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Edward O. Wilson papers, 1931-2015

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General Correspondence, 1936-2015 (continued)
BOX 172 Wesson, Laurence G., 1975, 1992-1995
BOX 172 Wesson, Robert, 1989-1990
BOX 172 West-Eberhard, Mary Jane, 1970-1995, 2006
(2 folders)
BOX 172 Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, distinguished residents program, 1983
BOX 172 Weston, William H., 1973-1983
BOX 172 Wetterer, James K., 1987-1995, 2005
(2 folders)
BOX 172 Wetzel, Robert G., 1993-1994
BOX 172 Weygoldt, Peter, 1973
BOX 172 WGBH, public broadcasting, 1995
BOX 172 Wheeler, Adaline E., 1970-1974, 1984-1990
BOX 172 Wheeler, Diana, 1981-1994, 2006
(2 folders)
BOX 172 Wheeler, George C., 1970-1991
(2 folders)
BOX 172 White, Harrison C., 1973
BOX 172 Whittaker, Richard H., 1967-1979
BOX 172 Wilbert, Johannes, 1979-1980
BOX 172 Wickler, Wolfgang, 1972-1973
BOX 172 Wilcox, Edward T., 1977-1980
BOX 173 Wilderness Society, 1984-1992
(2 folders)
BOX 173 Wildlife Conservation International, 1990-1993
BOX 173 Wildlife Society, 1993
BOX 173 Wildscreen, Christopher Parsons, 1994-2003
BOX 173 Wiley, Edward Orlando, 1986-1987
BOX 173 Wiley and Sons Publishers, 1956-1974, 1993-1994
BOX 173 Willey, Robert B., 1953, 1970-1977
BOX 173 William C. Brown Communications, 1993
BOX 173 Williams, Carroll Milton, 1965-1996
(3 folders)
BOX 173 Williams, Earnest E., 1973-1990
BOX 173 Williams, George C., 1976, 1985-1993
BOX 173 Williams, Ralph B., 1976-1977
BOX 173 Willis, Edwin O., 1974
BOX 173 Wilmsen, Edwin N., 1969, 1976
BOX 173 Wilson, Allan C., 1975-1978
BOX 173 Wilson, David Sloan, 1973-1992, 2007
(2 folders)
BOX 173 Wilson Quarterly, 1977-1979, 2007
BOX 173 Wind, Jan, 1972-1995
BOX 173 Windfall Films, David Dugan, 2005-2007
BOX 173 Wing, Merle Wesley, 1949-1951, 1967
BOX 174 Wirth, Timothy E., 1990-1995
BOX 174 Wispé, Lauren, 1976-1982
BOX 174 Wolfenden, Glenn E., 1973-1975
BOX 174 Woodley, Norman E., 1975-1984
BOX 174 Woodruff, David S., 1968-1993, 2006
(3 folders)
BOX 174 Woodruff, Robert Eugene, 1969-1987, 1996
BOX 174 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, Mass., 1972
BOX 174 Woodwell, George M., 1969, 1977-1990
BOX 174 Woollacot, Robert M., 1977-1994, 2005
BOX 174 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 1999, 2008-2009
BOX 174 World of Wonder show, Discovery channel, 1995
BOX 174 World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C., 1991-1992
BOX 174 World Wildlife Fund, 1984-1995, 2002-2005
(4 folders)
BOX 174 Worldwide Dragonfly Association, 1999-2006
BOX 174 Worth Publishing Inc., 1966-1969, 1986, 2006
BOX 174 "X" general, 1988-1991
BOX 175 Xerces Society, 1976-1995, 2004
(3 folders)
BOX 175 "Y" general, 1963-2007
(5 folders)
BOX 175 Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1975-1976, 1986-1992
BOX 175 Yamauchi, K., 1967
BOX 175 Yarrow, I. H. H., 1954-1959, 1969
BOX 175 Yasumatsu, Keizo, 1952-1972, 1983
BOX 175 Yoshihawa, Kimio, 1963-1967, 1975
BOX 175 Young, Allen M., 1971-1977, 1986-1993
BOX 175 "Z" general, 1959, 1970-1995, 2005
BOX 175 (2 folders)
BOX 176 (2 folders)
BOX 176 Zakharov, Anatoly A., 1981-1993
BOX 176 Zero Population Growth, Inc., 1969-1971, 1991
BOX 176 Zhang, Boshun, 1986-1993
BOX 176 Ziebach, William, 1950-1958
BOX 176 Zimmerman, Elwood Curtin, 1958-1964, 1977-1978
BOX 176 Zimmerman, William Frederick, 1975-1981, 1988
BOX 176 Zinn, Donald Joseph, 1971-1975, 1982
BOX 176 Zippo, Ida, 1985-1986
BOX 176 Zoological Society of London, 1992-1995
BOX 176 Zygon journal, 1979-1991
BOX 176 Unidentified, 1978, 1991, 2006, undated
BOX 177-189 Subject File, 1932-2003
Material principally relating to Wilson’s entomological research and curatorship of the Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology’s entomology collection, his defense of sociobiology, and his teaching career at Harvard University. Wilson’s research on ants is documented through field notes and other notebooks, lists of entomological terms invented by him and genera and species named for him, and a large file of National Science Foundation grant applications. Comprising a significant portion of the series is a file created by Wilson’s staff that documents controversies surrounding Wilson’s writings on sociobiology through correspondence, memoranda, articles, editorials, letters to editors, reviews, conference and discussion papers, interviews, course material, notes, flyers, posters, and news clippings. Most of this material dates from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. The file focuses on opposition to sociobiology by critics inside and outside academia as well as its defense by Wilson and other leading proponents. The remainder of the series consists of teaching and academic files. Included are academic appointments, committee files, historical materials on the Biology Department and Museum of Comparative Zoology, and course materials consisting of syllabi, reading lists, lecture notes, and examinations. Additional material concerning Wilson’s academic career at Harvard can be found in the General Correspondence series.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 177 Agriculture Department, applications and permits to move live plant pests, 1954-1998
(5 folders)
BOX 177 Biogeography, graphic material, 1962
BOX 177 Entomology thesaurus, terms invented by Wilson, undated
BOX 177 Evolutionary biologists, chart by Wilson, 2003
BOX 177 Field notes and other notebooks
BOX 177 Ant catalog, 1946-circa 1952
BOX 177 Early ant collection records, Myrmicinae, circa late 1940s-early 1950s
BOX 177 Field and laboratory notes, 1955-1959 [1958-1959?]
BOX 178 Field notes, 1946-1949
BOX 178 Field notes, 1955
BOX 178 Field notes, 1957
BOX 178 Field notes, 1965-1966, 1981
BOX 178 Field notes, Gigantiops and Daceton, 1961
BOX 178 Field notes, Prionopelta, 1985
BOX 178 Notes from Florida Keys, island biogeography studies, 1966-1969
BOX 178 Visit to European museums, 1955
BOX 178 Fire ant records, notes and newspaper accounts, 1948-1956
BOX 178 (3 folders)
BOX 179 (2 folders)
BOX 179 Genera and species named after Wilson, 2002
BOX 179 Membership lists for professional associations on the study of social insects, animal behavior and sociobiology, and entomology, 1960-1967, 1985
BOX 179 National Science Foundation grant applications
BOX 179 1963-1977
(5 folders)
BOX 180 1978-1984
(3 folders)
BOX 180 Select clippings, articles, and statements, largely about sociobiology, 1973-1994
(4 folders)
BOX 180 Sociobiology file
BOX 180 Addresses and lectures by Wilson, press coverage, 1974-1980
BOX 180 Advertising, references in, undated
BOX 180 Anthropology, 1977-1981
BOX 181 Articles about Wilson in general, 1974-1981
BOX 181 Committee Against Racism, 1973-1982
BOX 181 Conferences and meetings
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