| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part IV: President's Office Files,
(continued) |
BOX IV:17 |
Speeches, lectures, and
testimonies |
BOX IV:17 |
Modern Language Association of
America, 2003
BOX IV:17 |
American Association of
Colleges and Universities, 2004
BOX IV:17 |
Association of American
University Presses, 2004
BOX IV:17 |
Cornell University Institute
for German Cultural Studies, 2004
BOX IV:17 |
Dickinson College Clarke
Center, Carlisle, Pa., 2004
BOX IV:17 |
University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 2004
BOX IV:17 |
University of Kansas, 2004
BOX IV:17 |
Fairbank Center for Chinese
Studies fiftieth anniversary, 2005
BOX IV:17 |
Ohio State University, 2005
BOX IV:17 |
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, 2005
BOX IV:17 |
Colgate University, Hamilton,
N.Y., 2006
BOX IV:17 |
University of Richmond, 2006
BOX IV:17 |
Washington and Lee University,
Lexington, Va., 2006
BOX IV:17 |
University of California,
Berkeley, 2007
BOX IV:17 |
Academia Sinica, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2008
BOX IV:17 |
National Chengchi University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 2008
BOX IV:17 |
Association of American
Universities meeting at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 2009
BOX IV:18 |
Rutgers University Confucius
Institute, New Brunswick, N.J., 2009
BOX IV:18 |
Council of Colleges of Arts and
Sciences, award acceptance, 2010
BOX IV:18 |
Duke University, 2010
BOX IV:18 |
University of California,
Berkeley, second U.S.-China cultural forum, 2010
BOX IV:18 |
University of Wisconsin,
Madison year of the humanities, 2010
BOX IV:18 |
Columbia University Center for
the Core Curriculum symposium on the humanities, 2011
BOX IV:18 |
Cornell University Society for
the Humanities, 2011
BOX IV:18 |
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität,
Mainz, Germany, rectors conference, 2011
BOX IV:18 |
University of California,
Berkeley Center for Humanities, 2011
BOX IV:18 |
University of Notre Dame, 2011
BOX IV:18 |
Elizabethtown College,
Elizabethtown, Pa., commencement, 2012
BOX IV:18 |
International innovation in
higher education, New South Wales, Australia, 2012
BOX IV:18 |
University of California,
Davis, 2012
BOX IV:18 |
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County Dresher Center for the Humanities, 2012
BOX IV:18 |
Time summit on higher
education, 2013
BOX IV:18 |
University of California, Los
Angeles, 2013
BOX IV:18 |
University of Michigan, 2013
BOX IV:18 |
Arizona State University, 2014
BOX IV:19 |
Teagle Foundation |
BOX IV:19 |
Correspondence, 2010-2011
BOX IV:19 |
Disciplines listening, 2006
BOX IV:19 |
Education projects and
programs, 2005
(3 folders) |
BOX IV:19 |
Meeting, 2004
BOX IV:19 |
Meeting, community colleges,
BOX IV:19 |
UNESCO meetings, 2005-2008
(4 folders) |
BOX IV:19 |
UNESCO representative materials,
BOX IV:19 |
Union académique internationale,
(2 folders) |
Part IV: Digital Files, 2002-2019
The Digital Files in Part IV complement and overlap with the material in Part IV:
President’s Office Files, documenting the tenure of ACLS president Pauline Yu and
the administration of ACLS. This series contains predominantly president’s
reports, meeting agendas, development and fundraising material, and speeches and
speech drafts for conferences and other events. Prominent in the digital files,
and not present in the paper office files, are copies of Yu’s academic
publications spanning the years 1978-2016. The series is comprised of 379 files
and 0.53 GB of data. |
Arranged and described alphabetically by folder title, as received. |
AAU-ACLS steering committee, 2005
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
ACLS fellowship planning meeting,
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
ACLS international program
planning meeting, 2004
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
ACLS materials, 2009
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 2013-2014
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Annual giving letters, 2008-2012
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Annual report, president's report,
2003-2006, 2018
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Centennial, 2016-2018
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Commission on the Humanities and
Social Sciences, 2011-2013
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Development, 2003-2005
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Fellowships and grants, 2006, 2010, 2016-2018
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Library of Congress Scholars'
Council, 2006
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Meetings, 2009-2010, 2017-2019
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Notes, 2009-2011, 2018
Digital ID: mss54288_211_001 |
Papers, 2002-2006
Digital ID: mss54288_211_002 |
Published articles, 2016
Digital copies of Yu's writings on Chinese poetry
and literature, published between 1979 and 2014. Includes a
bibliography. |
Digital ID: mss54288_211_002 |
Speeches, lectures, and talks,
Presentations and talks given by Yu at various
events. Includes reports to the ACLS Council, Board, Conference of
Administrative Officers, Conference of Executive Officers, and Executive
Committee of the Delegates. Also includes speeches delivered at conferences,
convocations, and commencements at various American and international
universities and learned societies. |
Digital ID: mss54288_211_002 |
BOX IV:20 |
Part IV: Historical Material, 1927
The Historical Material series consists of draft reports from a survey of
thirty-two American learned societies, photocopied and sent from the office of
ACLS executive secretary Waldo Gifford Leland to Frederick P. Keppel at the
Carnegie Corporation of New York. |
BOX IV:20 |
American learned societies survey
manuscript, 1927
(6 folders) |