The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Peter Force papers and collection, 1492-1977
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Series VII: Transcripts, 1520s-1880s (continued)
VII A: American Archives, 1774-1776 (continued)
BOX VII A:56 625-916 pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:57 916-1171 pp.
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:58 1171-Index pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:59 Series 5, vol. 3
Contents-192 pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:60 212-463 pp.
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:61 463-752 pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:62 752-1020 pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:63 1019-1305 pp.
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:64 1305-1620 pp.
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:65 Index pp.
(5 folders)
Miscellaneous printers proofs
BOX VII A:66 Duplicate or rejected copy, 1774-1776
Jan.-June 1774
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:67 Aug.-Dec. 1774
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:68 Jan.-Feb. 1775
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:69 Mar.-10 May 1775
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:70 11 May-24 July 1775
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:71 25-31 July 1775
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:72 Aug.-15 Sept. 1775
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:73 16 Sept.-Oct. 1775
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:74 Nov.-15 Dec. 1775
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:75 16-31 Dec. 1775
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:76 Jan.-Mar. 1776
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:77 Apr.-May 1776
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:78 May-22 June 1776
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:79 23 June-20 July 1776
(3 folders)
BOX VII A:80 21 July-17 Aug. 1776
(4 folders)
BOX VII A:81 18 Aug.-24 Sept. 1776
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:82 25 Sept.-Oct. 1776
(5 folders)
BOX VII A:83 1 Nov.-20 Dec. 1776
(6 folders)
BOX VII A:84 21-31 Dec. 1776
(8 folders)
BOX VII:B1-B14 VII B: Printed Sources, 1586-1852
Transcripts of published documents, newspapers, and pamphlets, chiefly for use in the American Archives.
Arranged alphabetically with full bibliographical entry
BOX VII B:1 An Account of a Visit lately made to the People called Quakers in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, an Indian chief, and several other Indians, chiefly of the Minisink tribe. With the substance of their conferences on that occasion.(London: Printed and sold by S. Clark, 1761, 21 pp.)
Allen, Ethan, and Jonas Fay, Esq., A Concise Refutation of the Claims of New-Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay to the territory of Vermont; with occasional Remarks on the long disputed Claim of New-York to the Same. (Bennington: Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont, 1 Jan. 1780, 23 pp.)
Allen, Ira, The natural and political history of the state of Vermont, one of the United States of America. To which is added, an appendix, containing answers to sundry queries, addressed to the author. (London: W. Myers, 1798.)
Allen, Ira, A Vindication of the Conduct of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, held at Windsor in October 1778, against Allegations and Remarks of the Protesting Members; with Observations on their Proceedings at a Convention held at Cornish, on the 9th day of December 1778. (Dresden, Vt.: Alden Spooner, [1779].)
Allen, Ira, Arrangement of the Pennsylvania Line. (Philadelphia: Francis Bailey, 1781.) Transcribed, 24 Sept. 1846, from original pamphlet in the Philadelphia Library.
Boerhadem, J., "A Few thoughts on American affairs, humbly offered to Parliament," Gentleman's Magazine, XLV (Feb. 1775)
Campbell, William W., Annals of Tryon County; or the Border Warfare of New York. (New York: E. & J. Harper, 1831, 119 pp.) Transcribed by William Q. Force.
Chapman, Isaac A., A Sketch of the History of Wyoming. (Wilkesbarre, Pa.: Sharp D. Lewis, 1830, 209 pp.)
Clericus, "Explanation of Devices on Continental Bills," Remembrancer, 28 Sept. 1775.
Colwell, Benjamin, Spirit of ˈ76 in Rhode Island: or, Sketches of the Efforts of the Government and People in the War of the Revolution. (1850)
Connecticut Courant, 8 Apr. 1776-22 Sept. 1777
Considerations on the Impropriety of Exporting Rice to Great Britain. Addressed to the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, to meet on January 11, 1775. (Charles-Town, S.C.: Peter Timothy, 1775, [15 pp.])
"Correspondence of Colonel Daniel Brodhead," Olden Times, II (Sept. 1847) 308 ff. Transcribed by William Q. Force, 125 pp.
BOX VII B:2 Davis, Matthew L., Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with Miscellaneous Selections from his Correspondence. (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1836, 2 vols.)
Dickinson, John, "Vindication," Freeman's Journal. (Philadelphia, 1783.)
Edwards, Richard, The Paradise of Dayntie Devises, aptly furnished with sundry pithie and learned inventions. Devised and written for the most part by Ab. [sic] Edwards, sometimes of her majesties Chappel, the rest by sundry learned gentlemen. (London: Henry Dislie, 1578.) Transcribed by W. T. Rodd.
Essex Gazette, 1774-1775
Falkner, Thomas, Descripción de Patagonia y de las Partes adyacentes de la América Meridional, que contiene una razón del Suelo, producciones, Animales, Valles, Montanas, Rios, Lagunas, a de aquellos Payses: La Religion, Govierno, Politica, Costumbres, y Lengua de sus Moradores, con algunas particulariadades relativas a las Yslas de Falkland. Escrita en Ydioma inglés por Don Thomas Falkner, que residió cerca de quarenta años en aquellas Partes. (1st ed. castellaña, tr. por Manuel Nachon; Buenos Aires: Imprinta del estado, 1835, 63 pp.) In: Angelis, Pedro de - Colección de obras y documenttos relativos a la historia ... del Rio de la Plata.
Freeman, pseudonym, A Letter from Freeman of South-Carolina to the Deputies of North America, assembled in the high Court of Congress, at Philadelphia, 10 Aug. 1774. (Charles-Town, S.C.: Peter Timothy, 1774, 47 pp.)
BOX VII B:3 Gourges, Dominique de (supposed author), "The Recapture of Florida," from an English translation of "La reprinse de la Floride," in Recuiel de peices sur la Floride (Paris, 1837), vol. 20 of Ternaux Compans, Henri, ed., Voyages, relations et memóires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la découverte de l'Amerique. (Paris, 1837-1841.) Transcribed by William Q. Force.
Heath, William, Memoirs of Major-General Heath. Containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events during the American War. (Boston: I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, Aug. 1798), transcribed by William Q. Force.
Hildreth, Richard, Pioneer History, being an Account of the First Examination of the Ohio Valley, and the Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory. (Cincinnati: H. W. Derby & Co., 1848, 525 pp.)
BOX VII B:4 Ingersoll, Jared, Mr. Ingersoll's Letters relating to the Stamp-Act. (New Haven: Samuel Green, 1776, 68 pp.)
Knox, William, The Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain in the present Contest with the Colonies Stated and Considered (London: Printed for T. Cadell in the Strand, 1774.)
Langworthy, Edward, Memoirs of the Late Charles Lee, 1778-1780. (Dublin: Messrs. P. Bryne, 1792, 439 pp.)
Leake, Isaac Q., Memoir of the Life and Times of General John Lamb. (Albany: J. Munsell, 1850, 397 pp.), transcribed by [Marion Evans Force] and William Q. Force.
Lederer, John, Descoveries of John Lederer in Three Several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina, and other parts of the Continent: Begun in March, 1669, and ended in September 1670. (London: J. C. for Samuel Heyrick at Grays-Inne-gate, 1672, 27 pp.)
Lee, Arthur, Esq., Observation on Certain Commercial Transactions in France laid before Congress. (Philadelphia: F. Bailey, 1780, 51 pp.)
London Chronicle, 1776-1777
Loudonniere, René Goulaine de, The Notable Historie of Florida,...containing the three voyages made thither by certain French captains and navigators. Written by Captain Loudonniere, who commanded there during 15 months. To which is added, a 4th voyage made by Captain Gourgues. (Paris: 1586; London: Thomas Dawson, 1587.) Includes notes by Peter Force on Rebelled exploration and newspaper clippings on "Rebelled's Fort," The Mercury, (31 Jan. 1859)
BOX VII B:5 Macaulay, Catharine, An Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the Present Important Crisis. (London: 1775.) (Reprinted in Magazine of History, extra nos. 114, 1925)
Massachusetts Gazette, 1772-1775
(2 folders)
Massachusetts Spy, 1777
Minutes of the Trial and Examination of Certain Persons in the Province of New York Charged with being engaged in a Conspiracy against the authority of Congress and the Liberties of America. (London: 1776.)
BOX VII B:6 New York Gazette, Jan. 1773-Apr. 1775
(6 folders)
BOX VII B:7 New York Journal, 1773-1774
(2 folders)
New York newspapers, 1777-1782
BOX VII B:8 Nicholas, Robert Carter, Considerations on the Present State of Virginia Examined. ([Williamsburg:] 1774, [43 pp.])
Orme, Robert, "Account of the Braddock Expedition, 1775," Historical Society of Pennsylvania Memoirs, V. (Philadelphia, 1826), transcribed by Henry Stevens.
Parliamentary Debates, 1775-1777 (Correspondence of British Officers)
(2 folders)
BOX VII B:9 Pennsylvania Gazette, 1775-1777
(2 folders)
Pennsylvania Journal
(2 folders)
BOX VII B:10 1773-1777
(2 folders)
Pennsylvania Ledger, 1775-1778
BOX VII B:11 Pennsylvania Packet, 1777
The Present State of Carolina, With Advice to the Settlers, by R. F. (London: John Bringhurst, 1682.) Transcribed in 19th century.
Proceedings of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina, held at Halifax the 12th day of November, 1776. Together with the Declaration of Rights, Constitution and Ordinances of Congress. (Newbern: James Davis, Printer to the honourable the General Assembly, 1777, 84 pp.) Transcribed from Hazard pamphlets, vol. 39, 1-84.
Proposals for the Speedy Settlement of the Waste and unappropriate Lands of the Western Frontiers of the State of New York and for the Improvement of the Inland Navigation between Albany and Oswego. (New York: Samuel Loudon, no. 5 Water Street, 1785.) Transcript of Hazard pamphlet no. 100:4.
Reed, William B., Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, Military Secretary of Washington at Cambridge; Adjutant-General of the Continental Army; Member of the Congress. (Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1847, 2 vols., 438 pp.) Transcribed by William Q. Force.
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, Philologisch-critischer und historischer Commentar uber das Buch Hiob. Transcript made at Munich, 1833.
BOX VII B:12 "Relics of '76 - The [Joseph] Ward Papers," The Literary World, nos. 291, 292, 294, 296, and 299. (New York, 28 Aug., 4, 18 Sept., 2, 23 Oct. 1852.)
Resistance no Rebellion: in answer to Doctor Johnson's Taxation no Tyranny. (London: Printed for J. Bell, near Exeter Exchange, Strand, 1775.)
Riedesel, Friederike, Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Translated from the original German by [Jules Wallenstein.] (New York: G. & C. Carvell, 1827, 328 pp.)
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