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NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund records, 1915-1968

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Subject File, 1929-1968 (continued)
Reeves, Frank See also Container 30, same heading
Discharge review cases
Air Force, 1954-1960
Digital content available
* 1954
Digital content available
Navy, 1954-1960
Digital content available
*Unfiled, 1956
Evans, James, 1955-1960
Digital content available
BOX 147 Individual cases
*Banks, James, 1950-1951
*Baynes, Claude, 1953
Bellot, Joseph
*Correspondence, 1944-1948
*Miscellany, 1944
*Bennett, John, 1955-1958
*Bostwick, Eugene, 1954
Boyce, Harold, 1951-1954
Digital content available
*Brewer, Fred, 1951-1953
*Brown, David, 1953
*Brown, Percy, 1949-1951
*Bullock, James, 1950-1952
Burns v. Wilson See also Container 188, same heading
*Cardiff, Ira, 1951-1955
Digital content available
Digital content available
*Dennis, Calvin, 1951-1954
Memoranda, 1950-1953, undated
Digital content available
Press releases and clippings, 1952-1955
Digital content available
BOX 148 Carter, Norman
*Correspondence, 1951-1953
Legal documents, 1949
Digital content available
*Cole, Frank, 1947-1953
Copeland, Raymond, 1955
Digital content available
Crosslin, Willis, 1951-1953
Digital content available
Crosslin, Paul, 1951-1953
Digital content available
Dandridge, Joseph, 1941-1952
Digital content available
Devone, James
*Correspondence, 1946-1947
Legal documents, 1946
Digital content available
*Dixione, Ario, 1954-1955
Fisher, Frank, and Edward Loury ("Army 'Scottsboro' case")
Correspondence, 1943-1945
Digital content available
Legal documents, 1944
Digital content available
Press releases and printed material, 1943-1944, undated
Digital content available
*Ford, Ruby, 1949-1951
BOX 149 Freeman, Edward, 1954
Digital content available
*Gibson, Conner, 1956
*Gray, John, 1959-1960
*Green, Kenneth, 1953
*Grier, Ralph, 1946-1952
*Halsey, Everett, 1952-1954
*Harper, Marcellus, 1951-1953
*Harrell, Howard, 1954-1956
*Hart, James, 1957-1958
*Haste, Harry, 1952-1953
Hill, Charles, 1951, undated
Digital content available
Hill, Samuel, 1945-1949
Digital content available
*Holt, Milton, 1945-1950
*Johnson, Theodore, 1952-1956
*Jones, Willie, 1949-1954
*King, Nathaniel, 1950-1952
Landeros, Albert, 1955-1956
Digital content available
*Laster, Daniel, 1949-1952
*Lesesne, Sprunt, 1952-1953
*Mann, Joseph, and Albert Myers, 1953-1955
*Marcial, Joseph, 1951-1952
BOX 150 *McGary, Leroy, 1944-1955
*Nelson, W. H., 1955
*Nichols, Russell, 1956
*Norris, Willie, 1951-1952
*Osborn, Floyd, 1951-1952
*Ramsey, Dallas, 1944-1951
*Reese, Charles, 1957-1958
*Riggins, James Lee, and Chastine Beverly, 1951-1953
*Ruffin, William, 1951
*Sanders, Edna, 1954
*Shanklin, Norman, 1952
*Smithey, Robert, 1956-1958
*Spear, Ben, 1943-1951
Spurling, Roy
*Correspondence, 1953
*Legal documents, 1952
*Steen, Leroy, 1949-1951
*Tapp, James, 1945-1953
*Thompson, Clifford, 1953-1954
*Todd, James, 1945
*Towns, Donald, 1951-1954
BOX 151 Turner, James
*Correspondence, 1947-1951
Legal documents, 1948-1951, undated
Digital content available
*Walker, Herbert, 1953
Walker, Lawrence, 1951
Digital content available
Washington, George
*Correspondence, 1953
*Legal documents, 1952
Watson, Jackie
*Correspondence, 1954
*Legal documents, 1953
Whiteside, Henry
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