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Henry A. Kissinger Papers., 1957-1982

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Top Secret, 1964-1977 (continued)
"Operation Expensive Place," Mar. 1967
"Fortune Cookies," 1969-1971, undated
(2 folders)
Counterpart talks (Alfred L. Jenkins), 1971-1973
Hot line and accidental war agreement, 1971-1973
BOX TS 18 Messages exchanged with U.S. ambassadors
Bruce, David K. E., 1973-1974
(2 folders)
Bush, George, 1974-1975
Nixon, Richard M., letters to Chou, En-lai and Mao, Tse-tung, 1972-1973
July ("Polo")
Background material, 1970-1971
Briefing notebook, June-July 1971, undated
Chronological file
Memoranda of conversations and reports
Trip book, June-July 1971, undated
Oct. ("Polo II")
Chronology of initiative for presidential visit to China, 1970-1971, undated
Issues and statements
Vol. 1, 1970-1971, undated
(2 folders)
BOX TS 19 Vol. 2, Apr.-Oct. 1971, undated
(2 folders)
Memoranda of conversations
(2 folders)
Jan. (Alexander M. Haig), briefing book, 1971, undated
Feb. (Richard M. Nixon)
Briefing books
General, Feb. 1972, undated
Mao, Tse-tung and Chou, En-lai
BOX TS 20 Talking papers, Feb. 1972, undated
Drafting process, 1971-1972, undated
Notes and miscellaneous pages, Feb. 1972, undated
Working book (Winston Lord), 1971-1972, undated
Kissinger, Henry, meetings in China
Presidential conversations in China
BOX TS 21 Record of previous trips to China, 1971-1972
(6 folders)
BOX TS 22 June
Briefing book, 1971-1972, undated
(2 folders)
Memoranda of conversations
Staff memoranda
Briefing book
General, 1970-1973, undated
(2 folders)
BOX TS 22A Memoranda of conversations and reports, Feb.-Mar. 1973
(2 folders)
Miscellany, undated
BOX TS 23 Oct., briefing book, 1971-1973, undated
Briefing books
Cambodia, Feb.-Oct. 1973, undated
General, Oct.-Nov. 1973, undated
Intelligence, Sept.-Oct. 1973, undated
Soviet Union, Sept. 1973, undated
Reading material
Trip book
Briefing books
Bilateral issues, 1972-1974
Briefing of Gerald R. Ford
Third country issues
Miscellaneous papers, Nov.-Dec. 1974, undated
National Security Council reference book, July-Nov. 1974, undated
Normalization book, Nov. 1974, undated
BOX TS 23A Trip book
Briefing book
Bilateral issues
Scope paper
BOX TS 24 Cables
From Kissinger
To Kissinger
Memoranda of conversations and reports
Reading materials
Dec. (Gerald R. Ford)
Briefing books
Bilateral issues, Nov. 1975, undated
International issues, Nov. 1975, undated
Mao, Tse-tung, 1972-1975, undated
Summaries of China talks, 1972-1975
United States-Soviet agreement on prevention of nuclear war, discussions with Chinese, 1972-1973
China, Republic of, Jan.-Feb. 1975
BOX TS 25 Cuba
Chronological file, 1971-1976
Soviet submarine base, Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1970-1974, undated
Briefing book for hearings before House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence (Pike Committee), Oct. 1975
Chronological file, 1974-1975, undated
Chronological file, 1972-1976
(3 folders)
Libyan confrontation, Aug.-Oct. 1976
Middle East negotiations
Geneva Peace Conference, Dec. 1973
Ismail, Hafiz
Chronological file, 1972-1973, undated
(3 folders)
Meeting, 20 May 1973
Military equipment, Apr. 1974
BOX TS 26 Europe
1970, Sept.-Oct.
1976, May, trip book, vol. 2
"Year of Europe"
Memoranda of conversations, May-Sept. 1973
Miscellany, May 1973
Chronological file, 1970-1976
(5 folders)
1973, May-June (Reykjavik, Iceland)
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