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Alan H. Shapley papers, 1934-1996

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Miscellany, 1942-1993 (continued)
Miscellaneous speeches and writings
BOX 252 1968-1993, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 253-255 Addendum, 1950-1980
Organizational and government records including correspondence, memoranda, scientific data, minutes and other files relating to meetings and conferences, notes, reports, printed matter, and miscellaneous material relating to Shapley’s participation in national and international scientific organizations, especially during the run-up to the International Geophysical Year.
Arranged in the series order of the main body of the papers.
BOX 253 Organizations File
COSPAR (Committee on Space Research)
General, 1965-1968
National committees, reports
Miscellaneous, 1958-1968, undated
(3 folders)
Warsaw, Poland, meeting, 1963
Spacewarn, 1958-1965
(2 folders)
BOX 254 International Council of Scientific Unions
International Geophysical Committee, circular letters, 1963-1964
Special Committee on the International Geophysical Year, World Days and Communications, manuals
Distribution lists, 1957-1962
Drafts and supplemental material
McMath-Hulbert Observatory, University of Michigan, Pontiac, Mich., 1955
Government Agencies
Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, Commerce Department
Chronological file
BOX 255 July-Dec.
(2 folders)
North Atlantic Radio Warning Service, 1955
Miscellany, 1950, 1980
BOX OV 1 Oversize, undated
Group photograph, Royal Society.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the item was removed.
BOX OV 1 Miscellany
Photograph, Royal Society, undated (Container 248)

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