The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles H. Townes papers, 1898-2014
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Part II: Alphabetical File, 1948-2014 (continued)
BOX 434 “N” miscellaneous, 2006-2014
BOX 435 Optical Society of America
BOX 435 Charles H. Townes Award, 1996-2003
BOX 435 General, 1966, 1996-2008, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 435 Oxford University Press, 1998-2004
BOX 435 “O” miscellaneous, 2001, 2008
BOX 435 President’s Science Advisory Committee, 1963-1967
BOX 435 Prokhorov, A. M., correspondence regarding, 2000-2007
BOX 435 “P” miscellaneous, 1994-2012
BOX 435 Ride, Sally, photograph with Townes, 2011
BOX 435 Rosenfeld, Arthur H.
BOX 435 1996-2004
BOX 436 2005-2012
(2 folders)
BOX 436 Russell, Robert J., 1998-2005
BOX 436 “R” miscellaneous, 2002-2007
BOX 436 Sandage, Allan, 1998
BOX 436 Saykally, Richard J., 1986, 1997-2004
BOX 436 Schawlow, Arthur L., 1997-2011
BOX 436 Science and religion, 1972, 1988, 1999-2001, 2007-2010, undated
BOX 436 Science & Spirit magazine, 2006-2007
BOX 437 Scully, Marlon O., 1996-2011
(3 folders)
BOX 437 Sessler, Andrew M., nomination for award, 2012
BOX 437 Shimoda, Kōichi, 1996-1999
BOX 437 Siegman, Anthony E., 2004
BOX 437 Space Sciences Laboratory, California University, Berkeley, Calif.
BOX 437 Charles H. Townes Postdoctoral Fellowship
BOX 437 Donations, 2011-2012, undated
BOX 437 General, 2002-2006
BOX 437 General, 1995-2009
BOX 437 SPIE, 1995-1998, 2004-2010, undated
BOX 437 Staune, Jean
BOX 437 1996-1997
BOX 438 1999
BOX 438 Stroscio, Michael, 1993-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 438 "Sa-Sto" miscellaneous, 1993-2009
(5 folders)
BOX 439 “Str-Sz” miscellaneous, 1994-2006
(2 folders)
BOX 439 Taylor, David R., 2011
BOX 439 Taylor, Nick, Laser: The Inventor, the Nobel Laureate, and the Thirty-year Patent War, notes by Townes, 2001
BOX 439 “T” miscellaneous, 2005-2011
BOX 439 United States/Canada Joint Certification Office, application of Townes, 1996
BOX 439 United States Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, 1997
BOX 439 University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz., 2005
BOX 439 University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fla., Townes Laser Institute and Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers, 1998, 2006-2014
BOX 439 “U-V” miscellaneous, 1996-1998, 2005-2008
(2 folders)
BOX 439 W. M. Keck Foundation, ten-meter telescope, 1984-1985, undated
BOX 440 Wells, Zan, sculptor of Townes statue, 2005
BOX 440 Wheeler, John Archibald, article inscribed to Townes, 1976
BOX 440 Wheelon, Albert D. (“Bud”), 1997-2007
BOX 440 William Sloan Coffin Award, nomination, 2006-2007
BOX 440 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass., 2005-2009
BOX 440 “W” miscellaneous, 1995-2006, 2012
(3 folders)
BOX 440 “Y-Z” miscellaneous, 2000-2006
BOX 441-442 Part II: Academic File, 1948-2007
Computation notebook, course files, lists of theses and graduate students, photographs, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 441 Computation notebook belonging to Townes, 1949
BOX 441 Courses, Physics 250, radioactive physics, notes, 1971
(2 folders)
BOX 441 Graduate students
BOX 441 Applicants, 2006-2007
BOX 441 Remy, Jérôme, dissertation, 2000
BOX 441 Students' theses archives list, 2000
BOX 441 Supervised by Townes, 1953-2007
(3 folders)
BOX 441 Tatebe, Ken, 2014
BOX 441 Miscellany, 2007, undated
BOX 441 Quantum Electronics and Astrophysics Group
BOX 441 Laboratory and other photographs, undated
BOX 442 Publications, 1974-1975
BOX 442-446 Part II: Grants and Projects, 1971-2009
Applications, proposals, contracts, budgets, correspondence, notes, reports, and financial records.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization and therein by project number.
BOX 442 California Space Institute, California University, La Jolla, Calif.
BOX 442 CS-30-88, infrared imaging array design concept, 1988
BOX 442 CS-43-90, newly available components for the infrared spatial interferometer, 1990
BOX 442 CS-45-87, infrared imaging array design, 1987
BOX 442 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
BOX 442 NGL 05-003-272, research on radiation physics, 1974-1987
BOX 442 NGT-50278, training grant, Peter R. McCullough, 1988-1989
BOX 442 National Science Foundation
BOX 442 AST-8502401, multichannel Echelle spectrometer for mid-infrared astronomical observations, 1985
BOX 442 AST-8513415, high resolution mid-infrared astronomical spectroscopy and imaging, 1984-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 442 AST-8915648, long baseline infrared interferometry, 1989-1990
BOX 443 AST-89-2418, long baseline infrared interferometry, 1989
BOX 443 AST-9017765, long baseline interferometer observations in the mid-infrared, 1990
BOX 443 Office of Naval Research
BOX 443 N000-85-K0618, high angular resolution imaging with infrared transmission through the Earth's atmosphere, 1985-1989
(3 folders)
BOX 443 N00014-07-1-0424, infrared spatial interferometer, 2009
BOX 443 N00014-82-C-0700, infrared spatial interferometer
BOX 443 General correspondence
BOX 443 1971-1983
(3 folders)
BOX 444 1984-1987
(2 folders)
BOX 444 Proposals, budgets, and awards, 1978-1987, undated
See also Oversize
(6 folders)
BOX 445 Statements, Space Sciences Laboratory, 1982-1984
BOX 445 N00014-84-C-0140, infrared spatial interferometry, 1981-1990
(5 folders)
BOX 446 (2 folders)
BOX 446 N00014-87-K-2036, unidentified project, 1989
BOX 446-457 Part II: Speech and Engagement File, 1961-2013
Correspondence, schedules, speeches, drafts, photographs, posters, photocopies of transparencies, and printed matter.
Arranged chronologically by date of event with miscellaneous speeches filed at the end of each year, with some years only represented by miscellaneous speeches.
BOX 446 Index of speeches, 1948-2013
BOX 446 1961, 1966, 1970-1971
(5 folders)
BOX 447 1972-1977
(8 folders)
BOX 448 1978-1983
(7 folders)
BOX 448 1984
(1 folder)
BOX 449 (1 folder)
BOX 449 1985-1989
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