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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873 (continued) | |||||||||||||
VIII B: Ebenezer Hazard Collection, 1492-1832 (continued) | |||||||||||||
(1) Hazard, Ebenezer, 1744-1817. Papers, 1492-1802. | |||||||||||||
circa 900 items in 4 units. | |||||||||||||
Chiefly historical notes, transcripts, manuscript of Laws of Naval Trade, and legal papers. Includes a letter (1775) from Peter Yates enclosing a translation of a Dutch document (1665-1666), a letter (1797) from Hazard to Jedidiah Morse, and a broadside of the proposal for printing Historical Collections. | |||||||||||||
1.1 Broadside, proposal for printing Historical Collections, 1791 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1775-1797 | |||||||||||||
Legal papers, 1786 and 1790 | |||||||||||||
1.1 List of maps of Hazard's proposed publication Laws of Naval Trade, prepared circa 1772-1774 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:2 REEL 9 | 1.2 Memoranda book of historical notes, 1778-1780 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:2 REEL 9 | Notes concerning events, to 1786 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:3 REEL 10 | 1.3 Transcripts of documents, 1492-1732 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:4 REEL 10 | 1.4 Transcripts of documents, 1738-1782, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:4 REEL 10 | Transcripts, New York, 1686-1772 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:5-6 REEL 11 | (2) American Stamp Act. | ||||||||||||
15 items. | |||||||||||||
Hazard's collection of material concerning the Stamp Act, 1765-1770, arranged as follows: | |||||||||||||
Stamp Act printed by Mark Baskett, London, 1765 | |||||||||||||
Hazard's narrative of events in America, 1765-1770 | |||||||||||||
Proceedings of the New York Congress, Oct. 6-23 1765, copied by Hazard | |||||||||||||
James Otis to Speaker of the New Hampshire Assembly, Nov. 8, 1765, with a copy of the Declaration of Rights and Address to the King. Copied by Hazard from the records of the House of Representatives of New Hampshire. | |||||||||||||
Votes of the House of Commons relating to the Stamp Act, 1766, copied by Hazard | |||||||||||||
Memorial to the British Parliament by delegates of sundry Colonies meeting in New York, 1765 | |||||||||||||
James Otis to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Province of New Hampshire, Nov. 8, 1765 | |||||||||||||
James Otis to Henry Sherburne, Nov. 26, 1765 | |||||||||||||
Broadside, South Carolina, "In the Commons House of Assembly," Nov. 29, 1765, printed by Peter Timothy | |||||||||||||
Letter, to Messrs. Barlow Trecothick and John Wentworth, Dec. 1765 | |||||||||||||
Broadside, "To the Freeman and Freeholders of the City of New York" | |||||||||||||
Engravings, "the Repeal" | |||||||||||||
Circular letter from Secretary Conway to the American governors, Mar. 31, 1766, copied by Hazard from New Hampshire records | |||||||||||||
Act to Repeal the Stamp Act, printed by Mark Baskett, London, 1766 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:7 REEL 11 | (3) Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-1798. | ||||||||||||
4 items in 2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Transcripts relating to Louisburg (Nova Scotia), 1745, copied by Belknap for Hazard in 1782 | |||||||||||||
3.1 Letters of William Shirley to William Pepperell and a copy of capitulation made for the surrender of Louisbourg and its dependencies to the British. | |||||||||||||
3.2 Massachusetts history of the reduction of Louisbourg, with the amount of forces used. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:7 REEL 11 | (4) Falckner, Daniel, circa 1666-1741. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (38 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Transcript of Falckner's Curieuse nachricht von Pensylvania in Norden-America (Frankfurt, 1702). | |||||||||||||
(5) Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. | |||||||||||||
1 item (4 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Hazard's transcript of Franklin's Plan of Proposed Union of Massachusetts and the other Colonies for their mutual defense, 1754. | |||||||||||||
(6) Gaine, Hugh, 1726-1807. | |||||||||||||
1 item (20 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Memorandum book, 1779-1781, kept by Gaine in New York while the British were in possession of the city. | |||||||||||||
(7) Glasgow. | |||||||||||||
1 item (6 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Manuscript entitled "Account of the College of Glasgow" [removed from vol. 51 of the Hazard pamphlet series and transferred to the Manuscript Division in 1909]. | |||||||||||||
(8) Grenada. | |||||||||||||
7 items (26 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Papers, 1791-1793, chiefly letters from George Berkeley, Robert Pringle, and J. Moncrief to the Duke of Richmond concerning the defense of Grenada. | |||||||||||||
(9) Massachusetts | |||||||||||||
circa 500 items. | |||||||||||||
Hazard's transcripts of papers concerning Massachusetts, 1620-1774. Includes notes on Plymouth Colony and material concerning Maine and New Hampshire, 1652-1677. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:8 REEL 11 | (10) New England. | ||||||||||||
circa 500 items in 2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Records of the United Colonies of New England, 1643-1675, transcribed from the Plymouth copy, 1779. | |||||||||||||
(11) Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 1651-1719. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (99 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Transcript of Pastorius' Umstandige Geographische Beschreibung (Frankfurt, 1700). | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:9 REEL 12 | (12) Politics. | ||||||||||||
22 vols. | |||||||||||||
Scrapbooks, 1768-1776, of clippings on political topics. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:9 REEL 12 | 12.1 1768-1770 | ||||||||||||
(4 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:10 REEL 12 | 12.2 1770-1771 | ||||||||||||
(4 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:11 REEL 12 | 12.3 1771-1772 | ||||||||||||
(5 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:12 REEL 13 | 12.4 1772-1773 | ||||||||||||
(3 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:13 REEL 13 | 12.5 1774-1775 | ||||||||||||
(3 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:14 REEL 13-14 | 12.6 1775-1776 | ||||||||||||
(3 vols.) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:15 REEL 14 | Samuel Hazard material | ||||||||||||
(13) Curious collection of scraps. | |||||||||||||
3 vols. | |||||||||||||
Scrapbooks with clippings on British and French biography. | |||||||||||||
13.1 1821 | |||||||||||||
13.2 1831 | |||||||||||||
13.3 1832 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:16 REEL 14 | (14) Excerpta. | ||||||||||||
3 vols. and 1 unit. | |||||||||||||
Scrapbooks with clippings on various subjects. Includes index. | |||||||||||||
14.1, vol. 1 | |||||||||||||
14.2, vol. 2 | |||||||||||||
14.3, vol. 3 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:17 REEL 15-16 | 14.4, clippings removed from vols. 1-2 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII B:18 REEL 16 | (15) Meteorological journal. | ||||||||||||
2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Printed reports and observations on the weather, 1803-1828. | |||||||||||||
15.1 1803-1806 | |||||||||||||
15.2 1818-1828 | |||||||||||||
REEL 16 | (16) Philadelphia. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (90 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Index to Philadelphia names, 1812. | |||||||||||||
(17) United States Military Academy. | |||||||||||||
16 items. | |||||||||||||
Documents and letters, 1790-1797; report, 1825, of the Board of Visitors; class rolls and staff lists, 1830; and an address by Secretary of War James Barbour, to the graduating class of 1825. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII:C1-C22 | VIII C: Hispanic Collection, 1527-1811 | ||||||||||||
Transcriptions of Spanish documents including histories, diaries, and trial transcripts. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by author or title. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:1-4 REEL 17-20 | (1) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. | ||||||||||||
4 vols. | |||||||||||||
"Historia apologética de las Indias Occidentales," transcribed by Luis de Tío in 1846. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:5-8 REEL 21-23 | (2) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. | ||||||||||||
4 vols. | |||||||||||||
"Historia de las Indias," transcribed in the 18th century. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:9 REEL 24 | (3) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (418 pp.) | |||||||||||||
"Historia o brevísima recopilacion de la destruction de la India Occidental," transcribed in 1772. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:10 REEL 24 | (4) Casas, Bartolomé de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. See also Container VIII C:16-17, Oviedo y Valdés | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (13 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Notes on and partial copying of writings including "Este es un tratado, etc." (7 pp.); "Una disputa, etc." (3 pp.) and "Tratado coprobatorio, etc." (1 p.) bound with "Sumario de la Natural y General Historia de las Indias," by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (3 pp.) | |||||||||||||
(5) Cortes, José. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (174 pp.) | |||||||||||||
"Memorias sobre las provincias del Norte de Nueva España," 1799 (88 pp.); bound with "Diario y derrotero," by Silvestre V lez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Domínguez, 1776-1777 (83 pp.); and invoice, 1799. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:11-13 REEL 25-26 | (6) Duran, Diego, d. 1588? | ||||||||||||
3 vols. | |||||||||||||
"Historia Antigua de la Nueva España," written in 1585 and transcribed in the 19th century. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:14 REEL 26 | (7) Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, 1753-1811. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (283 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Trial, 1811, of Hidalgo y Costilla, curate at San Felipe, for inciting a revolution, with introduction in English. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII C:15 REEL 27 | (8) Muñoz, Juan Bautista, 1745-1799. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (186 pp.) | |||||||||||||
"Historia del Nuevo Mundo" [1794?], with typed copy. | |||||||||||||
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