendar for the year 1823. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1822.) | |||||||||||||
Brady, Rev. John, A correspondence between Rev. Mr. Brady, & Rev. Mr. Edelin. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1819, 76 pp.; Theological Pamphlets, Vol. 60:4) | |||||||||||||
Brashears, Noah, Grammatical tables ... With an Appendix containing An Epitome of the Figures. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1823, 156 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Chevalier of Darkness. ([Washington: Davis & Force.]) manuscript play, undated | |||||||||||||
Coppinger, Jose, Defensa del senor brigadier Don Jose Coppinger sobre la entrega que hizo por capitulacion del castilla de S. Juan de Ulua de su mando, Habana, 1826. (Washington: Peter Force) translation with additions, and manuscript in Spanish | |||||||||||||
BOX III:7 | District of Columbia, Code of laws for the District of Columbia: prepared under the authority of the act of Congress of the 29th of April 1816. Entitled "An act authorizing the judges of the Circuit Court, and the attorney for the District of Columbia, to prepare a Code of jurisprudence for the said District."(Washington: Davis & Force, 1818, 575 pp.) indexed copy of code prepared by Judge William Cranch; reported to Congress 1818 but never adopted | ||||||||||||
BOX III:8 | Ewell, Thomas, 1785-1826, Plain discourses on the laws or properties of matter: containing the elements or principles of modern chemistry; with more particular details of those practical parts of the science most interesting to mankind, and connected with domestic affairs. Addressed to all American promoters of useful knowledge. (New York: Printed for Brisban & Brannan; Davis, Printer, 1806.) manuscript book dedicated to President Thomas Jefferson; includes a copy of the copyright executed 23 July 1807 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Graham, Richard Elliott | |||||||||||||
Julius Caesar, undated ([Washington, Davis & Force.]) three copies of manuscript lecture | |||||||||||||
King Lear, undated ([Washington: Davis & Force.]) manuscript lecture | |||||||||||||
Macbeth, undated ([Washington: Davis & Force.]) manuscript lecture, parts I and II | |||||||||||||
Gunton, William, 1791-1880, To the Stockholders of the Patriotic Bank of Washington. (Washington: Peter Force, 1830) manuscript address | |||||||||||||
Hill, George, 1796-1871, The Ruins of Athens, and Other Poems, by "an Idler" (Washington: Thompson and Homans, 1831) manuscript book | |||||||||||||
Lee, Charles Carter, 1798-1871, notes to poem on the American Revolution, undated ([Washington: Peter Force.]) | |||||||||||||
BOX III:9 | Lee, Henry | ||||||||||||
Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department, Printed copy of 1812 edition with manuscript annotations (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, 1812) for 1827 edition published by Lee's son, Henry, Jr. (Washington: Peter Force, 1827) | |||||||||||||
Manuscript notes for the 1827 edition 355 See also Container I:2, 6 Apr. 1826, Barton and Beannas to Henry Lee; 23 Nov. 1826, Henry Lee to Peter Force;and Container I:3,23 Jan. 1827, Charles Carter Lee to Peter Force | |||||||||||||
McLeod, John. ([Washington: Peter Force, June 1832.]) pamphlet manuscript | |||||||||||||
BOX III:10 | Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851, Discourse on the objects and Importance of the National Institution for the promotion Science, established at Washington, 1840. (Washington: Peter Force, 1840) manuscript address, 1841, 43 pp. includes two letters concerning the delivery of the address | ||||||||||||
Political Thoughts No. 1, Idea of a Patriotic President. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1823) manuscript, 21, Dec. 1822-1836 | |||||||||||||
Porter, David, 1780-1843, An Exposition of the Facts and Circumstances Which Justified the Expedition to Foxardo. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1825) manuscript, proofs, and correspondence relating to Porter's pamphlet, 100 pp. | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Register of the Army and Navy of the United States,1829 edition of the Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States; including Officers of the Marine Corps. (Washington, S.A. Elliott, 1829) for use in Force's register, no. 1; manuscript annotations (Washington: Peter Force, 1830) 486/17 | |||||||||||||
Rogers, John, et al., Memorial to President Tyler from members of the Committee on Behalf of Western Cherokees. ([Washington: Peter Force, Apr. 1842.]) manuscript pamphlet and printed copy | |||||||||||||
Santangelo, Orazio de Attelis | |||||||||||||
Charges Preferred against Don Joaquin Velazquez de Leon and Don Pedro Fernandez del Castillo, Members of the Board of Commissioners under the Convention of the 11 of April 1839, on the part of the Republic of Mexico, addressed to the President of the United States.... (Washington: Peter Force, July 1841) manuscript pamphlet | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX III:11 | Protest against the Convention of the 11th April 1839...Documents relating to the Claims of Orazio de Attelis Santangelo on the Government of Mexico. (Washington: Peter Force, 1842) | ||||||||||||
Sioussa, Julia C., poems, three manuscripts and one printed, undated. ([Washington: Peter Force.]) | |||||||||||||
Snowden, Edgar, manuscript address, July 1837; made to the Enosinian Society, 27 pp. ([Washington: Peter Force, 1837.]) | |||||||||||||
Sprague, Peleg, 1793-1880, The Removal of the Indians West of the Mississippi. (Washington: Peter Force, 1830, 8 pp.) manuscript speech, delivered in Senate in reply to White, McKinley, and Forsyth; with printed copy | |||||||||||||
BOX III:12 | Strange, Robert, 1796-1854 | ||||||||||||
Eoneguski, or the Cherokee Chief; a tale of past Wars. (Washington: F. Taylor, 1839; published by Peter Force) manuscript book, vol. I; includes letter of introduction from "An American" to Peter Force | |||||||||||||
BOX III:13 | Eoneguski, or the Cherokee Chief; a tale of past Wars. manuscript book; vol. II | ||||||||||||
BOX III:14 | Washington Canal Company. ([Washington: Peter Force, 1831, vols. 31-32) manuscript for company report, 27 pp. | ||||||||||||
Washington Orphan Asylum Society, annual reports, manuscript for fifth (9 Oct. 1820 ; 3 pp.) and sixth (Oct. 1821; 17 pp.) annual reports ([Washington: Davis & Force, 1820, 1821.]) | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Watterston, George, 1783-1854, The L....Family at Washington; or, A Winter in the Metropolis. (Washington: Davis & Force, 1822) manuscript book, 110 pp. | |||||||||||||
Weaver, William A., 1797-1846, examination and review of a pamphlet printed and secretly circulated by M.E. Gorostiza, late envoy extraordinary from Mexico...Respecting the passage of the Sabine, by troops under the command of General Gaines. (Washington: Peter Force, 1837) manuscript pamphlet | |||||||||||||
White, Father Andrew, Extract: Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland, 1642-1677. (Washington: William C. Force, 1846; Tracts...vol. 4, no. 12) manuscript article, 60 pp. | |||||||||||||
Wood, Silas, manuscript speech, 2 Apr. 1824. ([Washington: Davis & Force, 1824.]) | |||||||||||||
Wright, Silas, 1769-1847, manuscript speeches | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives | |||||||||||||
2 Apr. 1824 ([Washington: Davis & Force, 1824]) | |||||||||||||
6 Mar. 1826 ([Washington: Peter Force, 1828]) | |||||||||||||
Congress, 10 Mar. 1828. ([Washington: Peter Force, 1828]) | |||||||||||||
Tariff, 1828. (Washington: Peter Force, 1828) | |||||||||||||
BOX IV:1-3 | Series IV: Subject File, 1703-1977 | ||||||||||||
Notes, correspondence, catalogs, photographs, and commissions. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically. | |||||||||||||
BOX IV:1 | Arbitration | ||||||||||||
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. v. Sweeney, 1829-1842 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Coyle v. Franklin Insurance Co., 1840 | |||||||||||||
Patterson v. Gunton, 1838-1848 | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
Astor Library, New York City, list of periodicals, 1855 | |||||||||||||
Bookplate, undated | |||||||||||||
Cards, 1824-1861, 1933, undated | |||||||||||||
Catalog of books owned by Davis & Force, 1822 | |||||||||||||
Commissions, Force, Peter and Williams Q., 1812-1861 See Oversize | |||||||||||||
Fragments, undated | |||||||||||||
Genealogy, 1931 | |||||||||||||
Notes | |||||||||||||
American Archives, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX IV:2 | Cherokees, 1760-1774 | ||||||||||||
Constitutional law, 1820-1829, undated | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
Gannett, Deborah Sampson, undated | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous, 1703, undated | |||||||||||||
New Jersey, undated | |||||||||||||
New York, undated | |||||||||||||
North Carolina, undated | |||||||||||||
St. Memin, 1849, 1860, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX IV:3 | South Carolina, 1829-1830, 1849, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
States, undated | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
Tracts, undated | |||||||||||||
Washington, George, 1834, undated | |||||||||||||
Patent application for paper and cloth hangings, 1822 See Oversize | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Photographs, 1864-1875, 1977, undated | |||||||||||||
Printed matter, 1755-1866, undated | |||||||||||||
Record of books lent and receipts, 1835-1861 | |||||||||||||
United States Army general orders, 1863-1864 | |||||||||||||
BOX V:1-2 | Series V: Financial Papers, 1816-1867 | ||||||||||||
Bills, receipts, and account books. | |||||||||||||
Arranged by type of material and chronological within. | |||||||||||||
BOX V:1 | Bank book, 1867 | ||||||||||||
Bills and receipts, 1819-1867, undated | |||||||||||||
(10 folders) | |||||||||||||
Cash books | |||||||||||||
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