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Series VII: Transcripts, 1520s-1880s (continued)
VII E: Other Manuscript Sources, 1560s-1880s (continued)
143.31, Original vol. 10, 11-31 Dec. 1779, indexed
143.32, Original vol. 11, 3-20 Jan. 1780, indexed
143.33, Original vol. 11, 20 Jan.-1 Mar. 1780, indexed
143.34, Original vol. 11, 7-31 Mar. 1780, indexed
143.35, Original vol. 11, 1 Apr.-10 May 1780, indexed
143.36, Original vol. 11, 11-31 May 1780, indexed
143.37, Original vol. 11, 1-11 June 1780, indexed
143.38, Original vol. 12, 12-21 June 1780, indexed
143.39, Original vol. 12, 22 June-19 July 1780, indexed
143.40, Original vol. 12, 20-31 July 1780, indexed
143.41, Original vol. 12, 1-19 Aug. 1780, indexed
143.42, Original vol. 12, 20 Aug.-12 Sept. 1780, indexed
143.43, Original vol. 13, 12 Sept.-9 Oct. 1780, indexed
143.44, Original vol. 13, 10-28 Oct. 1780
143.45, Original vol. 13, 29 Oct.-15 Nov. 1780
143.46, Original vol. 13, 17 Nov.-11 Dec. 1780
143.47, Original vol. 13, 12-29 Dec. 1780
143.48, Original vol. 13, 15 Jan.-24 Oct. 1780 (not arranged)
143.49, Original vol. 14, 1-30 Jan. 1781
143.50, Original vol. 14, 1 Feb.-3 Mar. 1781
143.51, Original vol. 14, 4-31 Mar. 1781
143.52, Original vol. 14, 2 Apr.-16 May 1781
143.53, Original vol. 14, 17 May-16 July 1781
143.54, Original vol. 14, 17 June-11 July 1781
143.55, Original vol. 20, 26 Feb. 1776-9 Aug. 1779
143.56, Original vol. 20, 12 Nov. 1779-12 Jan. 1781
143.57, Original vol. 23, Jan. 1776-May 1780
143.58, Original vol. unnumbered, 12 May 1774-11 Nov. 1780 (not arranged)
Series II
143.59, Correspondence with Philip Schuyler, 1 Jan. 1776-16 Aug. 1777
143.60, Correspondence with Horatio Gates, 29 July 1776-5 July 1778
143.61, Papers, 16 May 1774-14 July 1776
143.62, Papers, 12 July-14 Sept. 1778
143.63, Papers, 22 Sept. 1778-18 Feb. 1779
143.64, Papers, 3 Jan.-10 Aug. 1776
143.65, Papers, 11 Aug.-19 Nov. 1776
143.66, Papers, 22 Nov. 1776-2 Jan. 1777
143.67, Miscellaneous correspondence, 1774-1776
143.68, Miscellaneous correspondence, 1776-1786
143.69, Official correspondence, 1775-1782
143.70, Letters from Jonathan Trumbull (1740-1809) to William Williams, 1790-1796
143.71, Memoranda relating to the history of Connecticut; speech; and proclamations, 1772-1776
143.72, Sketch of the life and character of Governor Trumbull by William T. Williams
143.73, Proceedings of the governor and committee of safety, 7 June-3 Aug. 1775
143.74, Index to vols. 1-10 of the Trumbull papers in the Massachusetts Historical Society
143.75, Index to vols. 11-[20] of the Trumbull papers in the Massachusetts Historical Society
143.76, Indexes to vols. 2-7 of the series deposited in the Massachusetts Historical Society Library in 1817
BOX VII E:78 REEL 54 (144) Tryon, William, 1729-1788. Correspondence, 1773-1774.
15 items.
Royal governor of New York. Chiefly official letters and instructions from the Earl of Dartmouth and John Pownall to Tryon. Originals in England.
(145) Tucker, Samuel, 1747-1833. Papers, 1777-1781.
circa 150 items.
Captain in the Continental Navy. Correspondence and naval documents relating to Tucker's service in the American Revolution following his commission as captain of the Boston, 15 Mar. 1777. The papers cover his trip to France in 1778 with John Adams aboard, his return to American coastal waters, the capture of various prize vessels, and his eventual capture by HMS Hind, July 1781. Correspondents include John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, Joseph Reed, William Vernon, and Abraham Whipple. Printed in part in John H. Sheppard, The Life of Samuel Tucker (1868). Originals at Harvard University.
(146) Vail, Christopher, 1758-1846. Journal, 1775-1782.
1 item (40 pp.)
Connecticut militiaman, privateer, and prisoner of war. Describes Vail's service in the Connecticut militia on an expedition to Ticonderoga, his service on American privateers and hips of war, and his capture and imprisonment by the British. Includes descriptions of prison life at Antigua and aboard British warships, and a seaman's view of the battle off Martinique, 1780.
BOX VII E:78 REEL 54 (147) Vermont. Accounts, 1777-1787.
1 item (59 pp.)
Accounts of the state of Vermont with Ethan Allen, Ira Allen, Thomas Butterfield, Thomas Chittenden, Jonas Fay, Edward Harris, Boswell Hopkins, Hudson and Goodwin, John Knickerbocker, Mathew Lyon, John Payne, Jr., Moses Robinson, and Judah Paul Spooner.
(148) Vermont. Board of War. Records, 1779-1781.
45 items.
Minutes, letters, resolutions, and orders concerning military affairs.
(149) Vermont. Council of Safety. Journal, 1777-1782.
1 item (370 pp.)
Records of proceedings of the council, chiefly concerning military affairs. Original at the State House, Montpelier, Vt.
BOX VII E:79 REEL 54-55 (150) Vermont. Council of Safety. Records, 1777-1796.
circa 300 items.
Correspondence, addresses, memorials, committee proceedings, depositions, petitions, and proceedings of town meetings relating to Vermont.
150.1, 15 July 1777-10 Jan. 1782
150.2, 16 Feb. 1777-11 Jan. 1779
150.3, 10 Oct. 1778-17 Sept. 1785
150.4, 12 July 1779-12 Dec. 1796
BOX VII E:79 REEL 55 (151) Vermont. Fort Dummer. Papers, 1744-1745.
5 items.
Papers relating to Fort Dummer. Includes an order of Council, 6 Sept. 1744; the vote of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, 9 Jan. 1745; a resolve of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 25 Feb. 1745; and the report of the Lord's Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs, 29 Aug. 1744. Originals in the New Hampshire Historical Society, circa 1834.
BOX VII E:79 REEL 55 (152) Vermont. Governor. Proclamations, 1781-1797.
35 items.
Chiefly proclamations of Thomas Chittenden. Includes two proclamations by Moses Robinson, 17 Oct. 1789, and 31 Mar. 1790; a copy of the Thanksgiving proclamation issued by George Washington, 3 Oct. 1789; and Chittenden's resignation, July 1797. Originals in the State House, Montpelier, Vt.
(153) Virginia. Papers, 1606-1683.
9 items.
Eighteenth-century copies of royal proclamations concerning colonial affairs. Probably copied from William W. Hening,Statutes at Large (1809-1823), and Thomas Rymer, Foedera (1704-1717).
(154) Walker, Joseph B., collector. Collection, 1774-1779.
14 items.
Letters from Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson) to Rev. Timothy Walker, and Revolutionary songs by Capt. [Daniel?] Livermore--"Liberty Song," "Tory Song," "A Liberty Song," and untitled. Originals in the possession of Joseph B. Walker, Concord, N.H., 1845.
(155) Ward, Andrew. Orderly book, 1776.
1 item (15 pp.)
Lieutenant colonel and general in the Connecticut militia. General and regimental orders issued at New York City, Turtle Bay, Harlem Heights, White Plains, North Castle, and Phillipsburg, N.Y., 22 Feb.-23 Mar. 1776. Includes lists of officers in the Connecticut militia and general and regimental returns. Original at Yale College, 1843.
(156) Ward, Artemas, 1727-1800. Orderly book, 1775.
1 item (34 pp.)
General in the Continental Army. General, division, and regimental orders issued at Cambridge and Roxbury, Mass., as commander-in-chief of the Massachusetts troops, May 1775, and as second in command after Washington's appointment, June 1775. Original in the possession of Samuel W. Wood, Ledyard, Conn., 1845.
BOX VII E:79 REEL 55 (157) Ware, Joseph, 1753-1805. Journal, 1775-1776.
1 item (26 pp.)
Sargent in Samuel Ward's company of Rhode Island militia. Account of Benedict Arnold's expedition against Quebec. Describes the hardships of the march through northern Maine, and provides a detailed list of American casualties and prisoners. Also includes the names of Americans who joined the British in Quebec following the repulse of Arnold's attack. Printed in Kenneth Roberts (ed.), March to Quebec (1938).
(158) Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796. Letters, 1777.
5 items.
General in the Continental Army. Letters written from Ticonderoga, 18 Feb.-23 Apr. 1777, concerning military supplies and intelligence reports. Recipients include James Bowdoin and Philip Schuyler.
BOX VII E:80-81 REEL 55-56 (159) Weare, Meshech, 1713-1786. Papers, 1777-1780.
circa 1,000 items.
President of the Council and Committee of Safety in New Hampshire. Chiefly personal and official correspondence, petitions, military returns, and resolutions of the Continental Congress and assemblies of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Concerns political and military affairs in New Hampshire, enlistments, military supplies, finance, trade and currency, military supplies, generalship, and the conduct of the war. Correspondents include Josiah Bartlett, Samuel Huntington, John Jay, Henry Laurens, Nathaniel Peabody, Jeremy Powell, Alexander Scammell, John Sullivan, and George Washington. Also includes letters exchanged between correspondents other than Weare, especially Jonathan Trumbull and Richard Henry Lee. Originals in the Massachusetts Historical Society.
159.1, 13 Jan. 1777-4 Aug. 1778
159.2, 8 Aug.-28 Dec. 1778
159.3, 16 Jan.-8 June 1779
159.4, 22 June-9 Aug. 1779
159.5, 10 Aug.-15 Dec. 1779
159.6, 17 Dec. 1779-10 Mar. 1780
159.7, 11 Mar.-2 July 1780
159.8, 9 July-25 Dec. 1780
BOX VII E:81 REEL 56 (160) Williams, William, 1731-1811. Collection, 1774-1785.
10 items.
Colonel in the Connecticut militia and delegate to the Continental Congress. Correspondence relating to the war and personal affairs, and an undated memorandum concerning a marker for Williams's grave. Correspondents include Eliphalet Dyer, Richard Salter, and Jonathan Trumbull.
(161) Winder, William Henry, 1775-1824. Papers, 1812-1861.
4 items.
Lieutenant colonel in the United States Army and lawyer. Includes a calendar of Winder's correspondence concerning his military career from his appointment as a lieutenant colonel during the War of 1812 to the court of inquiry proceedings into his command of the 10th District following the Battle of Bladensburg and the capture of Washington. Contains a synopsis of most letters, and complete transcripts of the letters and Winder's statements regarding the Battle of Bladensburg. Also includes a partial chronological index, a list of correspondence with persons acquainted with the circumstances of the capture of Washington, and a list of papers relative to the court of inquiry and its report, as well as an engraving of Winder, a eulogy on Winder by William Wirt, and an article from the Historical Magazine (Aug. 1861) on Winder and the capture of Washington.
(162) Windham, Connecticut. Records, 1768-1783.
1 item.
Extracts of minutes of town meetings, 10 Jan. 1768-13 Oct. 1783. Originals at Windham, Conn., 1843.
BOX VII E:81 REEL 56 (163) Wolcott, Roger, 1679-1767. Papers, 1745-1755.
4 items.
Provincial officer and governor of Connecticut. Includes a military journal kept at the Siege of Louisberg, 30 May-30 July 1745, with documents relating to the capitulation; an autobiography written at Windsor, Conn., 10 June 1755, and two essays on Biblical subjects, 15 Aug. 1754, and undated. Journal printed in the Connecticut Historical Society Collections 1 (1860). Originals in the possession of Dr. Thomas Robbins, 1845.
(164) Wooster, David, 1711-1777. Orderly book, 1759.
1 item (68 pp.)
Colonel of a Connecticut provincial regiment in the French and Indian War, and general in the Continental Army. Orders issued at Fort Edward, Lake George, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, 19 June-10 Oct. 1759. Concerns marches, discipline, supplies, and other routine military affairs. Original in the possession of Henry Stevens, 1843.
BOX VIII Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873
Correspondence, journals, diaries, accounts, reports, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and other material.
Available on microfilm shelf no. 17,137, Reels 1-95. Items removed to Oversize have been filmed in their original location. Arranged in four subseries:
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