The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Margaret von Luttichau Marbury collection, 1926-1984

Margaret von Luttichau Marbury collection, 1926-1984

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Writings and Lectures, 1934-1969 (continued)
Book draft material, 1934-1936, 1967
"The Dragon," undated
Binder of course material, 1942-1943
Symbolism of the Moon, undated
Meeting Adolf Hitler, undated
Miscellaneous writings
1936-1937, 1959-1960
(2 folders)
BOX 12 1968-1969, undated
(4 folders)
"Notes on Pictures," 1934-1935, 1961, undated
"The Swans," undated
By others, 1946-1956, undated
Unsigned and unidentified, 1936-1938, 1965, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 12-14 Art File, 1934-1962
Original artwork in notebooks, matted, or loose sheets, created by Marbury as part of her Jungian analysis, and photographic prints, slides, and transparencies of Marbury's artwork.
Organized alphabetically by type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 12 Originals
1934-1935 See Oversize
Undated See also Oversize
(1 folder)
BOX 13 Undated See also Oversize
(1 folder)
Notebooks, 1935-1961 See Oversize
Prints, 1962
Book I: 1934
(2 folders)
Book II: 1935
(8 folders)
Book III: 1936
(2 folders)
Book IV: 1937-1938
(4 folders)
BOX 14 Book V: 1939 and 1946
Book X and miscellaneous: 1958-1961, undated
Slides, 1961-1962
(7 folders)
Transparencies, circa 1962
BOX OV 1-10 Oversize, 1934-1961
Original artwork, primarily watercolor, gouache, and pencil, relating to Marbury's analysis. Most is matted or in large artists' notebooks.
Arranged into loose material and notebooks, and chronologically therein.
BOX OV 1 Art File
1934, Mar.-Feb. 1935
(5 folders)
BOX OV 2 1935, Mar. -Apr.
(7 folders)
BOX OV 3 1935, May-June
(6 folders)
BOX OV 4 Undated
BOX OV 5 Miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX OV 6 Notebooks
1935, Mar.-June
(4 folders)
BOX OV 7 1935, June-June 1936
(4 folders)
BOX OV 8 1936, Jan.-May 1938
(4 folders)
BOX OV 9 1938, July-1946
(4 folders)
BOX OV 10 1942-1948, 1958-1961
(4 folders)

Contents List