The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Henry A. Kissinger Papers., 1957-1982
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Geopolitical File (Classified), 1964-1978 (continued)
BOX CL 218 Oct. 1975-Jan. 1977
(7 folders)
Meetings, July-Oct. 1972 See also Container CL230, Trips, Sept. 1972
(4 folders)
BOX CL 219 Gromyko, Andrei Andreevich
Chronological file, 1974-1976, undated
1974, Apr., Washington, D.C.
Feb., Geneva, Switzerland
July, Geneva, Switzerland
Briefing book
Memoranda of conversations book
Sept., Washington, D.C.
Arms control issues, 1974-1975, undated
Memoranda of conversations book
Memoranda of conversations book, Apr.-May 1974
Issues papers, 1971-1972
Vol. 1, Soviet Union and Europe
BOX CL 220 Vol. 2, Vietnam
Vol. 3, Middle East
Vol. 4, Strategic arms limitation treaty and nuclear nonaggression
Vol. 5, China, economic and other bilateral relations
Jewish emigration
Chronological file, 1973-1976
Trade linkage, 1971-1976
(3 folders)
BOX CL 221 Middle East
Basic provisions for a settlement, Apr.-May 1972
Chronological file, 1972-1976, undated
General working principles for a Middle East settlement, 1969 1973, undated
Memoranda of conversations and exchanges books
(4 folders)
Mutual and balanced force reductions, 1973-1975, undated
Rumsfeld, Donald, 1975-1976
BOX CL 222 Strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT)
Anti-ballistic missile protocol, June 1974
Background books
Announcement (20 May 1971), 1970-1971, undated
Unidentified, Feb. 1976, undated
Chronological file
May 1969-Oct. 1974
(5 folders)
BOX CL 223 Nov. 1974-Dec. 1975
(5 folders)
BOX CL 224 Jan.-Dec. 1976, undated
Compliance issues
Background books, 1972-1976, undated
(3 folders)
Chronological file, 1974-1976
Congressional testimony
Briefings, 1972-1974
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1972-1975
Press coverage, May-June 1972, undated
Senate hearings
Armed Services Committee, July 1972
Foreign Relations Committee, June 1972
Subcommittee on Arms Control, June 1974
Background book, 1972-1974
BOX CL 225 Press coverage, June-July 1974, undated
Reference material, 1972-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Delegation file
Vols. 1-4, 1970-1971
(4 folders)
BOX CL 226 Vols. 5-6, 1971-1972
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1975-1976
Newhouse, John, 1972-1973, undated
Notebook (private exchanges), Jan.-May 1971
Nuclear test ban technical talks, May-June 1974
Printed matter, 1972-1976, undated
Soviet proposal, June-Nov. 1974
Standing Consultative Commission, 1974-1976, undated
Underground nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes treaty (PNE) and threshold test ban treaty (TTBT)
African trip, 1974-1976
Background books
Vols. 1-2, 1975-1976
(2 folders)
BOX CL 227 Vol. 3, 1976
Verification Panel, 1974-1975, undated
Zumwalt, Elmo, Aug.-Dec. 1975
Strategic objectives reports, 1976-1977
Summit meetings
May (Moscow, USSR)
Anti-ballistic missile treaty and interim agreement
Bilateral agreements book, Apr.-May 1972, undated
Briefing book, Apr. 1972, undated
Chronological file, May-July 1972, undated
Fact sheets and agreements
Miscellany, 1972-1973
BOX CL 228 Moscow television address
Report to Congress and the nation
SALT briefings
(2 folders)
June (Washington, D.C.)
Briefing papers, 1972-1973
Chronological file, June 1973, undated
Communiqué, June 1973, undated
Memoranda of conversations book
SALT principles book, Apr.-May 1973, undated
BOX CL 229 1974
June-July (Moscow, USSR)
Agreements and documents
Briefing papers, June 1974, undated
Chronological file, Apr.-July 1974
Memoranda of conversations book
Notes, June-July 1974, undated
Press coverage
Nov. (Vladivostok, USSR)
Chronological file
Exchanges with Defense Department
BOX CL 230 Memoranda of conversations
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