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Edward O. Wilson papers, 1931-2015

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Speaking Engagements, 1969-2008 (continued)
BOX 189 Nov., American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
BOX 189 1977, miscellaneous
BOX 189 1978
BOX 189 Sept., Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch, fiftieth anniversary meeting, New York, N.Y.
BOX 189 Oct.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 189 Nov., Harris Lectures, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
BOX 189 1979
BOX 189 Mar., Tanner Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. See also Container OV 2, Event poster
BOX 190 Apr.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 190 1980
BOX 190 Jan.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 190 Apr., commencement address, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
BOX 190 July, Key Lecture, American Genetics Association, Woods Hole, Mass.
BOX 190 [Month?], Aharon Katzir-Katschalsky Lecture, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
BOX 190 1981
BOX 190 Mar.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 190 May
BOX 190 American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, La.
BOX 190 Council on Foundations meeting, Philadelphia, Pa.
BOX 190 1982
BOX 190 Feb.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 190 Feb.-Mar., Tarner Lectures, Trinity College, University of Cambridge; Deneke Lecture, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford; British Broadcasting Corp. discussion on Genes, Mind, and Culture
(2 folders)
BOX 190 May
BOX 190 American Psychoanalytic Association annual meeting, Boston, Mass.
BOX 190 Darwin Centennial Symposium, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 190 June, commencement address, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
BOX 190 June-July, Darwin Centenary Conference, Darwin College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
BOX 190 Sept., Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future, Washington, D.C.
BOX 190 Oct.
BOX 190 "Behavioral Biology: Genes, Action, Society," fiftieth anniversary, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 190 Nobel Conference XVIII, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minn.
BOX 190 1983
BOX 190 Feb.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 191 Oct., Karl Von Frisch Memorial Symposium, Experimental Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Germany
BOX 191 1984
BOX 191 Feb.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 191 Mar., opening ceremony, Julian Huxley Archive, Rice University, Houston, Tex. See also Container OV 2, Event poster
BOX 191 Oct., Rosenstadt Lecture Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, includdes protest flyers
BOX 191 1985, Feb.-Nov., miscellaneous
BOX 191 1986
BOX 191 Apr.-Nov., miscellaneous
BOX 191 May, Man & Beast Revisited Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, Front Royal, Va.
BOX 191 Sept.
BOX 191 Conference on Religion and Science, Committee on Human Values, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C.
BOX 191 National Teleconference on BioDiversity, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
BOX 191 Nov., Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home premiere, Chestnut Hill, Mass.
BOX 191 1986-1987, Systematics Workshop and working group meetings
BOX 191 Apr.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 191 May, National Zoological Park Medal for Outstanding Services to Zoological Sciences and Conservation, Washington, D.C.
BOX 191 Nov., conversation between B. F. Skinner and Wilson on behaviorism and sociobiology, recorded in Skinner's office, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 191 Nov.-Dec., Entomological Society of America annual meeting, Boston, Mass.
BOX 192 1988
BOX 192 Jan.-Nov., miscellaneous
BOX 192 Apr., Lionel Trilling Seminar, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
BOX 192 Aug., Centennial Lecture, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.
BOX 192 Sept., event honoring Caryl P. Haskins, Washington, D.C.
BOX 192 1989
BOX 192 Feb.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 192 Sept.
BOX 192 Entomological Society of America Centennial National Symposium, Washington, D.C.
BOX 192 Harvard Forest, Petersham, Mass.
BOX 192 Oct., Illinois State Academy of Science, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 192 1990
BOX 192 Jan.-Nov., miscellaneous See also Container OV 2, Event poster
(2 folders)
BOX 192 Sept., Crafoord Prize, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden
(2 folders)
BOX 192 Oct., Roger R. Revelle Medal, San Diego Society of Natural History, San Diego, Calif.
BOX 192 1991
BOX 192 Jan.-Dec., miscellaneous See also Container OV 2, Event poster
BOX 193 Apr., American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 193 June, taping of Christmas Lecture Series, William Benton Broadcast Project, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 193 Aug., First European Congress on Social Insects, Leuven, Belgium
BOX 193 Oct., Installation Day, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 193 1992
BOX 193 Jan.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 193 Mar., Earthwatch annual meeting, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 193 Apr., President's Commission on Environmental Quality, Washington, D.C.
BOX 193 May, symposium in honor of William L. Brown, Jr., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
BOX 193 Aug., Biophilia Hypothesis: Empirical and Theoretical Investigations, Woods Hole, Mass.
BOX 193 Oct., New York Botanical Garden, New York, N.Y.
BOX 193 1993
BOX 193 Jan.-Nov., miscellaneous
BOX 193 Apr., Evolution: The Central Paradigm of Science Celebration, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.
BOX 193 July, Biodiversity: Science, Public Opinion and Policy Forum, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
BOX 193 Nov.
BOX 193 Henry Shaw Medal, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo.
BOX 193 International Prize for Biology, Tokyo, Japan
BOX 193 1994
BOX 193 Mar., University of Alabama, Birmingham and Tuscaloosa, Ala.
BOX 193 May-Dec., miscellaneous See also Digital Files, mss78062_132_017
BOX 193 Oct., History of Science Society annual meeting, New Orleans, La.
BOX 193 Nov., National Association of Scholars convention, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 194 1995
BOX 194 Jan.-Oct., miscellaneous
BOX 194 Mar., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
BOX 194 Apr., University of Alabama Libraries, two-millionth volume, The Naturalist, Birmingham, Ala.
BOX 194 May, David S. Ingalls, Jr., Award for Excellence, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio
BOX 194 Dec., Audubon Medal dinner, National Audubon Society, New York, N.Y.
BOX 194 1996
BOX 194 Mar.-Nov., miscellaneous
BOX 194 Mar., Adelphi University Centennial Symposium, Garden City, N.Y.
BOX 194 Apr., Literary Lights Dinner, Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.
BOX 194 June, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, keynote address
BOX 194 Aug., XX International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy
BOX 194 Sept., College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio
BOX 194 1997
BOX 194 Mar.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 194 Apr. and June, Roger Tory Peterson Lecture, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., and American Society of Naturalists meeting
BOX 194 May, William L. Brown, Jr., memorial service, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
BOX 194 1998
BOX 194 Feb.-Dec., miscellaneous
BOX 194 Feb. and Aug., Consilience lectures
BOX 194 Mar., Ireland Distinguished Visiting Scholar Award Lecture, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala.
BOX 195 May, "On Why I Wrote Consilience"
BOX 195 June
BOX 195 Phi Beta Kappa oration, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX 195 Thoreau Institute opening, Lincoln, Mass.
BOX 195 Aug., Alabama Academy of Honor installation ceremony, Montgomery, Ala.
BOX 195 Oct., German book tour for Consilience
(2 folders)
BOX 195 Dec., Watson Lecture, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 195 1999
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