The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Milton Kessler papers, 1959-1999
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Professional File, 1959-1999 (continued)
BOX 23-32 Writings File, 1959-1995
Book drafts and proofs, poem drafts, legal and promotional materials, and works by others.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 23 Books
BOX 23 Called Home, 1960-1966 See also Oversize
BOX 23 Free Concert, 1986-1995
BOX 23 The Grand Concourse
BOX 23 Poem drafts
BOX 23 Set 1, circa 1973-circa 1984
(2 folders)
BOX 23 Set 2, circa 1985-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 24 (1 folder)
BOX 24 Book drafts
BOX 24 Draft A, 1974-1981
BOX 24 Draft B, 1977-1981
BOX 24 Draft C, 1987-circa 1990
BOX 24 Draft D, circa 1988-1990
BOX 24 Draft E, 1987-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 24 Draft F, 1988-1990
BOX 24 Draft G, 1989
BOX 24 Draft H, 1989
BOX 25 Draft I, 1989-1990
BOX 25 Draft J, 1989
BOX 25 Proofs, sets 1-3, 1990
(3 folders)
BOX 25 Legal and promotional materials, 1988-1990
BOX 25 Notes, circa 1990
BOX 25 Riding First Car: Learning the Boxes
BOX 25 Poem drafts, 1990-1994
(4 folders)
BOX 25 Book drafts, 1994
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Proofs, 1995
BOX 25 A Road Came Once
BOX 25 Draft, 1963
BOX 25 Legal and promotional materials, 1961-1969
BOX 26 Sailing Too Far
BOX 26 Drafts A-D, circa 1960-1973
(4 folders)
BOX 26 Proofs, 1973
(4 folders)
BOX 26 Book, 1973
BOX 26 Promotional materials, 1973
BOX 26 Woodlawn North See also Container 4, Impressions Workshop and Container 5, Marx, Robert E.
BOX 26 Poem drafts, 1960-1970
BOX 26 Book drafts, 1960-1971
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Unbound pages and prospectus, 1970
BOX 26 Copies, 1970
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Poems
BOX 27 Individual
BOX 27 "All Night Radio," 1988
BOX 27 "American Experiments," undated
BOX 27 "American Spring," circa 1973
BOX 27 "Amidah, Euphorbia Abyssinica: Pebbles that Bloom," 1989
BOX 27 "Anniversary Gift," 1979
BOX 27 "The Atrocity of the Ornate," 1970, undated
BOX 27 "Attic," undated
BOX 27 "Band," 1994
BOX 27 "Bertha's Sweater," 1971
BOX 27 "Betty's Leaves," 1986
BOX 27 "Bleeding Through," 1988
BOX 27 "The Book of Weather," undated
BOX 27 "The Brave," undated
BOX 27 "Broken Doorway," 1988
BOX 27 "Bronx Bedroom," 1992-1994
BOX 27 "Cartoon" 1992
BOX 27 "The Clerk Retires," circa 1963
BOX 27 "Clicks of '93," circa 1993
BOX 27 "Day," 1988
BOX 27 "Esplanade for HB," 1993
BOX 27 "Family Imagination," undated
BOX 27 "Finding Peace," 1972-1975
BOX 27 "First Night at Kibbutz Gesher Haziv: 1981," circa 1981
BOX 27 "Found on Rehov Sinai," circa 1980
BOX 27 "The Friday Night Life," undated
BOX 27 "The Frightening Man," undated
BOX 27 "Frijian Holsteins," 1992
BOX 27 "Goddess and Poet," 1994
BOX 27 "Grand Concourse" circa 1977, undated
BOX 27 "Greed," 1985
BOX 27 "The Green Car," 1979, undated
BOX 27 "A Good Death" circa 1967
BOX 27 "Half-Century Passengers," 1977, 1994
BOX 27 "Home with Mom Again," 1989
BOX 27 "Impatiens," undated
BOX 27 "In the Tranquility of Decomposition," 1962
BOX 27 "Lit," 1984
BOX 27 "The Long Friends," circa 1963
BOX 27 "Lullaby," undated
BOX 27 "The Machine of Sundown," 1988-1990
BOX 27 "Mazel Tov in Newark Valley," 1988-1990
BOX 27 "Medallion," 1991
BOX 27 "The Moment of No Recovery," 1971
BOX 27 "Morning Call," undated
BOX 27 "Moshe Ben Avraham Living Alone Gives Last Instructions to His Children," undated
BOX 27 "Mover," 1988-1989
BOX 27 "Occupied Zone," undated
BOX 27 "Old Salt (for Mick)," undated
BOX 27 "On an Ordinary Day: February, 5, 1992," 1992
BOX 27 "Ones," 1966-1976
BOX 27 "Our Working Days Are Over Dad," 1993
BOX 27 "Par Bill's," undated
BOX 27 "The Person," undated
BOX 27 "Primary," 1971-1977
BOX 27 "Reef," 1992
BOX 27 "Remembrancing Dancing in 5J," 1992
BOX 27 "The Rest," 1971-1972
BOX 27 "Riding First Car: Learning the Boxes," 1988-1992
BOX 27 "Right Now," circa 1987
BOX 27 "Russian Joke," undated
BOX 27 "Scales," 1994
BOX 27 "Score," undated
BOX 27 "Secret Love," undated
BOX 27 "Selected Random Sayings by Kosho Shimizu, Chief Abbott, Todaiji," 1986
BOX 27 "Six Flags of Summer," 1988
BOX 27 "Smiles of the Dreamer," undated
BOX 27 "Song," 1970
BOX 27 "Songs for Paul Blackmun," undated
BOX 27 "Summer's End," undated
BOX 27 "Sylvia," undated
BOX 27 "Thanks Forever," 1979, 1990
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