The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Huntington Gilchrist papers, 1913-1973
Some or all content stored offsite.
League of Nations File, 1919-1956 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1919-1928, undated (continued)
Nov.-Dec. 1919
BOX 12 Dulles, Allen W.
Dulles, John Foster, 1919-1922
Dwight, Frances M., 1924-1926
Eliot, Margaret F., 1919-1920
"F" miscellaneous, 1920-1928, undated
Feis, Herbert, 1924-1927, undated
Filene, E. A., 1921-1924
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1923-1925
Fosdick, Raymond B.
Oct.-Nov. 1919
Nov.-Dec. 1919
Jan.-Feb. 1920
Mar.-Dec. 1920
BOX 13 "G" miscellaneous, 1919-1928, undated
Garfield, Harry Augustus., 1923-1927
Gavit, John P., 1925-1928
Gibson, Hugh S., 1921-1924
Goodson, W. F. H., 1920-1925
Gray, Louis H., 1920-1921, 1926
Grew, Joseph C., 1921-1924
Grimshaw, H. A., 1921-1927
Gulick, Luther, 1920-1927
Gulick, Sidney L., 1923-1928
"Ha" miscellaneous, 1919-1928
"He-Hi" miscellaneous, 1921-1927
"Ho-Hu" miscellaneous, 1919-1928
Hammarskjold, A., 1920-1928
Hernya, E., 1920-1926
Hotchkiss, Henry G., 1922-1926
Houghton, Alanson B., 1922-1928, undated
House, Edward Mandel, 1919-1928
BOX 14 Hudson, Manley O.
Huntington, Henry S., 1920, 1925-1927
Huston, Howard R., 1919-1924
"I" miscellaneous, 1920-1927
"J" miscellaneous, 1920-1928
Jessup, Philip C., 1923-1927, undated
"K" miscellaneous, 1919-1926
Keppel, Frederick P.
1920-1923, undated
1924, 1926-1928
Koo, Wellington, 1920-1921, undated
Kose, Jaroslav, 1924-1928
"L" miscellaneous, 1920-1927
BOX 15 Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1920-1923
Lippmann, Walter, 1926
Logan, James A., 1920-1924
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 1920-1926
Lugard, Sir Frederick, 1926-1927
"Ma-Mc" miscellaneous, 1919-1928, undated
"Me-Mo" miscellaneous, 1920-1928, undated
MacCallum, Elizabeth P., 1927-1928
Martin, Charles E., 1926-1928
Martin, Laurence, 1921-1926
McAdoo, William G., 1924
McDonald, James G., 1921-2928
Meeker, Royal, 1921-1925
Merriman, Christina, 1923-1924
Miller, David H., 1919-1928
Miller, Helen C., 1919-1926
Monnet, Jean, 1919-1921, 1927
Moore, John Bassett, 1920-1928
Myers, Denys P., 1920-1926
"N" miscellaneous, 1919-1928
Nicholson, Harold, 1919-1920
BOX 16 "O" miscellaneous, 1920-1928
Oldham, J. H., 1925-1928
"P" miscellaneous, 1919-1928, undated
Patterson, Ernest M., 1923-1927
"R" miscellaneous, 1919-1927, undated
Rich, Raymond T., 1927-1928
Ruml, Beardsley, 1924-1926
Russell, Frank M., 1924-1926
"Sa-Sl" miscellaneous, 1920-1928, undated
"Sm-Sq" miscellaneous, 1919-1928
"St-Sy" miscellaneous, 1920-1928
Salter, Arthur, 1919-1927
Savary, Peter, 1925-1928
Sayre, Francis B., 1925-1926
Seligman, E. R. A., 1922-1928
Sharkey, Joseph, 1924, undated
Shaw, Howland, 1919-1921
Shepardson, Whintey, 1921-1928, undated
Short, William H., 1921, 1923-1924
Shotwell, James T., 1920, 1924-1928
Solbert, Oscar N., 1919-1925
Stamford, Earl of, 1924-1925
BOX 17 Sweetser, Arthur
Nov. 1919-Mar. 1920
Apr.-Dec. 1920
Apr.-May 1924
June 1924
July-Aug. 1924
BOX 18 Sept.-Dec. 1924
"T" miscellaneous, 1921-1928, undated
"V" miscellaneous, 1920-1928
Vanderlip, Frank A. and Narcissa Cox Vanderlip, 1921-1925
"W" miscellaneous, 1919-1925, undated
Walters, Frank P., 1919-1925
Wambaugh, Sarah, 1920-1925, undated
BOX 19 Warnshuis, A. L. See also Container 32, Slavery
Not dated, 1924-1925
Feb.-May 1926
June 1926-1928
Waugh, R. D., 1922-1926
White, Gaylord S., 1924-1927
Wickersham, George W., 1924-1926
Williams, Curtis G., 1919-1921
Wilson, Edith Bolling, 1924
Wilson, George, 1920-1926
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