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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873 (continued) | |||||||||||||
VIII D: Other Collections, 1632-1873 (continued) | |||||||||||||
(40) Du Simitière, Pierre Eugène, 1737-1784. (continued) | |||||||||||||
125 items in 5 vols. | |||||||||||||
Letterbook (1779-1784), commonplace book, memoranda, (1774-1783), and notes on publications (2 vols.). Letterbook (drafts of letters sent), chiefly relates to Du Simitière's artistic work and his collection of Americana. Recipients include George Clinton, Francois de Barbé-Marbois, Robert Erskine, Conrad A. Gérard, Francis Kinloch, Robert Morris, Joseph Reed, Benjamin Rush, Nathaniel Scudder, Baron von Steuben, and John Sullivan. Commonplace book entitled "American Politics" contains notes on and extracts from printed works and lists of articles, books, pamphlets, and portraits. Memoranda include lists of portraits and drawings done, things lent, books, curiosities, and coins received, and letters written. Notes on publications contain lists of articles (1732-1784) on various subjects. Among the periodicals frequently cited are The Pennsylvania Gazette, Pennsylvania Journal and Pennsylvania Chronicle, American Magazine, Bradford's American Mercury, New York Gazette, and New York Journal. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:56 REEL 38 | (41) Edinburgh, Scotland. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (206 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Account book (1733-1734) of a dealer in fabrics and notions. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:57 REEL 38 | (42) Elliot, Jonathan, 1784-1846. | ||||||||||||
300 items. | |||||||||||||
Correspondence (1817-1829), chiefly letters received by Elliott as editor of the Washington Gazette. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:57 REEL 39 | (43) Emmons, Richard. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (56 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Poetry manuscript (1826-1828) entitled "Miscellaneous Poems," with a copy of a dedicatory letter (18 Sept. 1828) addressed to James Madison. | |||||||||||||
(44) "Excerpta seu Selectae Sententiae," 1760. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (16 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Collection of poetry from various Latin authors compiled by a Princeton student. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:58 REEL 84 | (45) Fairfax vs. Hite. See also Container I:9, 8 July 1854, letter of James Brown to Peter Force, with enclosed copy of a decree of Hite and others vs. Fairfax (15 Oct. 1771), made by Brown from an authenticated copy. | ||||||||||||
3 items. | |||||||||||||
Papers (contemporary copies) relating to a controversy over the title to lands in northern Virginia. Includes Report of the Board of Trade upon the returns made by the Commissioners appointed by the Lt. Governor of Virginia and Lord Fairfax to settle the boundaries of Lord Fairfax's land in that Province (27 July 1739); bill of complaint of Hite and McCoy vs. Fairfax; and answer of Thomas Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the Northern Neck, to the bill of complaint of Jost Hite and others. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 16,839. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:58 REEL 72 | (46) Fitch, Jabez, 1737-1812. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (146 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Journal (Jan.-6 Apr. 1776) kept by Fitch as a lieutenant in the 8th Connecticut Regiment serving in the Boston area. Includes his observations on the anniversary of the Boston Massacre and the evacuation of Boston. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:59 REEL 84 | (47) Fitch, John, 1743-1798. See also Container I:10, 24 Feb. and 18 Apr. 1859. | ||||||||||||
700 items in 3 units. | |||||||||||||
Papers (1783-1854), including correspondence, diaries, financial papers, surveyor's notes, steamboat sketches, manuscripts of writings on the steamboat, the Universal Society, and chemicals, and miscellaneous material. Includes some papers of the architect William Thornton (1759-1828), an early custodian of the papers. The bulk of the papers relate to Fitch's experimental work with the steamboat, but the diary and surveyor's notebook cover his earlier work, surveying in the Ohio country. Correspondents include Joshua Anderson, John Beckley, Robert Fulton, Josiah Hornblower, Thomas Hutchins, Thomas Johnson, Jonathan Longstreth, Thomas Mifflin, Robert Morris, Robert Parrish, Charles Pettit, Edmund Randolph, Caleb Riggs, David Rittenhouse, Benjamin E. Say, and William Thornton. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 15,820. | |||||||||||||
47.1 | |||||||||||||
Surveying notebook, 1783-1784 | |||||||||||||
Diaries, accounts, surveyor's notes, 1783-1789 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence and related material 1784-1789 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:60 REEL 85 | 47.2 1790-1854, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:61 REEL 85-86 | 47.3 | ||||||||||||
Writings and sketches concerning the steamboat | |||||||||||||
Writings concerning the Universal Society | |||||||||||||
Discourses on the properties of chemicals, fragment (not in Fitch's hand) | |||||||||||||
Financial papers | |||||||||||||
Steamboat company accounts, 1786-1792 | |||||||||||||
Memorandum book, 24 June-28 July [1786?] | |||||||||||||
Account and receipt book, 1787-1791 | |||||||||||||
Invoices and receipts, 1784-1792, undated | |||||||||||||
Miscellany | |||||||||||||
Indentures | |||||||||||||
Will and "Song of the Brown Jug," 13 July 1792 | |||||||||||||
Newspapers and clippings, 1789-1824, undated | |||||||||||||
Pamphlets | |||||||||||||
Handbills | |||||||||||||
Congressional bill and documents, 1788-1842 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:62 REEL 39 | (48) Fourcauld and Company | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (11 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Accounts (25 July 1796) of the Fourcauld mercantile firm, Jérémie, Haiti, with John E. Caldwell and Co., Philadelphia. | |||||||||||||
(49) Force, Manning Ferguson, 1824-1899. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (43 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Collection (1678-1846) of letters, commissions, pamphlets, and copies of maps relating to French exploration in the Mississippi. Includes two letters (1845-1846) received from Thaddeus William Harris. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:62 REEL 72 | (50) Franklin, William, 1731-1813. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (104 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Papers (1775-1776), including letters, minutes, petitions, broadsides, and messages relating to Franklin's service as provincial Governor of New Jersey, with notations in the hand of Peter Force. | |||||||||||||
(51) Freebody v. Cook. See Oversize | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (15 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Report (1754) of legal proceedings in a land dispute between John Freebody and John Cook, merchants in Newport, R.I. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:63 REEL 39 | (52) Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (248 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Orderly book (23 Apr. 1812-23 July 1814) containing orders issued by Freeman as lieutentant colonel of the artillery at Fort Nelson, near Norfold, Va. | |||||||||||||
(53) Freeman, Thomas, d. 1821. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (142 pp.) and 2 items. | |||||||||||||
"An Account of the Red River, in Louisiana," a report to the War Department by Thomas Freeman and Peter Custis. Report covers their journey (2 May-8 Sept. 1806) and lists trees, shrubs, animals, and minerals encountered as well a meteorological observations. Also two items transferred from the Thomas Jefferson papers: a copy (1859) of President Jefferson's instructions to Freeman for exploring the Red River, and an explanatory note (1873) in the hand of William Q. Force. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:64 REEL 39 | (54) Galloway, Joseph, 1731-1803. | ||||||||||||
5 items in 2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Publication entitled The Examination of Joseph Galloway...Before the House of Commons (London, Printed for J. Wilkie, 1779). 85 pp.), with manuscript notes by Israwl Mauduit. Second volume (undated) contains two drafts of a letter to Gen. John Burgoyne, a letter to Lord [Richard] Howe, and an unaddressed Plan of Union drawn up about 1785. [Plan of Union published on pp. 157-172 of Anglo-American Union; Joseph Galloway's Plans To Preserve the British Empire, 1774-1788(Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. 185 pp.), by Julian P. Boyd.] | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:65 REEL 39 | (55) George, John b. 1696. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (144 pp.) and 4 sheets. | |||||||||||||
Journal (19 Dec. 1745-Oct. 1748), with pen and ink drawings, describing George's experiences as a captive of the French and Spanish, his imprisonment in Quebec, and his travels in the West Indies (transcribed after his return to Newport, R.I. in Aug. 1748). Also, notes by A. C. Harrington regarding the identification of George as the author of the journal. (Formerly titled "Journal of a Captive.") [Published, in part, on pp. 3-136 ofColonial Captivities, Marches and Journeys (New York, Macmillan Co., 1935. 244 pp.), edited by Isabel M. Calder.] | |||||||||||||
(56) Glasier, Beamsley. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (188 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Orderly book (4 Nov. 1771-13 Mar. 1773) kept for Capt. Glasier's company, 2nd Battalion, 60th Regiment, British Army, at Niagara, La Prairie, and New York, N.Y., and Antigua and Chatteau Bellair, West Indies. | |||||||||||||
(57) Great Britain. Army in Ireland and North America (1761-1771). | |||||||||||||
Copybook of forms, instructions, and orders kept in Ireland (1751-1752) and in North America (1761-1771). Chiefly rules and orders issued from New York by Richard Maitland, Deputy Adjutant General of North American Forces, and Thomas Moncrieff, Major of Brigade. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:66 REEL 40 | (58) Great Britain. House of Lords. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (circa 500 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Calendar (1660-1723) in alphabetical order of the journals of the House of Lords. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:67 REEL 40 | (59) Great Britain. Parliament. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (circa 350 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Volume entitled "Proceedings of the Referees appointed by the Parliament to consider of the inconvenience, Delay, charge, and irregularitye in the Law, as the same were presented to the Committee of Parliament," 27 Jan. 1651-28 July 1652. Includes drafts of acts revising laws and an ordinance (22 Aug. 1654) regulating and uniting the jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:67 REEL 40-41 | (60) Greene, Nathaniel, 1742-1786. | ||||||||||||
2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Copies of letters sent by Greene as commander in chief of the Southern Department during the Revolution. Correspondents include Abraham Buford, Richard Caswell, Benjamin Harrison, Isaac Huger, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Lincoln, Chevalier de La Luzerne, Francis Marion, Daniel Morgan, Robert Morris, Abner Nash, Andrew Pickens, Comte de Rochambeau, Baron von Steuben, Thomas Sumter, George Washington, and Anthony Wayne. | |||||||||||||
60.1, letterbook, 14 Jan.-29 Feb. 1781 | |||||||||||||
60.2, letterbook, 1 Jan.-8 Apr. 1782 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:68 REEL 72 | (61) Hamersley, Thomas S. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (341 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Journal (6 Oct. 1821-2 Feb. 1824) kept by Lt. Hamersley on board the U.S.S. Franklin, commanded by Charles Stewart, on cruises along the Pacific coast of South America. Includes references to the ports of Valparaiso, Callao, and Mollendo. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:69 REEL 41 | (62) Hamilton, Thomas, d. 1786. | ||||||||||||
700 items in 3 units. | |||||||||||||
Accounts, drafts, receipts, returns, and supply requests reflecting Hamilton's service as assistant deputy quartermaster of the Staunton District, Va., 1781. | |||||||||||||
62.1, papers, Feb.-July 1781 | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:70 REEL 42 | 62.2, papers, Aug.-Dec. 1781 | ||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:71 REEL 42 | 62.3, papers, 1781 | ||||||||||||
(9 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:72 REEL 42 | (63) Hampshire County College, Massachusetts. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (21 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Minutes (7 Aug. 1761-13 Jan. 1762) of meetings to establish Hampshire County College and a contemporary copy of a petition to George III, 27 Feb. 1762. | |||||||||||||
(64) Harmer, Josiah, 1753-1813. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (36 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Orderly book (10-22 Oct. 1794) kept by Harmar as adjutant general for the Pennsylvania Militia at Bedford and Carlisle, during the Whiskey Rebellion. | |||||||||||||
(65) Hatfield, John. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (76 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Orderly book, (7 Feb.-14 Mar. 1776) kept by John Clark, orderly officer for Capt. Hatfield of the 43rd Regiment of the British Army, in Boston. Includes general and battalion orders and two undated notices to the inhabitants of Boston concerning quartered soldiers. | |||||||||||||
(66) Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816. | |||||||||||||
2 vols. | |||||||||||||
Journal and sketch (1797-1802) kept by Hawkins in his early years as Indian agent to the Creeks and general superintendent of all Indian tribes south of the Ohio. Includes description of the terrain of southeastern Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, and the Indians and their customs. [Sketch published in A Sketch of the Creek Country, in 1798 and 1799 (New York, Bartlett and Welford, 1848. 8 pp.), by William Brown Hodgson.] | |||||||||||||
66.1 "Viatory or Journal of distances and observations," 1797-1802 | |||||||||||||
66.2 "A Sketch of the Creek country in the years 1798 and 1799" | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:73 REEL 42 | (67) Hawks, John. | ||||||||||||
1 unit (24 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Journal (1757-1759) of military events regarding Lt. Hawks's command of forts from Northfield to Hoosac Mountain, headquartered at Fort Colrain (near Deerfield), Mass. | |||||||||||||
(68) Hazen, Moses, 1733-1803. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (175 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Orderly book (1 Jan.-27 Apr. 1780) of orders from headquarters at Morristown, N.J., for troops in the 2nd Canadian Regiment, Continental Army, under Col. Hazen's command. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:73 REEL 42 | (69) Helfenstein, John P. | ||||||||||||
1 vol. (18 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Receipt book (16 Apr. 1822-30 Mar. 1824) kept by Helfenstein of payments made to workmen for road construction near Carlisle, Pa. | |||||||||||||
(70) Henderson, James L. | |||||||||||||
1 vol. (150 pp.) | |||||||||||||
Journal (7 Sept.-18 Nov. 1831) consisting chiefly of nautical observations, kept by Henderson of the United States Navy on a voyage from Callao, Peru, aboard the U.S.S. St. Louis commanded by John D. Sloat. | |||||||||||||
BOX VIII D:74 REEL 72 | (71) Holmes, Abiel, 1763-1837. 3 vols. | ||||||||||||
Meteorological register (Jan. 1795-Dec. 1829) kept by Holmes, Congregational clergyman, at Cambridge, Mass., during his service as pastor of the First Church. Includes daily notations of variations in temperature, wind, and weather. | |||||||||||||
71.1, Jan. 1795-Dec. 1797 | |||||||||||||
71.2, Nov. 1798-Aug. 1816 | |||||||||||||
71.3, Jan. 1817-Dec. 1829 | |||||||||||||
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