The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Peter Force papers and collection, 1492-1977
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Series VIII: Manuscript Collections, 1492-1873 (continued)
VIII D: Other Collections, 1632-1873 (continued)
pp. 86-168, Letters accompanying Secretary of War's report
pp. 170-186, General orders accompanying the Adjutant General's report
pp. 187-243, Quartermaster General
pp. 244, Commissary General
pp. 245, Paymaster General
pp. 247-281, Chief Engineer
pp. 282, Board of Visitors, West Point
pp. 324-339, Chief, Topographical Engineer
pp. 340-364, Ordnance Department
pp. 365-367, Surgeon General
pp. 368-384, Commissioner of Pensions
pp. 600-602, Second and Third Auditors
BOX VIII D:168 REEL 69-70 175.2
pp. 603-629, Secretary of the Navy
pp. 630-638, Bureau of Construction
pp. 733-737, Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography
pp. 741-751, Bureau of Yards and Docks
pp. 890-895 and 925, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing
pp. 1006-1237, Reports and dispatches exhibiting the operations of the United States naval forces during the Mexican War
pp. 1239-1275, Postmaster-General
BOX VIII D:166 REEL 70 (176) United States Register of the Treasury.
1 vol. (22 pp.)
Statement of accounts (1785-1803).Report of the Commissioners for the Settlement of the Accounts Between the United States and the Individual States, Stating Balances (Philadelphia, 1803) and manuscript accounts with statements for each State prepared by the Register, Joseph Nourse, on 1 June 1785.
BOX VIII D:169 REEL 88 (177) United States Treasury.
1 vol. (299 pp.)
Accounting records (1781-1790). Includes general accounts of receipts and expenditures, statements of receipts, lists of expenditures, and general accounts of Robert Morris, Superintendent of Finances, with a letter of transmittal (4 Mar. 1790) from Joseph Nourse, Register of the Treasury, who prepared the accounts for a committee of the House of Representatives in 1790.
BOX VIII D:170 REEL 70 (178) United States Treasury. Imports and exports.
23 items.
Abstracts and statements on imports and exports, (1 Oct. 1789-30 Sept. 1790) compiled chiefly by Tench Coxe, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Includes general statement of the tonnage of vessels entering the United States from foreign ports, abstracts of United States exports, table of duties on imports, statement on goods imported and estimate of their value, and destination and abstract of value of United States exports.
BOX VIII D:170 REEL 70 (179) United States War Department.
1 vol.
List (1791) of invalid pensioners of the United States and the arrearages due them, arranged by State and recorded by the War Office.
(180) Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe Rigaud, marquis de.
1 vol. (32 pp.)
English translation of an extract (12 Apr. 1782) from the journal of the marquis de Vaudreuil, Commander of the Triumphant, chiefly concerning movements of the French fleet.
BOX VIII D:171 REEL 89 (181) Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757.
900 items in 18 units.
Vernon-Wager papers (1654-1773). Correspondence, accounts, instructions, reports, and other material of Vernon and Sir Charles Wager (1666-1743), British admirals, relating chiefly to British naval operations against the Spanish in the West Indies, 1725-1745. Topics include the expedition against Cartagena, Porto Bello, and Havana; a proposed expedition against Georgia and Florida; attempts to suppress piracy on the Spanish Main; the slave trade; commercial operations of the South Sea Company; the Newfoundland fisheries; colonial control of Jamaica and the Bahamas and operations of the Bahama Society; the impressment of seamen; the relations with various Indian tribes; the settlement of Nova Scotia; the British mediation in a dispute between Russia and Sweden; and a plan of attack on Manila, 1739. Includes letters received and instructions, 1754-1773, of Robert Monckton (1726-1782), British general and Governor of New York, concerning the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia and military affairs in New York and Virginia. Correspondents include Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Martin Bladen, Francis Fauquier, Thomas Gage, Charles Lawrence, Sir John Norris, Andrew Stone, Edward Trelawny, Baron James O'Hara Tyrawly, and Thomas Wentworth. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 15,916. See also Container I:8, 25 Oct. 1850, invoice of purchase from Henry Stevens.
181.1 9 Dec. 1654-1 June 1725
BOX VIII D:172 REEL 89 181.2 28 Mar. 1726-5 Oct. 1727
BOX VIII D:173 REEL 89 181.3 17 Oct. 1727-25 Nov. 1729
BOX VIII D:174 REEL 89-90 181.4 26 Nov. 1729-26 May 1732
BOX VIII D:175 REEL 90 181.5 3 July 1732-1 Aug. 1734
BOX VIII D:176 REEL 90 181.6 2 Aug. 1734-July 1735
BOX VIII D:177 REEL 91 181.7 6 Oct. 1735-11 Aug. 1739
BOX VIII D:178 REEL 91 181.8 20 Aug. 1738-18 June 1739
BOX VIII D:179 REEL 91 181.9 18 June-7 Nov. 1739
BOX VIII D:180 REEL 92 181.10 7 Nov. 1739-23 Mar. 1740
BOX VIII D:181 REEL 92 181.11 25 Mar.-26 June 1740
BOX VIII D:182 REEL 92 181.12 28 June-6 Nov. 1740
BOX VIII D:183 REEL 93 181.13 6 Nov. 1740-7 Apr. 1741
BOX VIII D:184 REEL 93 181.14 7 Apr.-23 June 1741
BOX VIII D:185 REEL 93 181.15 23 June 1741-6 Nov. 1751
BOX VIII D:186 REEL 94 181.16 30 Nov. 1751-11 Mar. 1773, undated
BOX VIII D:187 REEL 94 181.17 Undated
BOX VIII D:188 REEL 94 181.18 Monckton, 12 Dec. 1754-2 Mar. 1773
BOX VIII D:189 REEL 70 (182) Virginia Ratification Convention.
1 vol. (15 pp.)
Proceedings (25-27 June 1788) of the Virginia Convention for ratifying the Constitution, signed by Edmund Pendleton, President, and attested by John Beckley, Secretary. Includes a bill of rights, 20 recommended Constitutional amendments, committee appointments, and votes.
BOX VIII D:190 REEL 70 (183) Waldron, Richard, 1694-1753.
circa 500 items.
Papers (1726-1770). Chiefly drafts of letters (1730-1748) by Waldron, a provincial officer and legislator of New Hampshire, to Governor Jonathan Belcher of Massachusetts. Includes drafts of two letters (1770) to Governor John Wentworth of New Hampshire, a few letters received, and mercantile accounts (1730-1735) with Samuel Sherburne.
BOX VIII D:191 REEL 71 (184) Walker, Singleton S.
20 items.
Papers (1824-1827). Chiefly letters between Walker, an employee of Peter Force on the National Journal, and his brothers George in New York City and Daniel in Lancaster District, S.C. Includes other family correspondence and a letter and a note to Peter Force.
(185) Ward, Andrew. See also Container VIII D:53, Douglas, William
1 vol. (55 pp.)
Orderly book (1776) of Andrew Ward and William Douglas (1742-1777). The first half of the book (22 Feb.-23 Mar. 1776) was kept by Lt. Col. Andrew Ward for his regiment in the Connecticut Militia and the remainder (10 July-13 Dec. 1776) was kept by Col. William Douglas for his Connecticut State Regiment. Includes general and regimental orders for troops in the vicinity of New York City, list of Connecticut Militia officers, and general and regimental returns.
BOX VIII D:192 REEL 71 (186) Washington College, Chestertown, Md.
1 vol. (25 pp.)
Collection (1782) including three copies of "An Act for Founding a College at Chester" (now Chestertown), printed by John Dunlap; four copies of a petition to the inhabitants of the Eastern Shore with the names of the subscribers and the amount subscribed for the college's establishment; drawing of a building identified as Washington College; and an engraving of William Smith (1727-1803), founder of Washington College.
BOX VIII D:191 REEL 71 (187) Wentworth, Benning, 1696-1770.
1 vol. (54 pp.)
Instructions (30 Sept. 1761) from King George III to Wentworth, Governor of New Hampshire.
(188) Williams, Timothy.
2 vols.
Memorandum book (1801, 1807) of nautical affairs kept by Williams in incomplete copies of The Massachusetts Register and United States Calendar for 1801 and 1807. Entries note the arrivals and departure of ships, cargoes, and prices of goods shipped at Boston.
BOX VIII D:193-194 REEL 95 (189) Woolsey and Salmon.
circa 500 items.
Letterbook (18 Oct. 1774-Apr. 1784) of the Baltimore mercantile partnership of George Woolsey and George Salmon. Includes copies of letters sent to firms and individuals on the eastern seaboard and in Great Britain. Topics include the Irish servant and convict trade and the impact of the entry of France into the American Revolution. There are numerous letters to John Pringle (a partner until 1780) of Philadelphia concerning trade, commodities, prices, and accounts reflecting Baltimore's role as the only port open for the entire period of the American Revolution. [Published, in part, in Naval Documents of the American Revolution(Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 1964-1970. 5 vols.)]. Also available on microfilm shelf no. 15,684.
BOX VIII D:195 REEL 71 (190) Wooster, David, 1711-1777.
1 vol. (180 pp.)
Orderly book (19 June-10 Oct. 1759) of orders for Col. Wooster's regiment at Fort Edward Lake George, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, N.Y.
(191) Wyvill, Richard Augustus.
1 vol. (420 pp.)
Memoir (1814?) of Maj. Wyvill sketching his career in the British Army from his entrance (1778) to his last command (1808-?) and subsequent retirement on the Isle of Jersey. Includes descriptions of the people and their customs in the countries in which he served, including America (especially the New York area), Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Spain, Egypt, Minorca, the West Indies (especially the conditions of African Americans there), and the islands of Guernsey and Jersey.
BOX IX:1-41 Series IX: Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1501-1866
Correspondence, reports, receipts, poems, and other material.
Arranged chronologically and indexed by writer and recipient. Available on microfilm shelf no. 17,137, Reels 96-112. Reel 96 includes alphabetical index to all material in Series IX.
BOX IX:1 REEL 96 19 Oct. 1501-17 Aug. 1699 See also Oversize
(26 folders)
BOX IX:2 REEL 96 28 May 1701-1720
(54 folders)
BOX IX:3 REEL 96-97 12 Apr. 1721-1 Dec. 1732
(76 folders)
BOX IX:4 REEL 97 3 Mar. 1733-1740 See also Oversize
(70 folders)
BOX IX:5 REEL 97 5 Mar. 1741-7 Dec. 1752 See also Oversize
(53 folders)
BOX IX:6 REEL 98 2 Feb. 1753-1755 See also Oversize
(72 folders)
BOX IX:7 REEL 98 5 Jan. 1756-1757
(93 folders)
BOX IX:8 REEL 99 30 Jan. 1758-1759 See also Oversize
(107 folders)
BOX IX:9 REEL 99 7 Jan. 1760-6 Dec. 1763
(62 folders)
BOX IX:10 REEL 100 1 Mar. 1764-1769 See also Oversize
(73 folders)
BOX IX:11 REEL 100 19 Jan. 1770-28 Apr. 1775
(78 folders)
BOX IX:12 REEL 100-101 1 May-June 1775
(80 folders)
BOX IX:13 REEL 101 5 July-Oct. 1775
(71 folders)
BOX IX:14 REEL 101 1 Nov.-Dec. 1775, undated
(67 folders)
BOX IX:15 REEL 102 1 Jan.-May 1776 See also Oversize
(70 folders)
BOX IX:16 REEL 102 7 June-July 1776
(82 folders)
BOX IX:17 REEL 102 7 Aug.-Oct. 1776
(75 folders)
BOX IX:18 REEL 103 2 Nov.-Dec. 1776, undated
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