The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Nancy Pelosi papers, 1930-2012
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Correspondence, 1987-2012 (continued)
Reports and Logs, 2003-2011 (continued)
Reports and Logs, 2003-2011 (continued)
Assorted correspondence logs and reports maintained in various forms by Pelosi's office between 2003 and 2011. Material dating between 2008 and 2010 represent bimonthly reports compiled by staff summarizing incoming correspondence from notable actors, entertainers, world leaders, and personalities, and include mail from Barbra Streisand, Richard Gere, Bill Gates, and Tony Bennett, among others. In most cases, the original correspondence is attached to the report. The logs in this subseries are primarily digests of constituent and citizen correspondence dating between 2003 and 2006, though the file contains gaps in the dates. Listed in the logs are weekly counts by issue of pending form reply letters prepared in response to constituent and citizen communication. Researchers may wish to consult the Issue mail subseries to see the form replies referenced in the reports.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically therein.
BOX 193 Constituent logs
BOX 193 2003
BOX 194 2003-2008
(3 folders)
BOX 194 Incoming mail reports
BOX 194 2008, Jan.-Sept.
(7 folders)
BOX 195 2008, Oct.-2009, Oct.
(11 folders)
BOX 196 2009, Nov.-2010, Nov.
(6 folders)
BOX 196 Mail logs, 2010-2011
BOX 196 Outgoing logs, 2007, Nov.-Dec.
BOX 196-202 Thank You Letters, 1987-2010
Thank you notes and letters dating between 1987 and 2010. Primarily notes and letters sent to Nancy from a wide range of correspondents: top foreign and national government leaders, ambassadors, fellow members of Congress, Democratic party leaders, business leaders, California politicians, school students, constituents, and citizens.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 196 1987-1991
(5 folders)
BOX 197 1992-1995
(6 folders)
BOX 198 1996-1997
(7 folders)
BOX 199 1998-1999
(6 folders)
BOX 200 1999-2000
(5 folders)
BOX 201 2001-2009
(11 folders)
BOX 202 2010, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 202-203 White House, 1993-2000
Letters and thank you notes from the Clinton White House. Primarily letters from President Clinton to Pelosi, but the file also includes letters from First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and White House staff members.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 202 1993-1998
(7 folders)
BOX 203 1999-2000
(2 folders)
DF Digital Files, 1989-2013
Born-digital textual documents, image files, audio files, and video files, as well as scanned text and image files, arranged into two subseries. The General Files were copied from the Pelosi offices’ server and are independent of the paper files. Withdrawn Files are from digital storage media removed from paper files in the course of processing. A cross reference to the original location in the paper files is provided for each of the Withdrawn Files. Request files using the digital ID.
Arranged alphabetically by subseries: General Files and Withdrawn Files from the Paper Collection.
General Files, 1999-2013
Digital files copied from the Pelosi office's server. The bulk of the files relate to events, scheduling, press and communications, the House Democratic Caucus, and various issues. Files primarily consist of born digital textual documents, as well as image files, some audio files, and scanned text files and images. Schedules, memoranda, email, events, photographs, biographical information, talking points, planning files, background, research, clippings, press releases, media advisories, statements, mailers, clippings, transcripts, speeches, and interviews. Request files using the digital ID.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or subject.
Email, unprocessed and unavailable
Digital ID: mss85761_074_002_email
Digital ID: mss85761_074_003_email
Digital ID: mss85761_074_006_email
Digital ID: mss85761_074_012_email
Events and Scheduling
Forms, events, templates, 2003-2013
Digital ID: mss85761_074_010
Pelosi events, 2002-2005
Digital ID: mss85761_074_011
Legislative File
Graphics and general materials related to House Democratic Caucus agenda items including the “Innovation Agenda,” “New Partnership for America’s Future,” “A New Direction for America.”
Democratic agenda items, 2003-2013 See also mss85761_074_010
Digital ID: mss85761_074_008
Press and Communications
Press releases, media advisories, statements, mailers, clippings, transcripts, talking points, background research. Includes audio of floor statements, radio addresses, speeches, roundtables, and interviews. Many files are scans of textual documents dating from 1987 to 1999.
Press files, 2003-2010
Digital ID: mss85761_074_012
Scanned releases, 1999
Digital ID: mss85761_051_001
Issues File
Memoranda, talking points, planning files, background, research, and clippings related to Hurricane Katrina. Additional issues can be found throughout the staff files, most notably Dean Aguillen. (mss85761_074_002), Carlos Sanchez (mss85761_074_006), and Lori Pepper (mss85761_074_005).
Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Digital ID: mss85761_074_009
Staff Files
Aguillen, Dean, 2002-2007
Memoranda, talking points, planning files, new congressional membership information, and Hispanic issues.
Digital ID: mss85761_074_002
Lawrence, John A., 2004-2011
Staff schedules
Digital ID: mss85761_074_003
O’Neill, Catlin, 2003-2011
Photographs, correspondence, event planning, Pelosi biographical materials, and contact lists
Digital ID: mss85761_074_004
Pepper, Lori, 2010-2012
Policy background, research and reference, memoranda, contact lists, and agriculture, education, small business, and veterans issues.
Digital ID: mss85761_074_005
Sanchez, Carlos, 2008-2012
Media advisories, press releases, photographs, events, talking points, radio addresses, and Hispanic issues.
Digital ID: mss85761_074_006
Veitch, Alexandra, 2006
Speech file
Digital ID: mss85761_074_007
Withdrawn Files from the Paper Collection, 1989-2010
Primarily video and image files of Pelosi's participation in various events and matters of interest to Pelosi's constituents. Also includes reports and newsletters. Withdrawn files are from 3.5" floppy disks, 5.25" floppy disks, and optical disks removed from paper files in the course of processing. A cross reference to the original location in the paper files is provided for each file. Request files using the digital ID.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the digital storage media were removed.
Constituent File
Ernst & Young Real Transaction Estate Group, "Complete Appraisal of Real Property, Former Naval Station Treasure Island," 2007 (Container 88, Economic development conveyance)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_014
"Hetch Hetchy Water System: Legendary Past, Visionary Future," video file, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Pix N Stones Video Production, 2005 (Container 98, Restoration)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_012
"Finding the Way Back to Hetch Hetchy Valley" PowerPoint presentation by the Restore Hetch Hetchy group for Gerald Meral, 2005 Mar. 29 (Container 98, Restoration)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_013
Tribute to Jack Valenti video, 2007 (Container 104, "B")
Digital ID: mss85761_131_002
Unspecified event, image, 2007 Sept. 1 (Container 121, "P")
Digital ID: mss85761_131_001
Events and Scheduling
"From Liberation to the Pursuit of Justice," video files, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance ceremony, 2005 May 5 (Container 230, 2005, May 5, National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_022
Video files honoring Pelosi in her role as Speaker of the House, Emily's List, 2007 Mar. (Container 234, 2007, Jan.-Apr., general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_005 and mss85761_131_023
"A Conversation with Nancy Pelosi," video files, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, 2008 Aug. 4 (Container 237, 2008, Aug.-Sept., general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_026
"The 55th Presidential Inauguration and A Historical Look at Inaugurations," video file, part one of two disc set, Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, 2005 Jan. 20 (Container 239, 2009, Jan., Presidential Inauguration, general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_029
"President Reagan Inauguration," video files, Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, 1985 Jan. 21 (Container 239, 2009, Jan., Presidential Inauguration, general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_031
"So Help Me God," video file, part two of two disc set, Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, 2005 Jan. 20 (Container 239, 2009, Jan., Presidential Inauguration, general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_030
"Training Video for Escorts during Inauguration," Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, 2008 Dec. (Container 239, 2009, Jan., Presidential Inauguration, general)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_027
"A New Direction for America," images, House Democratic Caucus, 2006 Aug. (Container 268, General file)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_003
Legislative File
"US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District 2003 Congressional Project Activity," 2003 (Container 338, Background documents binder)
Digital ID: mss85761_131_015
"California Congressional Visit," US Army Corps of Engineers, FY 2005 (Container 346, Staff Binder: Lara Levison)
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