The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Henry A. Kissinger Papers., 1957-1982
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Geopolitical File (Classified), 1964-1978 (continued)
BOX CL 227 Vol. 3, 1976
Verification Panel, 1974-1975, undated
Zumwalt, Elmo, Aug.-Dec. 1975
Strategic objectives reports, 1976-1977
Summit meetings
May (Moscow, USSR)
Anti-ballistic missile treaty and interim agreement
Bilateral agreements book, Apr.-May 1972, undated
Briefing book, Apr. 1972, undated
Chronological file, May-July 1972, undated
Fact sheets and agreements
Miscellany, 1972-1973
BOX CL 228 Moscow television address
Report to Congress and the nation
SALT briefings
(2 folders)
June (Washington, D.C.)
Briefing papers, 1972-1973
Chronological file, June 1973, undated
Communiqué, June 1973, undated
Memoranda of conversations book
SALT principles book, Apr.-May 1973, undated
BOX CL 229 1974
June-July (Moscow, USSR)
Agreements and documents
Briefing papers, June 1974, undated
Chronological file, Apr.-July 1974
Memoranda of conversations book
Notes, June-July 1974, undated
Press coverage
Nov. (Vladivostok, USSR)
Chronological file
Exchanges with Defense Department
BOX CL 230 Memoranda of conversations
Basic papers book, 1971-1972, undated
Chronological file, 1971-1972
Memoranda of conversations
Sept. ("Campbell" file) See also Container CL218, Dobrynin, meetings
May (Zavidovo, USSR)
Documents for Anatoliy Fedorovich Dobrynin, Apr.-May 1973, undated
Indochina briefing book
Memoranda of conversations book
Oct. See Container CL189, Trip to Moscow and Tel Aviv
Arrival and opening statements
Background books
Arms control and defense subjects, 1973-1974
BOX CL 231 Bilateral agreements and issues, 1972-1974
(2 folders)
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1973-1974 See also Containers CL137 and CL214, same heading
Luncheon with Anatoliy Fedorovich Dobrynin
Mutual and balanced force reductions, Mar. 1974, undated
Reference book, 1971-1974, undated
BOX CL 232 Strategic arms limitation treaty, 1971-1974, undated
Briefing books
Other issues
(2 folders)
Priority issues
(2 folders)
Chronological file
Memoranda of conversations and reports book
(2 folders)
BOX CL 233 Oct.
Background books
Arms control issues, 1972-1976, undated
(2 folders)
Strategic arms limitation treaty, 1972-1976, undated
Briefing book, 1975-1976
(2 folders)
Chronological file
BOX CL 234 Trip book
U.S.-Soviet agreement on prevention of nuclear war
Aldrich, George, May 1973, undated
Exchange book, 1972-1973
Spain, 1970-1977
(6 folders)
Sri Lanka, Mar. 1975
Sudan, 1974-1975
Oct.-Nov. 1973
BOX CL 235 Dec. 1973-Sept. 1974
(10 folders)
BOX CL 236 Oct. 1974-June 1975
(10 folders)
BOX CL 237 July 1975-June 1976
(9 folders)
BOX CL 238 July 1976-Jan. 1977, undated
(4 folders)
Taiwan See Container CL121, China, Republic of
Tanzania, June-Sept. 1975
(2 folders)
Thailand, 1974-1976
Tunisia, 1974-1975
Apr.-Sept. 1974
(2 folders)
BOX CL 239 Oct. 1974-July 1975
(8 folders)
BOX CL 240 Aug. 1975-Sept. 1976, undated
(2 folders)
Uganda, 1975-1976
United Arab Emirates, 1974-1975
Vatican, 1974-1975
Venezuela, 1974-1975
Ad hoc working group, 1970-1972
(3 folders)
Assurances to the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), 1973-1975, undated
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