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People for the American Way and People for the American Way Foundation records, 1980-2009

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Administrative Files, 1980-2009 (continued)
Board of Directors, 1980-2009 (continued)
Milliken, William, 1986-1992
Mintz, Lowell, 1987-1993
Mixner, David, 1992-1993
Mountcastle, Katie, 1983-1995
Moyers, John, 1998
Munro, Richard, 1990-1991
Murray, Albert R., Jr., 1992-1994
Ostrow, Laurie, 1983-1990
Palevsky, Max, 1984-1990
Payton, John, 1990-1994
BOX 37 Pollack, Tom, 1992-1994
Rabinowitz, Peter, 1987-1988
Ramage, David, Jr., 1985-1995
Reiss, Jeffrey, 1988-1994
Rhouban, Deborah, 1986-1989
Ripston, Ramona, 1982-1985
Rose, David, 1987-1994, 2004
Ruder, Betty, 1981-1983
Salomon, Richard, 1984-1985
Sapan, Joshua, 1989-1994
Saperstein, David, 1986-1994
Sassoon, Vidal, 1983-1991
Schaeffer, Paul David, 1988-1984
Schlesinger, Thaleia, 1984-1991
Schultz, William, 1986-1995
Sheen, Martin, 1985
Sheinbaum, Stanley K., 1982-1990
Sherman, Diane F., 1989
Shields, Carole, 1992-1994
Shorey, Clyde, 1988-1992
Soros, Paul, 1995
Sperry, Paul, 1993-1995
Squadron, Howard, 1985-1991
Stith, Charles, 1992-1998
Sullivan, Walter, 1983-1984
BOX 38 Tabankin, Margery, 1981-1994
Telles, Cynthia Ann, 1995
Tierney, James E., 1991-1994
Turner, Kathleen, 1988-1996
Usem, Ruth B., 1992-1994
Vaughan, Sarah, 1988-1991
Wallach, Ira, 1986-1994
Weicker, Lowell W., Jr., 1984-1993
Weissbound, Bernice, 1983-1994
Wexler, Anne, 1985-1988
Williams, Franklin H., 1987-1988
Winograd, Bernard, 1985-1988
Winokur, Larry, 1992
Potential Board Members
Retired Board Members, 1981-1987
Norman Lear Files
Articles and Clippings, 1981-1985, 1994
Biography, circa 1980s
Board Name File, 1981-1989
(2 folders)
Conversation - President Reagan and His Current Religiosity, circa 1980s
BOX 39 Correspondence, 1981-1990
Correspondence with President Reagan, 1984-1985
Declaration of Conscience, 1993-1994
Meeting with David Frost, 1981, Aug.
BOX 40 circa 1990s
Transcript of Norman Lear and Harold Hughes on NBC Today Show, 1980, Oct. 21
Washington Post Column and Related Articles, 1993
BOX 40-41 Board of Advisors, 1980-1986
Name files, meeting files, memoranda.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or document type.
BOX 40 Advisory Council
Lists, circa 1980-1990
Memoranda and Mailings, 1980-1986
Responses, 1986
Suggestions, 1980-1981
Correspondence to Members, 1980-1984
1980, Oct. 15
1981, Jan. 29
1981, June 24
1982, Feb. 23
1989, July 21
Name File
Blackwell, Philip L., 1981-1986
Broach, Claude M., 1980-1986
Bronfman, Edgar M., 1981-1985
Carter Stapleton, Ruth, 1981-1983
Coston, Carol, 1981-1984
Cousins, Norman, 1981-1984
England, Nancy, 1984
Harris, LaDonna, 1982-1984
Hesburgh, Theodore, 1982-1986
Higgins, George, 1981-1984
Hufstedler, Shirley, 1982-1984
Hughes, Harold, 1981-1982
Iakovos, Archbishop, 1982-1984
Johnson, Luci Baines, 1981-1984
BOX 41 Kirkland, Lane, 1981-1984
Lindsay, John V., Esq., 1982-1985
Littell, Franklin, 1985
Marston, Margaret, 1985
Mathews, James, 1982-1984
Matthews, Marjorie, 1981-1984
Matthews, David, 1980-1985
Miller, J. Irwin, 1981-1984
Miller, Joyce, 1981-1985
Minow, Newton, 1982-1984
O'Neal, Frederick, 1981-1984
Pickett, Eugene, 1982-1984
Proctor, James D., 1981-1982
Reeves, Gene, 1981-1984
Santana, Noemi, 1982-1985
Silberg, Francis, 1982-1984
Tanenbaum, Marc H., 1981-1985
Thompson, William P., 1981-1984
Velasquez, William, 1982-1984
Walker, John, 1984
Webster, Bethual M., 1981-1985
Williams, Colin, 1982-1984
Wolf, Edna, 1981-1984
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