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Huntington Gilchrist papers, 1913-1973

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BOX 48-53 Subject File, 1932-1958
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, press clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 48 American Cyanamid
1948, undated
July 1948-Sept. 1949
Miscellaneous articles, 1948-1949
Bell, W. B., 1949
Marketing fertilizer, circa 1932
Miscellaneous, correspondence and memoranda, 1943-1952, undated
Picrite, 1944-1949
Plague control
Plague control film
BOX 49 Service agreements with Frank and Hyman, 1937-1945, undated
Visitors to laboratories and plants
1944, undated
Welland Chemical Works, 1940-1945
Belgian American Educational Foundation, 1953-1954
Belgian Congo and Ruanda Urundi
Papers, 1952-1955, undated
Printed matter, 1951-1952
Printed matter and clippings, 1952-1954
Notes on Gilchrist's visit, 1952
BOX 50 Report on Gilchrist's visit, 1952
Trade, production, and financial statistics, 1952
Belgian Congo University, Lovanium, 1954
Belgian industry reports, 1950-1952
Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Jan.-May 1951
May-Dec. 1951
BOX 51 Nov. 1952-Dec. 1953
Dec. 1953-Oct. 1954
Colonies See also Container 34, Mandates
Papers, 1944-1947, undated
Printed matter
BOX 52 1947
Press clippings, 1942-1948
Committee on Africa and Peace Aims, 1942
Correspondence with W. B. Bell on foreign affairs, 1945-1950
Economic Cooperation Administration, 1949-1950
New York School of Social Work, New York, N.Y., 1950-1954
Pacific Islands See also Container 34, Mandates
1942-1944, undated
Printed matter
Press clippings, 1944-1948
Recruitment of United States personnel for Germany and Japan, 1946-1949
BOX 53 Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948-1949
Tariff reduction in the inter-war period, 1944
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 1943-1947
United Nations Technical Assistance Board, Pakistan, 1955-1957
United States Aid Mission to Belgium and Luxembourg See also Oversize
1950-1952, undated
Mar.-July 1954
July-Oct. 1954
United States Foreign Aid Program, 1950-1954, 1958
United States policy toward China and Japan, 1949-1952
Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 1950-1953
BOX 54-58 Speeches and Writings File, 1913-1958
BOX 54 Speeches, 1922-1958, undated
Speeches, interviews, radio broadcasts, and talks, as well as drafts, rough notes, reprints, press clippings, and related correspondence.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 54 1922, "Administrative Achievements of the League," League of Nations Union Summer School
1923, speeches in the United States, correspondence and press clippings
1925, speeches in the United States, correspondence and press clippings
1925-1926, "The Mandates System," Geneva Institute of International Relations"
1925, "Mandated Territories and the Liquor Traffic," International Conference Against Alcoholism
1926, interview with Williams Record
1927, speeches in the United States, press clippings
1927-1928, "Imperialism and the Mandates System," Geneva Institute of International Relations
1929 [?], notes for talk in Scotland
Remarks at round table, reprinted in Free World
"Political Disputes: Dumbarton Oaks and the Experience of the League of Nations," Academy of Political Science, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Radio broadcast on United Nations Charter
"Trusteeship and the Colonial System," Academy of Political Science, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
"Should We Keep the Pacific Islands?" radio broadcast
Remarks at 10th Institute of Pacific Relations Conference
"The Stratford Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations," Royal Institute of International Affairs
1952, "America Day" Address, Liége International Fair
Remarks at Déjeuners Mystére
Address at University of Liége
Industrial Potential of Africa-An American Viewpoint," Ghent Fair
1953-1954, Memorial Day addresses in Belgium
1954, remarks at Ressaix Coal Mines
1955, talk on League Secretariat, Columbia University Seminar on Peace
1956, "Statesmanship in International Affairs, "Rotary Club of Karachi, Pakistan
circa 1957-1958, notes for talk
BOX 55 Article File, 1923-1955
Articles and book reviews as well as drafts, rough notes, and related correspondence.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 55 Articles for Philadelphia Public Ledger, 1923
"Mandates and the League," The Listener, June 26 1929
Review of Wright, Mandates under the League, in Harvard Law Review, 1931
Review of Decker, Labor Problems in the Pacific Mandates, in Pacific Affairs, 1941
"The Japanese Islands: Annexation or Trusteeship?," Foreign Affairs, 1944
"Dependent Peoples and Mandates," included in Harriet E. Davis (editor), Pioneers in World Order, 1945
"Colonial Questions at the San Francisco Conference," American Political Science Review, 1945
"Plague: A Survey of Recent Developments in the Prevention and Treatment of the Disease," with James Ruegsegger, American Journal of Tropical Medecine, 1947
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