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Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873 (continued)
VIII B: Ebenezer Hazard Collection, 1492-1832 (continued)
(1) Hazard, Ebenezer, 1744-1817. Papers, 1492-1802.
circa 900 items in 4 units.
Chiefly historical notes, transcripts, manuscript of Laws of Naval Trade, and legal papers. Includes a letter (1775) from Peter Yates enclosing a translation of a Dutch document (1665-1666), a letter (1797) from Hazard to Jedidiah Morse, and a broadside of the proposal for printing Historical Collections.
1.1 Broadside, proposal for printing Historical Collections, 1791
Correspondence, 1775-1797
Legal papers, 1786 and 1790
1.1 List of maps of Hazard's proposed publication Laws of Naval Trade, prepared circa 1772-1774
BOX VIII B:2 REEL 9 1.2 Memoranda book of historical notes, 1778-1780
BOX VIII B:2 REEL 9 Notes concerning events, to 1786
BOX VIII B:3 REEL 10 1.3 Transcripts of documents, 1492-1732
BOX VIII B:4 REEL 10 1.4 Transcripts of documents, 1738-1782, undated
BOX VIII B:4 REEL 10 Transcripts, New York, 1686-1772
BOX VIII B:5-6 REEL 11 (2) American Stamp Act.
15 items.
Hazard's collection of material concerning the Stamp Act, 1765-1770, arranged as follows:
Stamp Act printed by Mark Baskett, London, 1765
Hazard's narrative of events in America, 1765-1770
Proceedings of the New York Congress, Oct. 6-23 1765, copied by Hazard
James Otis to Speaker of the New Hampshire Assembly, Nov. 8, 1765, with a copy of the Declaration of Rights and Address to the King. Copied by Hazard from the records of the House of Representatives of New Hampshire.
Votes of the House of Commons relating to the Stamp Act, 1766, copied by Hazard
Memorial to the British Parliament by delegates of sundry Colonies meeting in New York, 1765
James Otis to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Province of New Hampshire, Nov. 8, 1765
James Otis to Henry Sherburne, Nov. 26, 1765
Broadside, South Carolina, "In the Commons House of Assembly," Nov. 29, 1765, printed by Peter Timothy
Letter, to Messrs. Barlow Trecothick and John Wentworth, Dec. 1765
Broadside, "To the Freeman and Freeholders of the City of New York"
Engravings, "the Repeal"
Circular letter from Secretary Conway to the American governors, Mar. 31, 1766, copied by Hazard from New Hampshire records
Act to Repeal the Stamp Act, printed by Mark Baskett, London, 1766
BOX VIII B:7 REEL 11 (3) Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-1798.
4 items in 2 vols.
Transcripts relating to Louisburg (Nova Scotia), 1745, copied by Belknap for Hazard in 1782
3.1 Letters of William Shirley to William Pepperell and a copy of capitulation made for the surrender of Louisbourg and its dependencies to the British.
3.2 Massachusetts history of the reduction of Louisbourg, with the amount of forces used.
BOX VIII B:7 REEL 11 (4) Falckner, Daniel, circa 1666-1741.
1 vol. (38 pp.)
Transcript of Falckner's Curieuse nachricht von Pensylvania in Norden-America (Frankfurt, 1702).
(5) Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
1 item (4 pp.)
Hazard's transcript of Franklin's Plan of Proposed Union of Massachusetts and the other Colonies for their mutual defense, 1754.
(6) Gaine, Hugh, 1726-1807.
1 item (20 pp.)
Memorandum book, 1779-1781, kept by Gaine in New York while the British were in possession of the city.
(7) Glasgow.
1 item (6 pp.)
Manuscript entitled "Account of the College of Glasgow" [removed from vol. 51 of the Hazard pamphlet series and transferred to the Manuscript Division in 1909].
(8) Grenada.
7 items (26 pp.)
Papers, 1791-1793, chiefly letters from George Berkeley, Robert Pringle, and J. Moncrief to the Duke of Richmond concerning the defense of Grenada.
(9) Massachusetts
circa 500 items.
Hazard's transcripts of papers concerning Massachusetts, 1620-1774. Includes notes on Plymouth Colony and material concerning Maine and New Hampshire, 1652-1677.
BOX VIII B:8 REEL 11 (10) New England.
circa 500 items in 2 vols.
Records of the United Colonies of New England, 1643-1675, transcribed from the Plymouth copy, 1779.
(11) Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 1651-1719.
1 vol. (99 pp.)
Transcript of Pastorius' Umstandige Geographische Beschreibung (Frankfurt, 1700).
BOX VIII B:9 REEL 12 (12) Politics.
22 vols.
Scrapbooks, 1768-1776, of clippings on political topics.
BOX VIII B:9 REEL 12 12.1 1768-1770
(4 vols.)
BOX VIII B:10 REEL 12 12.2 1770-1771
(4 vols.)
BOX VIII B:11 REEL 12 12.3 1771-1772
(5 vols.)
BOX VIII B:12 REEL 13 12.4 1772-1773
(3 vols.)
BOX VIII B:13 REEL 13 12.5 1774-1775
(3 vols.)
BOX VIII B:14 REEL 13-14 12.6 1775-1776
(3 vols.)
BOX VIII B:15 REEL 14 Samuel Hazard material
(13) Curious collection of scraps.
3 vols.
Scrapbooks with clippings on British and French biography.
13.1 1821
13.2 1831
13.3 1832
BOX VIII B:16 REEL 14 (14) Excerpta.
3 vols. and 1 unit.
Scrapbooks with clippings on various subjects. Includes index.
14.1, vol. 1
14.2, vol. 2
14.3, vol. 3
BOX VIII B:17 REEL 15-16 14.4, clippings removed from vols. 1-2
BOX VIII B:18 REEL 16 (15) Meteorological journal.
2 vols.
Printed reports and observations on the weather, 1803-1828.
15.1 1803-1806
15.2 1818-1828
REEL 16 (16) Philadelphia.
1 vol. (90 pp.)
Index to Philadelphia names, 1812.
(17) United States Military Academy.
16 items.
Documents and letters, 1790-1797; report, 1825, of the Board of Visitors; class rolls and staff lists, 1830; and an address by Secretary of War James Barbour, to the graduating class of 1825.
BOX VIII:C1-C22 VIII C: Hispanic Collection, 1527-1811
Transcriptions of Spanish documents including histories, diaries, and trial transcripts.
Arranged alphabetically by author or title.
BOX VIII C:1-4 REEL 17-20 (1) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566.
4 vols.
"Historia apologética de las Indias Occidentales," transcribed by Luis de Tío in 1846.
BOX VIII C:5-8 REEL 21-23 (2) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566.
4 vols.
"Historia de las Indias," transcribed in the 18th century.
BOX VIII C:9 REEL 24 (3) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566.
1 vol. (418 pp.)
"Historia o brevísima recopilacion de la destruction de la India Occidental," transcribed in 1772.
BOX VIII C:10 REEL 24 (4) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. See also Container VIII C:16-17, Oviedo y Valdés
1 vol. (13 pp.)
Notes on and partial copying of writings including "Este es un tratado, etc." (7 pp.); "Una disputa, etc." (3 pp.) and "Tratado coprobatorio, etc." (1 p.) bound with "Sumario de la Natural y General Historia de las Indias," by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (3 pp.)
(5) Cortes, José.
1 vol. (174 pp.)
"Memorias sobre las provincias del Norte de Nueva España," 1799 (88 pp.); bound with "Diario y derrotero," by Silvestre V lez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Domínguez, 1776-1777 (83 pp.); and invoice, 1799.
BOX VIII C:11-13 REEL 25-26 (6) Duran, Diego, d. 1588?
3 vols.
"Historia Antigua de la Nueva España," written in 1585 and transcribed in the 19th century.
BOX VIII C:14 REEL 26 (7) Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, 1753-1811.
1 vol. (283 pp.)
Trial, 1811, of Hidalgo y Costilla, curate at San Felipe, for inciting a revolution, with introduction in English.
BOX VIII C:15 REEL 27 (8) Muñoz, Juan Bautista, 1745-1799.
1 vol. (186 pp.)
"Historia del Nuevo Mundo" [1794?], with typed copy.
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