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Henry A. Kissinger Papers., 1957-1982

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Subject File (Classified), 1969-1977 (continued)
Reston, James, "Kissinger Sees the World on Verge of Historic Era," New York Times, 13 Oct. 1974
Salinger, Pierre, 12 Apr. 1975
Shearer, Lloyd, 15 May 1971
Sommer, Theo, 25 June 1976
Talbott, Strobe, Dec. 1974
U.S. News and World Report, 15 June 1975 and 3 Mar. 1976
Wallach, John, 11 May 1976
Walters, Barbara, 15 May 1976, undated
Washington Star, 28 Dec. 1975
Public relations, 1974-1975
Statements, Dec. 1975
BOX CL 429 Monetary reform, June 1971
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1974-1975 See also Container CL432, same heading
Nobel peace prize, Oct.-Nov. 1973, undated
Nuclear policy, Sept.-Dec. 1976, undated
Pentagon papers, 1969-1971, undated
Presidential campaigns
Democratic Party (Jimmy Carter)
Chronological file
Interviews and speeches
Republican Party
Chronological file
National convention
Reagan, Ronald, 1975-1976, undated
Quadripartite meetings
June 1974-Sept. 1975
BOX CL 430 Oct. 1975-Dec. 1976
(3 folders)
Ray, Dixie Lee, Nov. 1974
Reading lists for President, 1969-1970, undated
Richardson, Elliot L., Jan.-May 1975, undated
Rockefeller, David, 1974-1975
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Aug. 1970-Sept. 1972
BOX CL 431 Oct. 1972-Nov. 1975, undated
Safire, William, 1971-1976
Schlesinger, James R.
Interviews, Apr.-Oct. 1975
Meetings with William E. Colby and Thomas H. Moorer, 1973-1974
Memoranda of conversations, 1973-1975
"Talkers," 1973-1975
Scowcroft, Brent, Mar.-Dec. 1976
Sheehan, Edward R. F., "How Kissinger Did It: Step-by-Step in the Middle East," Foreign Policy, 7 Mar. 1976
Smyser, W. R., Dec. 1973
United Nations
Charter of economic rights and duties of state
Oct.-Dec. 1974
Chronological file, 1973-1975, undated
Conference on Trade and Development IV, Nairobi, Kenya, May-June 1976
BOX CL 432 General Assembly, 1974-1975
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, July-Dec. 1975 See also Container CL429, same heading
White House-inspired criticism, undated
Wiretaps and related activities, Apr.-Aug. 1974, undated
Zarb, Frank G., 1975-1976
Zumwalt, Elmo, 1970-1976, undated
BOX 433-435 Speeches and Writings (Unclassified), 1957-1982
Copies of correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, original and corrected drafts of articles and speeches, notes, press releases, printed matter, and related documents.
Arranged alphabetically by subject. Files maintained for specific addresses and statements are arranged chronologically within the speeches subseries.
BOX 433 Articles
Foreign Policy articles, 1970-1971
"A Positive Future Course," Skeptic, July-Aug. 1975
Reporter articles, 1957-1967, 1977
Memoirs, research notes, circa 1977-circa 1982
Addresses and statements
2 Aug., remarks to the International Platform Association, Washington, D.C.
24 Sept., "A Just Consensus, a Stable Order, a Durable Peace," United Nations General Assembly, New York, N.Y.
4 Oct., remarks at dinner in honor of the United Nations, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y.
5 Oct., toast for Latin American delegations at the Center for Inter-American Relations, New York, N.Y.
8 Oct., "The Nature of the National Dialogue," Pacem in Terris Conference, Washington, D.C.
17 Oct., remarks at the George Catlett Marshall award dinner, Washington, D.C.
12 Dec., "The United States and a Unifying Europe," Pilgrims of Great Britain, London, England
21 Dec., statement to the opening session of the Geneva Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
7 Feb., address at ceremony for new Panama Canal treaty, Panama City, Panama
11 Feb., remarks at Washington Energy Conference, Washington, D.C.
21 Feb., address to the Inter-American Conference of Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico
BOX 434 17-18 Apr., statement at meeting of foreign ministers, Washington, D.C.
20 Apr., address before the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Atlanta, Ga.
(3 folders)
Printed copies
Reference material
20 Aug., "America's Strength and America's Purposes," American Legion national convention, Miami, Fla.
(2 folders)
17 Sept., remarks at the Dean Acheson portrait presentation, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
23 Sept., "An Age of Innocence," United Nations General Assembly, New York, N.Y.
BOX 435 16 Oct., remarks at the annual dinner of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, New York, N.Y.
28 Oct., "Toward a Global Community," Indian Council on World Affairs, New Delhi, India
5 Nov., "The Global Community and the Struggle against Famine," World Food Conference, Rome, Italy
11 Nov., remarks at the seventh annual awards presentation of the American Foreign Service Association, Washington, D.C.
14 Nov., "Energy Crisis," University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
7 Dec., address at the Winston Churchill centenary dinner, Washington, D.C.
12 May, "The Challenge to Peace," St. Louis World Affairs Council, St. Louis, Mo.
14-15 July, "The Global Challenge and International Cooperation," Institute of World Affairs of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.; and, "The Moral Foundations of Foreign Policy," Upper Midwest Council, Minneapolis, Minn.
21 Dec., remarks at Globetrotters induction ceremony, Washington, D.C.
Remarks in honor of Frank Meloy and Robert Waring
"Universality of Membership," United Nations, New York, N.Y.
Drafts and notes, 1972-1976, undated
Printed copies, 1973-1975
Speaking engagements, Feb.-Sept. 1976, undated
BOX CL 436 Speeches and Writings (Classified), 1973-1982
Classified copies of memoranda and telegrams, drafts of speeches, notes, and research notes for Kissinger's memoirs.
Organized and described according to the arrangement of the unclassified portion from which the items were removed.
BOX CL 436 Memoirs, research notes, circa 1977-circa 1982
(4 folders)
Addresses and statements
21 Dec., statement to the opening session of the Geneva Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
17-18 Apr., statement at meeting of foreign ministers, Washington, D.C.
16 Oct., remarks at the annual dinner of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, New York, N.Y.
12 May, "The Challenge to Peace," St. Louis World Affairs Council, St. Louis, Mo.
14-15 July, "The Global Challenge and International Cooperation," Institute of World Affairs of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.; and, "The Moral Foundations of Foreign Policy," Upper Midwest Council, Minneapolis, Minn.
Drafts and notes, Jan. 1975
Speaking engagements, Feb. 1976
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